
Nov 19, 2012
So I came to this forum by way of reading divocup reviews. I have yet to even start a routine but am thinking that today will be my first day and I'll go from there. My goals are to gain about 2 inches in length and improve my girth. I haven't done any measurements but I will do that later today and add them.. anyways my questions are..

1. will doing the basic stretches and jelqing plus a divocup/sock combo all day be enough for any gains in both length and girth? Should I be doing more at first or work my way up?

2. Are divocups/socks the really that good? His site is very convincing.. I have always been a bit of a grower and want to be more of a show-er..

3. Any other advice would be awesome. I've been lurking here for a little while and really enjoy the positivity and community here.

Thanks in advance..
Another question. Should I start off using an ADS? I work at a desk 8 hours a day and could use it no problem...

I'm trying to be discrete about this, as in I don't even want my gf to know what I'm up to, so yea I'm considering the SizeGenetics, simply because the offer here is too good to refuse. But I'm unsure if diving straight into an ADS is safe or effective??
I can't comment on the divo suit thingymajig since i dont have one, but i do wear a extender while I'm at work all day. My suggestion to you is to get the hang of it for a week or two before you go rogbt to work woth it. I have found there is a learning curve when trying to get the extender to fit each individual properly. I have been using it now for atleast 6 months and still have to readjust few times throughout the day. Just make sure you can find a happy middle between too tight and too loose cause you dont want it falling off when you have to get up to go into a meeting with co workers but also dont want it to cut off the circulation to your glans. Start slow. Regarding not letting your gf know should be easy if you dont live with her. However if you do, you should just tell her before you start to prevent the awkwardness when she finds out kn her own. I have a very open minded fiancee so she was cool with it, granted she doesnt want me doing it. I compare it to breast implants for females. Some women want bigger tits, why cant we have bigger dicks? Plus we are doing it au natural and not blowing thousands to go under the knife. Good luck sir.
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Get the size genetics. That's what I started pe with 7 months ago. I got close to an inch in length and didn't do any other pe. Of course I have now added in manual work and the Bathmate to make my gains greater.
Thanks guys, I think the size genetics may be my Christmas present to myself now. I'll start using it over vacation to get a hang (no pun intended) of it. Hope the divo suits get here soon so i can start doing an ADS Sizegentics and a nightly exercise/Divosuit combo.

She doesn't live with me but she is a serious contendor for a life sentence ;) so I may bring it up to her once I start seeing some gains..
You've got pretty good starting girth but maybe for your birthday to yourself you can get a Bathmate and do supper sets with jelqs. Great for girth.
I have the SG since few weeks, recommend it, it might be frustrating for the first days, especially when you are uncut and have a bit of overload of skin, but after a bit of trial and error you have it going. A lot of people here are saying that the velcro strap works the best, but I personally can only use the silicone tube as the velcro is slipping away every time, maybe it's the technique I miss with velcro.

I was using Bathmate for a long time now, it was primarily the only Penis Enlargement I was doing for almost 2 years, recommend it as well. I think that extender and Bathmate is pretty much the standard Penis Enlargement equipment that everyone should have. And before you invest in divo suits you can try with simple ace bandage, just cut out not too long piece and wrap it around, make sure to check on your meat every 20 minutes and re-wrap it. Divo suit is pretty much " more exclusive" version of the ace bandage. Haven't used divo suit yet, I'm about to make a divo suit myself, waiting for the fabric to arrive. But ace bandage works great, way cheaper too.
So I came to this forum by way of reading divocup reviews. I have yet to even start a routine but am thinking that today will be my first day and I'll go from there. My goals are to gain about 2 inches in length and improve my girth. I haven't done any measurements but I will do that later today and add them.. anyways my questions are..

1. will doing the basic stretches and jelqing plus a divocup/sock combo all day be enough for any gains in both length and girth? Should I be doing more at first or work my way up?

2. Are divocups/socks the really that good? His site is very convincing.. I have always been a bit of a grower and want to be more of a show-er..

3. Any other advice would be awesome. I've been lurking here for a little while and really enjoy the positivity and community here.

Thanks in advance..

Get yourself a LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging. It is the device that will bring the quickest gains in terms of length.
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