
Dec 20, 2016
Hey guys, I don't know if this exact way of thinking has been discussed lately but it seems that people aren't doing it so I'd like to bring it to light.

It seems that when we talk about girth gains, we tend to talk about stretching the tunica. However, Im starting to think there might be a better way. Many of you are probably familiar with the medical literature on the first "penis reduction surgery". If you aren't familiar with it, to sum it up for ya: a 17 year old suffered a couple episodes of priapism and developed a functional megalophallus nearly the size of a football. Sex was impossible for him because of the size, so he got a penis reduction surgery. The penis was fully functional though despite its size. Just too big for penetration into a vagina.

NOW, the interesting part to me is this.. the doctors of that surgery said in the article that the penis had massive amounts of HEALTHY, FIBROUS BLEEDING tissue and smooth muscle. It was not just an overly stretched tunica that could hold more blood. It was actually new tissue growth that resulted from hypoxia (reduced blood oxygen). It's also important to note that his penis grew to this insane size FOLLOWING the priapism, not during.

We know that hypoxia results in growth of collagen and smooth muscle. So why are we not more focused on cutting off blood oxygen more often (for short periods) with the goal of stimulating hypoxic growth of new tissue?

Maybe something along the lines of tying off an erection until the penis turns purple and then releasing for a few minutes and repeating this several times per session to stimulate tissue growth? Any thoughts on this??

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well sounds a bit too extreme,i tried a similar method but i was doing it while the penis was flaccid i tied a bandage around the glans and tied the other side of the bandage around my ankle,everytime id walk the peniswas getting stretch,didnt get gains at all LOL.

Doing it erect can be a bit better and give different results..would be great if the method you want to try gives you permanent gains...That would be a great change and Could help us all to get quicker gains!
2slow;726257 said:
I wont let my soldier turn purple. But hey try it and let us know if it worked. And take before and after pics so we know it really worked. Maybe mark your soldier with a marker with a number 1 then matk it again with a number 2 so we know its yours.😉

haha the penis turning purple, that would be a quite bizarre situation:p
LONGERDICK7+;726259 said:
haha the penis turning purple, that would be a quite bizarre situation:p

Well if you've ever clamped, then you know that turning purple is easy to do after 10 or 15 minutes. But most people take the clamp off ASAP when this starts to happen. Just wondering if we could leave it on for another few minutes and embrace the low oxygen lol. Maybe do that 5 times per session.

It appears that hypoxia resleases certain growth factors. Googled it this morning (hypoxia) and it definitely seems like this could be the key to tissue growth.
Could be interesting to try that, if that works a new method can be added to the list
Xxxi;726255 said:
Hey guys, I don't know if this exact way of thinking has been discussed lately but it seems that people aren't doing it so I'd like to bring it to light.

It seems that when we talk about girth gains, we tend to talk about stretching the tunica. However, Im starting to think there might be a better way. Many of you are probably familiar with the medical literature on the first "penis reduction surgery". If you aren't familiar with it, to sum it up for ya: a 17 year old suffered a couple episodes of priapism and developed a functional megalophallus nearly the size of a football. Sex was impossible for him because of the size, so he got a penis reduction surgery. The penis was fully functional though despite its size. Just too big for penetration into a vagina.

NOW, the interesting part to me is this.. the doctors of that surgery said in the article that the penis had massive amounts of HEALTHY, FIBROUS BLEEDING tissue and smooth muscle. It was not just an overly stretched tunica that could hold more blood. It was actually new tissue growth that resulted from hypoxia (reduced blood oxygen). It's also important to note that his penis grew to this insane size FOLLOWING the priapism, not during.

We know that hypoxia results in growth of collagen and smooth muscle. So why are we not more focused on cutting off blood oxygen more often (for short periods) with the goal of stimulating hypoxic growth of new tissue?

Maybe something along the lines of tying off an erection until the penis turns purple and then releasing for a few minutes and repeating this several times per session to stimulate tissue growth? Any thoughts on this??


Many have tried this including myself and it is a tough one to stick with. I attempted it by forces priapism through VIAGRA. I could get up to 3-4 hours of an erection but it got so hard to maintain I stopped. Many other guys have tried the same. If someone was able to actually stick with a plan it would definitely cause similar growth, but most men can barely hold an erection for a half hour. Please, give it a go, see where you end up.
I appreciate the experienced feedback DLD. I think there might be a difference though between a prolonged erection from viagra or Pge1 or edging Versus hypoxia. When you have a priapism, it doesn't necessarily mean that oxygen levels drop. Different situations cause different types of priapism with different amounts of blood flow / oxygen suppression. Maybe your viagra priapisms still allowed enough flow in and out to keep oxygen levels up and not hypoxia.

The medical operation I referred to said that the hypoxia was the cause of the tissue growth. So instead of chasing a long erection/priapism (which very well may not cause hypoxia), I'm going to try short periods of complete hypoxia. Meaning, tying the penis soo tight at the base that zero new blood gets in. I think that is the type of oxygen starvation that results in growth factors being released.

Just thinking out loud. Going to try some experimenting tonite.
I got the best results from clamping 15-20 minute sets, 2-3 sets a day, 4-5 days a week. Best girth gain in a month was 1/4". I think that's great and any man should be happy with a gain like that in a months time.
I understand the appeal of big gains from simulating, or trying to simulate a priapism. However, the potential for injury, or causing some other damage that could cause erection problems outweigh the potential for gains. Examples do indeed exist in medical literature of functional megallophallus. Just as many examples also exist of non functional. Also, what color is worth the size? A permanently bruised up penis? I'd rather suggest a guy follows the examples those of us with 16+ years of experience have already laid out.

Don't try to blaze some new path based on one example that you likely cannot safely reproduce.
stillwantmore2;726275 said:
I got the best results from clamping 15-20 minute sets, 2-3 sets a day, 4-5 days a week. Best girth gain in a month was 1/4". I think that's great and any man should be happy with a gain like that in a months time.
I understand the appeal of big gains from simulating, or trying to simulate a priapism. However, the potential for injury, or causing some other damage that could cause erection problems outweigh the potential for gains. Examples do indeed exist in medical literature of functional megallophallus. Just as many examples also exist of non functional. Also, what color is worth the size? A permanently bruised up penis? I'd rather suggest a guy follows the examples those of us with 16+ years of experience have already laid out.

Don't try to blaze some new path based on one example that you likely cannot safely reproduce.

That's incredible gain bro! My question is though, are you 100% sure that none of your clamping gains were due to hypoxia induced new-tissue growth? Clamping itself can definitely cut off blood flow and therefore deprive oxygen. I'm wondering if the cumulative effect of all your 15-20min sessions of oxygen deprivation could have triggered growth of new fibrous tissue. What do you think?
No, proper clamping allows blood flow in and out. It's just restricted and under greater pressure than other techniques can produce. See my clamping vids for example.
Would you mind sharing the article you read those details from? I'm vaguely familiar with the case but I was under the impression his priapism was non-ischemic. Did you read the case study for it or was it from an online news article?
Please read it and let me know what You think bro. All that growth from only 3 priapisms. And all the growth was smooth muscle and collagen!
Let's not forget another complexity often in the "mix" in these cases, sickle cell anemia.
stillwantmore2;726327 said:
Let's not forget another complexity often in the "mix" in these cases, sickle cell anemia.

Something that only pertains to African Americans (mostly) minority being Middle Easterners and Mediterranean men. It is important to know that mega-phallus does occur in some cases due to priapism but in most of those case the penis renders useless and impotent. The chances of mega-phallus and having it work correctly are low. A good case of SCA is __________ or Tony Duncan, the latter worse.
My issue with that article is that it's not primary and on the news front which means that the medical details may not be accurate. It appears that the author was using a baseline definition of priapism when they wrote about the lack of oxygen. Priapism is a little more complicated than people give it credit for, especially when sickled RBCs are brought into the mix. It's more likely a combination of acute hypoxic conditions with pressure deformation. This I can't confidently say. I don't have access to the case study but I can direct you to where it's found. I can also get you access to a short video with a few surgery details (graphic). This may shine a little more light on the case. If anything, it will at least help us learn more about this. I'm no expert on priapism but from my knowledge, the tissue that they were working with didn't appear to have any hypoxic features. Finding information on his 3 episodes would be beneficial to identifying the type of priapism he experienced as well.

I see alot of guys mentioning something along the lines of priapism for growth and maybe one day someone (maybe one of the guys reading this thread) will figure out a safe way to induce growth from it. That being said, priapism is definitely not a playing matter as many will tell you, it's a significant chance to do permanent damage. I suppose that can be my disclaimer lol.
LONGERDICK7+;726395 said:
SCA can be more like a curse than a blessing....

Considering when sca is actually beneficial vs the issues it causes as a disease, I don't think any affected would consider it a blessing to be honest. Plus the part of interest to this thread (priapism) doesn't occur very frequently either, only in about 4% of cases under 18 and 42% over 18 (including functional and non functional).
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LONGERDICK7+;726395 said:
SCA can be more like a curse than a blessing....

Very much so. In many cases the penis is rendered useless. In very few cases, extremely rare conditions a man with SCA will benefit from it but this is like a white crow.
doublelongdaddy;726430 said:
Very much so. In many cases the penis is rendered useless. In very few cases, extremely rare conditions a man with SCA will benefit from it but this is like a white crow.

Really bad situation..Lets stick to our PE routines get the best out of that.Experimenting and looking for the perfect routine can be an excruciating task...What are the devices for..then:)
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