discolor/beauty Laser for Discoloration? And DMSO


Apr 30, 2010
Posted by hobby on �other PE site�:

"Opinions seem to vary about the permanency of this pigmentation. It may or may not clear up on its own, but if it does it will take a long time - many months. Laser treatment was effective for eliminating skin discoloration caused by iron injections. There is a pdf file about this at www.laserklinik.de/veroeff/LSMIron.pdf"

So, I remember a user called Regular White Guy (I think that was his name) on �other forum� saying one time that he was getting laser hair removal on his shaft. He said they hit one spot and he had excruciating pain, but later on the skin in that area turned 100% back to it’s normal colours (there may have been some peeling involved).

I’m assuming that the laser destroyed whatever component of the skin cells that were causing discolouration.

I remember reading that many years ago and it has stuck with me since then. I’ve since considered buying a laser hair removal kit from amazon and trying it myself.

I am highly considering buying this thing:


There are many of these, but Braun is a brand name I recognize and it has very good reviews. Only thing is that it uses IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) which is not a laser. Which doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t work for skin discolouration however.

Some info on IPL:


So I know this whole thing sounds crazy… using this on my cock for discolouration, but I like the idea of a one time treatment which goes to the root of the issue. Also, I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this, but I’ve done skin peeling treatments on my cock for discolouration, and I’m pretty sure they’ve cause some hair growth on parts of my shaft. Very annoying. So part of the reason I want to try this is for that as well.

If anyone has any input before I buy this that would be great.

Also some people here have mentioned DMSO. Another guy on �other forum� claims that DMSO with pure vitamin C works as vitamin C chelates iron and therefor removes the cause of disclouration. While vitamin C does chelate iron this occurs in the intenstines and I'm not sure whether it would have the same effect dissolved in DMSO.
Look up
FilmFreak and Apple Cider Vinegar in the Discoloration forum. You will find methods that truly work with proof.
Done filmfreak's thing... no effect. Tried a couple retin-A creams and Amlactin stuff. Also done peels like he has done which definitely work, but they're not perfect, and I find discolouration comes back much more easily after doing a peel.

I tried apple cider vinegar in the past briefly with no real effect. I don't think it's anywhere close to strong enough for me. But maybe I could try it for a little longer and see what happens.
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ACV not strong enough? Heck, I can feel some burn without diluting it. I'm using always the stuff "with the mother", Bragg is one of the brands to carry that stuff.
If nothing else, it's good stuff to have around, great for sore throat and other things. The list is long with the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar.

I wouldn't spend money on the IPL. OK, if you can just splurge and "throw money away", go ahead. Otherwise I'd save up and get the real deal. Safest it is to have it done on a clinic, but that is likely very expensive. Then again, the home laser you might find (not IPL), will probably set one back in the range of 200-500 USD at lowest, I recall there were some companies or products that were in that range.
And of course one's skin color does matter in this whole laser business (as well in IPL), dark hairs on pale skin can be removed almost 100%. White hairs, pale skin, not so much luck. And darker skin and dark hair, no go on most devices to my understanding.
Of course there are few products on the market that will cater more skin and hair variations, but likely it is those run in over 1K USD, likely in 5-10K range. (Just a rough "questimate.")

All in all, I wish you the best in which ever route you will choose! Really sad to hear the ACV didn't work so well, but it's the inexpensive way to try again.
Most changes do take time and patience, so as you said, maybe try it for a longer time.
If you choose to try the IPL, do a report! Perhaps see for savings or discounts in your local stores. Sometimes I've seen IPL's for a lot less than that almost 300 USD and the brand hasn't been that bad, looked like decent "tools." Perhaps not Braun but Philips (Norelco I guess in the States) and such.
Hey arkailija... thanks for your reply.

I may not have given ACV long enough time to work so I may try it again. However I've done TCA peels which haven't gotten rid of all the discolouration and which are WAY stronger than ACV, so that's partly why I'm not counting on ACV. I think next thing I would try is DMSO if anything.

So I actually ended up buying a used IPL unit from ebay... same one I linked to from amazon. Like I said I do have some unwanted hair growth on my shaft so at the least it will work for that without having to have multiple embarrassing sessions at a clinic. At best it will work very well for the discoloration as well. If not then I'll go with DMSO or ACV.
Mick09;751995 said:
Hey arkailija... thanks for your reply.

I may not have given ACV long enough time to work so I may try it again. However I've done TCA peels which haven't gotten rid of all the discolouration and which are WAY stronger than ACV, so that's partly why I'm not counting on ACV. I think next thing I would try is DMSO if anything.

So I actually ended up buying a used IPL unit from ebay... same one I linked to from amazon. Like I said I do have some unwanted hair growth on my shaft so at the least it will work for that without having to have multiple embarrassing sessions at a clinic. At best it will work very well for the discoloration as well. If not then I'll go with DMSO or ACV.

Great to hear! I hope the IPL does help, with the hairs and also the discoloration. TCA peels surely are stronger than ACV. DMSO and Vitamin C, as you mentioned, could work well.

Best of success to you, be a pal and report how it goes! I know hair removal takes time, as in the results might come in in intervals. I recall the laser or IPL destroying the root and that the hairs affected will fall off within time, perhaps not during the session.
I might suggest some Emla or something that dulls the pain, I surely don't know how laser or IPL feels on personal parts, but I think not possibly very pleasant ...
I will definitely report back on it. I have a pretty high pain tolerance so I'm not too worried about it. However if it's also targeting darkened skin then that might be a little more painful. Will hopefully get this and try it out within the next couple weeks.
Very dangerous if left on too long but has anyone tried Alpha-Hydroxy? I used this on my face when I had terrible scaring from acne and it worked very well. Maybe I will try it first so I now if it is too dangerous for the Brotherhood.
Many people (including me) have done trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peels and have been ok. I'm not sure if alpha hydroxy is more intense than those, but I doubt it. They're painful as hell and have a level of danger for sure, but I've come out ok at least.
Mick09;752207 said:
Many people (including me) have done trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peels and have been ok. I'm not sure if alpha hydroxy is more intense than those, but I doubt it. They're painful as hell and have a level of danger for sure, but I've come out ok at least.

It was very powerful on my face when I used it, it literally peals away layers of skin. It was pretty painful on my face which means it will be so much more painful on the dick....Try a small area first if trying.
Mick09;752047 said:
I will definitely report back on it. I have a pretty high pain tolerance so I'm not too worried about it. However if it's also targeting darkened skin then that might be a little more painful. Will hopefully get this and try it out within the next couple weeks.

Also try a 99.9% pure grade of DMSO combined with Aloe. Use a 70% DMSO, 30% Aloe formula. Not only will it heal and restore the skin but it is also a great preventative therapy. It's amazing how quickly it works. It makes red dots virtually disappear before your eyes. It will eliminate fluid retention and inflammation as well.
Hey Randolpho. Cool that's good to know. Actually that's exactly what I was going to buy... 70% DMSO with aloe gel.

I'm not particularly looking for help with red spots... it's more for dark crap ingrained in my skin from lots of clamping etc. I'm hoping it works for that.
hey Mick, please let me know how the DMSO aloe gel works out for u

i too have dark discoloration around the middle of my shaft like u describe. it's mostly from being circ'ed, which is a huge crime for many reasons imo, and also from pumping a lot
Will do. Gonna try the laser first when I get it. Hopefully in the next couple weeks. If that doesn't work I'll get the DMSO.
Wow, let us know how the laser goes! Be careful.
Yup I will do a test patch first. Should be here before Friday I'm hoping.
Mick09;752425 said:
Yup I will do a test patch first. Should be here before Friday I'm hoping.

Awesome! I am so happy you are trying. I can almost guaranty this will work as it worked on my face. Not sure why I never advised until now. Anyway, be careful and thank you so much for the experimentation. Take pictures of yourself before and after even if you do not want to show, do it for your own proof.
I will. Discolouration has gotten pretty bad so before and after would be good. Laser just came in today. Will do a test patch tomorrow.

So you used laser on your face for darker skin or for hair removal? Do you know what type of laser it was?
Mick09;752573 said:
I will. Discolouration has gotten pretty bad so before and after would be good. Laser just came in today. Will do a test patch tomorrow.

So you used laser on your face for darker skin or for hair removal? Do you know what type of laser it was?

Please take pictures! Please!
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