
Aug 1, 2007
...or, bought my penis its Christmas present... SG!

the mos link off dlds sig led to a special page with a $165 price. thats awesome.

plus it said something about a bonus velcro x-stdap. well see. ill make the velcro mod if needed.

I added the 2 yr warrenty on parts for $40.

usps shipping 7-10 days for free.

$205 final price tag.

should be here for Christmas and take me to the next level. since im still out of the house I should have plenty privacy in the evenings for hours of ads. might get looser work uniform pants to try this there, not sure...

so wife I hope will have me back in house by end of march for our anniv, and prior to that I hope to have some gains to surprise her with...

when the Sg arrives a will post some current numbers and see if my sporadic stretching has done anything. prob not.

I have been focused on losing weight and doing well there, lost 40 pounds since Sept 1.

my main focus is length, and im trying hard not to masterbate, and jelquing almost inevitably leads there... doh. so I do some stretches in the shower is about it soo far.

I dont want to grow girth and lose all oral due to that, so this might be my only tool buy. dunno, might be fun to use a pump to shock her right out of the shower with a massive pumped cock.

next payday I plan to get Supras ring of power.

will keep y'all posted on progress of this deal.
LoveHerDeeply;521184 said:
...or, bought my penis its Christmas present... SG!

the mos link off dlds sig led to a special page with a $165 price. thats awesome.

plus it said something about a bonus velcro x-stdap. well see. ill make the velcro mod if needed.

I added the 2 yr warrenty on parts for $40.

usps shipping 7-10 days for free.

$205 final price tag.

should be here for Christmas and take me to the next level. since im still out of the house I should have plenty privacy in the evenings for hours of ads. might get looser work uniform pants to try this there, not sure...

so wife I hope will have me back in house by end of march for our anniv, and prior to that I hope to have some gains to surprise her with...

when the Sg arrives a will post some current numbers and see if my sporadic stretching has done anything. prob not.

I have been focused on losing weight and doing well there, lost 40 pounds since Sept 1.

my main focus is length, and im trying hard not to masterbate, and jelquing almost inevitably leads there... doh. so I do some stretches in the shower is about it soo far.

I dont want to grow girth and lose all oral due to that, so this might be my only tool buy. dunno, might be fun to use a pump to shock her right out of the shower with a massive pumped cock.

next payday I plan to get Supras ring of power.

will keep y'all posted on progress of this deal.

Christmas comes early! I am excited about you new journey and I wish you the best of gains!
thanks dld. you are an animal with replying to every post, bro. thanks.

so my post in the "first one to an inch" contest thread showed my starting bpel as 7". my flacid looked like 5, its 5 1/2 now, so thats something to show for my weight loss and random pe work... I really want my nbpel, the "show length" as ive termed it, towards the 7-8 range, whatever hits the wifes culdesac. plus the braggin rights of being in the 1% club.

and moreso, erection / orgasm control. I really wanna be able to wear her out, or better, find out if 500 thrusts give her orgasms,etc like I read some guys here tell tale of.
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bpel 7 3/8 now
nbpel 5 3/4

surprisingly, my half assed newbie stretching, rare jims wrap and pushing the RK when I do stretch, has paid off with 3/8 length. im shocked.

the half inch or so nbpel gain is mostly due to losing 40 pounds so far.

cant wait to do ads to heal extended with tension. Im sure by time I get naked with wife there will be a gift for her to unwrap. Im gonna start wearing jims wrap when I plan to see her to talk. and when im -50# im gonna buy some Levis 501 button fly shrink to fit jeans... gonna be showing quite the bulge in that!
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LoveHerDeeply;521198 said:
thanks dld. you are an animal with replying to every post, bro. thanks.

Hey, it is what I do! I love you guys and want to always be sure you are on the right track...24-7-365...always here to help!
Im gonna speculate, the muscles I have gained in the gym cranked up my testostetone output. a sign is, my beard grows out faster. I could skip 2 days off shaving, resulting in beard which now takes just one day off to grow. so I wonder if theres any natural penis growth from that? like when we were 12-18 and our peis grew into its length.

but thats not exactly my memory of it. I recall, the summer I turned 13, having erections and discovering orgasms from rubbing against the bed... so of course.i spent a lot of time doing that... if I recall correctly it pretty much was this size almost from the beginning of erections happening. maybe there was some growth due to srt issues, cant remember too well.

anyway... the new muscles come from working out a lot over the last 3 months. I started with walking in the neighborhood, usually early AM to start the day with cranking metabolism. Id get home and do some pushups and crunches. Id do 5minutes of a weight routine I devised. using 2 20# dumbells, I worked out a flexible routine.
for rainy days, Id ho low weights faster,.for.cardio burn. for days I walked or jogged, Id do heavier weights fazter to add some muscle building.
so, spread feet shoulder width, and grip dumbells with palms forward. squat down until weights toch the floor. rise back up to standing. curl weights up to shoulders. press weights straight overhead. curl weihits behind back until they touch shoulder blades. curl them back overhead at arms length up. lower elbows to ribs keeping weights up. curl them slowly down to thighs. this is one rep. remember to breath out every time you are flexing a main muscle. exhale on the next move.
if you go fast and low,.its cardio, great rainy day winter workout.
if you go slow and heavy, its a great indoor compact portable gym weightlift routine.
cost: about $20 per dumbell at Walmart.
if youre a small brainy guy, maybe start with 10 pounders.
bigger guy like me, 20s.
add 5 or 10 for your 2nd pair of heavy weights for strength days.

go to payless shoes and ask for decent cushioned cross trainers or jogging shoes around $50-70 bucks. wear them ONLY for exercise!

then, your walk should be a neighborhood circuit of a mile. drive to mark this off. 1/2 mile out, and back.
now... do it every day!

affordable weightloss diet:
go to dollar tree and buy 28 cans of progresso vegetable soup. costs 28 bucks plus tax.
at walmart or target, or Aldi! get 12 ramen noodle (case), 2 bunches of celery and 2 x 1lb baby carrots, a bag of grapefruit, a bag of apples, maybe a bag of oranges. get 2x 1/2 gallons of organic vannilla soy milk, and 2 big bags of malto meal brand honey scooters( like cheerios).
get 2 packs of oscar meyer smoked turkey sliced luncHydromaxeat.
get green tea and black tea bags, a bear shaped container of honey, and a plastic lemon full of juice. get a multivitamin, the generic one next to centrum on the shelf. at walmart, get the $18 whey protein shake powder and at least one shaker mix glass. get the strawbery or cookies n cream. the vanilla maybe to mix with the others for variety.. the chocko is crap. dont bother with the creatine versions either.
this is your post workout snack, like, when just finishing up and before the shower.

this is your food for 2 weeks. (<-note the "period!" there)

throw away everything at home or work that is not on this list. just fucking throw the shit away. its killing you

this is called lchp, low carb high protien.

that means no carbs. the oat scooters dont count because that is fiber not sugar not wheat, and will sweep you out. no sugars, no breads, no fats. protien and veggies are our only friends now.

do this until I get hungry and call you to tell you youre thin enough, heh.

at one month my bro invited me to his gym, Lifetime fitness, on a 7 day pass. I bought a membership and miss maybe one rest day per week. I lift freeweight bench, squats, bar rows, the assist machine for pullups and dips, and now run on the treadmill. devise an "a" and b routine, and track progres. switch evry time. add 5 pounds every time. your muscles start growing because your body realizes its stressed and must adapt by putting out new muscles to handle the loads.

I went from 301sept 1 to 260 today.
I went from walking 1 mile short of breath, to slowly jogging one of the two miles total, to now jogging 2.5 miles at 4-5 mph, which burns 500 calories in 40 minutes.
I have dropped 6 belt notches and have to drill a new one. I now have "fat pants" for work which are rediculously huge on me, bunched way up with my belt.

my face and neck looked bloated, now tight.
I had a huge belly, now I have a waist.
I had flabby arms, now im building muscles.
I couldnt walk up one flight of stairs without being slightly winded,
now I run 2.5 miles without fear.
bottom line: I couldnt make love with my wife continuously at will. I changed positions to cover up being winded.

im 46.

nike says just do it.
mikey says, just FUCKING DO IT!
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oh, also, no starches.
so no potatoes, rice, white sugar, especially no white bread. that shit is top of list whats killing you.

I have to admit, hard as it is being away from my wife, it has saved my life. now, instead of dying before Im 55, I have a chance to see 75.

since weightloss is part of srt, I figgered id show my workout routine with 2 x 20 pound weights I got started with.

btw, my confidence is back. my head is up, my swagger is back, I give good eye contack like Im the badass muthufuckuh marine again.

and when I get with wife again im gonna have another inch to stretch her with and surprise her as I pound away as long as I want.

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when I do pe, its been the stretches from the SRT program. i got hydrocortisone at Dollar tree for a buck. the stretching does irritate my penis skin by the end. I follow that with uncle jims wrap, which I have worn to work and out n about as well. baggy pants cover up fine. the ace is a lil rough, tho. maybe its a cheap brnd thing? I hope to be able to heal extended using SG starting next weekend, so np.

I have read lots of threads in the SG forum, so im prepared to getcomfort accessories. like grey pipe insulation for the base, theraban and velcro to make stralps and replace after they wear n tear out the loops. I will spend due time trying the 16 way ztuff, but really, after readi.g everything I dont see why not to go for x-strap first. might get the two tuggers later, might be interesting to get some slack skin. not full restore, but some, for the seal and glide effects reported by others.

and maybe one of the pump systems down the road, the idea of a jaw drop shocked lookm on her face is growing on me. starting with a huge bulge when were just talking...

but first, Sg is on the way and I gotta get used to it and see what gains come from adding segments of the SRT routine. and more consistency, just the initial gains ive goten from losing weight and partial routine randomly done, inspires me!
it was In the dld blasters thread I got loone idea. before stretching, I pull straight and do 100 kegels. to fatigue the muscles. then, during SRT stretches, I get into position and rk, reverse kegel, as I go 30 seconds, the release the rk and hold stretch 30 more. will continue. srt theory makes sense.
Has your love gotten any deeper?:)
Christmas present arrived early...
SG arrived today. got it on now.

fiddlin with it and learning about rods and tension.

goin with the x-strap.

I have the foam ring, then a foot of ace, 2" wide, wrapped around. then the self-sticking strech tape. just my uncle jims wrap stuff I had on hand.
then into the x-strap

im using a long bar, im cranked out til the threads show, and have the tension up til one block left on the adjuster bar...

so whatever that is, its okay start.

I did SRT stretch routine, and after the first half hour with short+med bars, went up to one long.

after a few I'll stretch some more and reset, then to sleep.

looks like I have a lot of fat pad to go.

long term project...

oh btw, yesterday I noticed an effect of my weightlifting... a stretch mark on my bicep. pretty cool. I looked at how they stack up really noticebly, wow. so I found a good lift advisor and program.
head is cool to touch and slightly darker. but not bad.

il keep reading wrap suggestions and get stuff as im able. looking at mouse pad recomendations now, heh.

dld, were you asking if I have gotten busy with my wife?

nope, still seperated. I think well start talking again in jan, and try to date.

im not gonna rush it either. well see...
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took pics. have to relearn how to post to site or a pic-host site, using this 3g phone..

did Srt stretch routine first.

so im using fedoras wrap with the ledge idea. seems a better grip tonite.

im on second 20 min set, off redzuluz stickied routine, day 2. I noticed the rods I put on, it had gone completely slack during the first set. now im on second, and its at max extend and tension and going slack again. ill have to add long bars back next. nice.
this is awesome. I can see the stretch going longer and farther. I get it set, and spend a LOT of time working the wvheels and bars longer... I can see the tension marks appear out from under the spring tubes. im pegged al the way adjusted out, its a good firm stretch, and still, within 20 mins its showing the next tension marks... from 2nd to 3rd again. cool.
woops, not fedoras wrap, allergix's.
made the velcro strap mod on it last nite. took 10 mins, easy job.

fell asleep with it on, doh. woke at midnite, head hurt so im taking today off.

good news is, morning wood bpel 7 1/2", +1/2" from my 1" contest measures. thats awesome.

i have the feeling, the reason why im cranking out adjusters and throwing in bars for the first session or 2, is compression of the fat pad. seems to finally sink in so two long bars is giving me a firm real stretch. so Ill adjust my starts based on that. i dont wanna go too hard too soon either.

so plan is SRT. do the manual stretches then SG to heal extended would be a mild setting. Im fine with using SG all itself but I wanna multiply my efforts if possible using SRT principles.

well, off to work with uncle jims. seeya guys.
You should be fine with 2 long bars or maybe even a little more if you are 7.5bpel. I'm 7 and I'm at 2 long bars at the moment and getting ready to add the small one soon
thanks jdcsd,
as i get more xp with strapping and velcro, im sure Ill get a lil closer behind glans. will experiment tonite and let ya know. thanks again.

Jdcsd;522596 said:
You should be fine with 2 long bars or maybe even a little more if you are 7.5bpel. I'm 7 and I'm at 2 long bars at the moment and getting ready to add the small one soon
getting better at balancing how tight the velcro strap is vs slippage. ive yet to slip out so im trying a little less tightage on the velcro. I can always reset if I slip and "needs mo' tightage."

the ace is kinda harsh on skin, but today at Cvs, they dont have it. will try walgreens then target...

had an hour set earlier before work, another one now. one long plus medium bar, and cranked out tight....

this looks promising!
CVS didnt have theraban, I meant...

ooks promising that my stretch is going about 8.5" in the SG. that looks like a good length to me. of course Ill have to exceed that and grow into it... still, im happy about the + 1/2" already. so, keep doing what im doing.

oh and I did two trainer sessions at my gym. my health is awesome, blood factors excellent. just need to lose another 40 pounds... so more of what I have been doing. nice.
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