
Jun 11, 2010
I have online access and have trained on and off for a few months. But I just moved out if home so now I have the privacy to train consistently.

For phase 1 it says to train length in the morning and girth at night. But I work out in the morning and don't have time to train before work. Any recommendations on how to structure the newbie routine around this?

Also, SRT seems to be the way to go. But I read a lot that as a beginner you need to get used to the exercises and training. Is it safe to assume I should complete the newbie routine before trying anything more complicated?

I also want to buy either SG or a pump (granted not right away). Which one would be better after I finish the newbie routine in 6-8 weeks.

I to work out, Id consider waking up earlier, I'm usually up at 5:30am on college days but I also meditate for at least hour :) Do what works best for you, trial and error is key. Me, I started the newbie routine last week, I also keep my SG/ACE/cock ring bandage on when i'm not doing a formal workout for me penis and my penis is like a road map right now lol veiny as fuck, im also always hanging, never turtled up. As for which instrument it depends on what your aiming for the most(SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender=Length or pump=Girth) The SG is a good active healing tool so I would personally get that :) Hope this has helped, if you have any more questions be sure to PM me. Be consistent brother.

So it seems that even while conditioning during the newbie routine, it'll be a good idea to actively heal through the use of ACE bandages and/or rings. Is this correct?

If so, how do I incorporate them into the healing process?
skeeter810;573792 said:

So it seems that even while conditioning during the newbie routine, it'll be a good idea to actively heal through the use of ACE bandages and/or rings. Is this correct?

If so, how do I incorporate them into the healing process?


2- After you finish your length session- just put on the ADS, Extender and let your penis have its active healing (as I call it). Same goes for girth, but you put on a ring :)
Thanks Zam,

Where can I get both? Also, how do I use then properly (I'm sure there is a thread explains somewhere)

And now that I'm finally starting the journey I decided to keep a paper journal to document everything I learn/feel etc. It seems this is one of the best ways to stay true to the process and not lose hope.

Thanks again,
Well, you can shop and find them online. I mean- the extender you can find from the sites (depends on what extender you actually want to purchase) and the ADS (there are lots of ADS you can buy, but I've been recommended the auto xsleeve) I think if you "google" it you can find their main site and order it.

I started documenting and writing down everything I learn as well LMAO.

Well, how do you use them properly- depends on what products you will purchase. Every extender and ADS has different approach. Depends on what you actually want. :) If you have something you dn't understand and need help with do not hesitate to ask :)
I guess my biggest question is wearing it; but in the sense of when I'm at work. Can you use auto xsleeve at work? And if I do my girth workout at night, how long should I wear the ring?
You can wear the xsleeve anywhere :) Until your erection kind of calms down then whack the ADS/Extender on for more hours :) An ADS would be perfect for bed. Just try not to turtle up man :)
hellomynames;574004 said:
You can wear the xsleeve anywhere :) Until your erection kind of calms down then whack the ADS/Extender on for more hours :) An ADS would be perfect for bed. Just try not to turtle up man :)

Great answer! :)
Thanks for all the help.

I have decided I'm going to make a progress thread, starting Monday. I feel the best way in life and especially Penis Enlargement to keep consistent and motivated is to hold yourself accountable for your actions and goals - I feel a progress thread will allow me to do that.

By posting everyday, even if it's just what I did for the day, will force me to be consistent for the training period.

I used this week to test out my routine within my day and found that it works great.

I do length in the morning and girth in the early evening.

Length (newbie routine):
3 sets of 30 second stretches - up, down, left, and right. With cranks after each set.

Also during the day at work: when ever I go to the bathroom I will do 25 cranks - the next time 20 - then 15, etc.

Kegel routine: once in the morning before lunch and again before I leave work - 100 quick squeezes, 50 (5 second holds), 1 hold as long as I can (at 10-15 seconds now, I want to get to 60 in a few weeks)

Girth: 10-15 minutes of wet jelq with Vaseline after the gym.

I like it because it breaks everything up and it's easy to time and don't have to worry about missing or forgetting. Please let me know if it needs changing, but I'm just following the newbie routine/Phase 1.

I am going to do it for 2-3 weeks then but the xleeve for ADS during work and a c-ring for pump after girth until bed.

Goals and plan:

So I measure myself yesterday and it came out to 5.25x4 NBPenis EnlargementL. I know from previews tries that I'm a tad bigger but my EQ was maybe an 8. I just wanted to get a general basis for the start. I am going to measure BPenis EnlargementL from now on just because I think I'll be able to be more consistent with the meausring.

I know I'm smaller but haven't ever had a problem getting girls or anything. And I know I want to be bigger for them, but if I keep the mentality that it's for me and my confidence it'll make it easier to stay motivated. If nothing else to have a healthier penis.

So my plan is to do this 5 days on 2 off. I just got a temp job for 3 months so I'm going to make a 3 month plan and see how well this works at the end of it. Just like SRT theory states, I am going to work on Penis Enlargement and overall health.

So besides Penis Enlargement gains I also will be trying to lose 7-8 pounds in this time period. I'm 5'10" 189lbs with ~15% body fat. So I'm in good shape just trying to get down to ~10% bf which I think will happen if I hit 180lbs.

My long term goals are: 6.5 x 5.5
Is this realistic in let's say a year?

So I'm going to make a short term goal - which is a 3 month goal. I am going to aim for: 1/4" length and 1/4" in girth by April. Is this possible or to lofty?

If you've made it this far, thanks for sticking with me. I tried to organize this as best as possible, but I wrote it on my phone so who the fuck knows.

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