Jun 16, 2005
I will start by saying I am thinking of becoming a religious person in this day and age. I am also thinking about turning my beast into a giant ox, similar to Paul Bunyon's.

I am curious to know how many members on this Penis Enlargement forum are religious. How does one look at the �naked people movies�, pull their pud and still claim to be pure?

Should a religious person not be happy with what their beloved GOD gave them?

Is it OK to give another man tips on swelling his bird, and then go on to preach the spoken word?

I am sorry if my questions are blunt but I must find answers to these questions. If it's a one or the other type situation I guess I will have to choose Penis Enlargement as my dick comes first amongst all else.

I don't know about religious, but I am a firm believer.

I don't think God or Jesus said much about Penis Enlargement. But they seemed to be in favor of self improvement. Or not against it at any rate. Seemed to be slightly awed of the folks with large ones. They also seemed to favor a guy using his or her 'talents'.

They spoke often of the male reproductive system. It did not seem to be as taboo for Them as in the current world. I feel that is significant. Then there was that whole thing about changing it though cutting skin off. It appears God was not "happy" with what he gave us. That should be a clue.

As far as �naked people movies� goes, I have never used it to get bigger. I don't know how They would feel about that off hand. Perhaps looking at �naked people movies� is a sin, if it results in bad thoughts or deeds. If you actually covet the models in the �naked people movies�, rather than just 'using' them, you could be in trouble. You can always pluck your eyes out. Joke.

As far as "tips on swelling", I think He always wants us to help each other, in any endeavor.

Just a few thoughts.

Thanks for the help.

Jesus sounds like a pretty hip cat in his days. So you are saying GOD doesn't like foreskin?

The punni back in those days must have been hairy as hell, too bad they couldn't have lived in this day and age to smash some nice smelling shaved peaches. Bet they nailed a lot of broads.
Duppi, I am far from being a religious person. I try to steer clear from any type of organized religion, however, I am a firm believer of the Christ. I believe that you don't have to belong to a church or worship a wooden cross to follow Jesus. On �naked people movies�, every person has needs and interests, and nothing is more beautiful than our bodies which are creator bestowed upon us.
Kal-el said:
Duppi, I am far from being a religious person. I try to steer clear from any type of organized religion, however, I am a firm believer of the Christ. I believe that you don't have to belong to a church or worship a wooden cross to follow Jesus. On �naked people movies�, every person has needs and interests, and nothing is more beautiful than our bodies which are creator bestowed upon us.

Well said on the �naked people movies� issue. Nothing wrong with watchin some hot women 95+% of the guys on this forum could never slay, get ravaged by some dude that has the size most of us will never see.

As far as the Jesus cross issue, what's up with that anyways?

Why do they represent him with a cross?

Im sure if there ever is a second coming, the last thing he would want to see is that cross.

Hopefully someone highly religious will have some insight as to how they rationalize Penis Enlargement while being a pure person.
Originally posted by Duppi Kronkite:
As far as the Jesus cross issue, what's up with that anyways?

I don't know, me personally see no reason why someone should worship a cross. Over 10,000 criminals were crucified during Jesus' lifetime, a piece of wood in the shape of a cross means nothing. A cross is not the Christ.
I find many of the christian images disturbing. Shirts with huge nails on them covered in blood, crosses with a broken body on them, bloody crown of thorns, etc. I understand the message, but I don't think such gore is needed. They are to be known by their actions, there is no need to advertise.
Edit time ran out... As for religion. I am getting into Taoism and Buddism, but I wouldn't really consider them religion, more ways of life.
If Jesus was perfect man-god, he must have had the perfect penis, and you want to be like Jesus, right?? Penis Enlargement all you want :)
�naked people movies�, I was raised that is was fine as long as you aren't lusting. Enjoying beauty should be ok. Really depends on the religion though.

Why are you thinking of becoming religious, if you don't mind me asking?
Wow, this is a hard topic? �naked people movies�, I think it is an open door to things that are wrong. I am happily married and would not degrade my wife by comparing her to something on a screen. But again, that is my opinion. �naked people movies� with children...ugly and vile. There are so many aspects of this that we must use some common sense here. Anything that hurts us morally or mentally is going to cause some long time problems. Also, we need to address the subject of addiction. Addiction can be to coke/pop, food, tobacco, drugs, alcohol, sex or what ever. When it controls us, then we need to back off.

About Jesus and Penis Enlargement. That is a different subject. I really don't know how to even discuss that. Sure have thought about it. Wonder what kind of body he had? Who knows. There are some funny things in the Bible...Peter was naked in the boat when Jesus said they should come and eat because he a fish dinner ready for them. Peter jumped into the lake and swam to shore. I know, some would say he had something on, but the bible does say he was naked. Mark was running naked in the night. Have to admit, if you go naked and have a good schlong, you have good confidence. <grin> Lighten up gang, Enjoy life. Don't get on my case about this, I just think God has a sense of humor. GS
I am only 18 and am going on 19 in July. I am still figuring out who I am as a person. I believe that everyone strives for something...everyone wants answers to questions that plague them. Around three years ago, I decided to start believing in God and Christ. Since then my life has been totally different. Ever since then I have been struggling to keep my relationship with God strong, but it hasn't been easy. Its a choice I made and am going to have to live with. Everyone is going to believe in different things, its a way of life. As for Penis Enlargement, no, there isn't anything in the bible that addresses this on point. However, the bible does address �naked people movies� (if you choose to believe the bible of course). I don't think that there is anything wrong with Penis Enlargement, just like theres nothing wrong with exercising. If a person wants to have a healthy functional penis, good for them. We need to use common sense in things like this. I have more to say but I'm tired :)

>Hopefully someone highly religious will have some insight as to how they rationalize Penis Enlargement while being a pure person.<

See, that one sentence wraps it all up for me, almost perfectly. You are correct to construe that many religious folks think of themselves as being pure.

I am so far from pure, I don't even know what it looks like. And I never will be. And Jesus and the Bible told me so. I am a sinner, and will always be a sinner. I try to be better, but will never be 'good'.

The way I see it, if a "highly religious person" tries to Penis Enlargement, and remain "pure", he already lost. Cause he was not fucking pure to begin with. Even if he thought he was pure, then that thought means he was impure. If he does not realize he is a sinner, and saved only through the grace of God, he ain't going to make it anyway.

There. I just proved a "religious person" is not religious at all.

NOTE: Please forgive me for any sin in this post. Or any other post I make that offends.


>So you are saying GOD doesn't like foreskin?<

I guess not. He gave some kind of recall notice or something. Wanted the modification done on all new models.

Bib said:

>So you are saying GOD doesn't like foreskin?<

I guess not. He gave some kind of recall notice or something. Wanted the modification done on all new models.


It's things like that that make me believe the Bible is just noise written by some fellows who wanted to have a good laugh.

Yes most of what is in the bible is true, but if I wrote my views on life today most of it would be true. Then I can toss in some rubbish and say it is also part of the spoken word.

I like how you believe the "highly religious" person is not pure. Too many times they would tell me that they are pure.

Does being pure mean you think your religion is better than all the others?

I just figured this forum should have some real life characteristics that I met along my travels. If so there are highly religious people here who believe or maybe tell others they are pure.

I am just wondering how they convince themselves of Penis Enlargement while preaching in their spare time.
Bib said:

>So you are saying GOD doesn't like foreskin?<

I guess not. He gave some kind of recall notice or something. Wanted the modification done on all new models.


I don't think so. He only gave the Jews that command. In the New Testament, Peter was trying to make Gentile converts to Christianity get circumcised so they could be Jews (Christianity was just considered a sect of Judaism at the time), and Paul said not to do that, because Christians need no outward symbol, but are "circumcised in spirit."
Rod Buster said:
None of us are pure


I hope everyone who has read this thread feels the same way. Why? Because you are absolutely right.

Not only are none of us pure, there is no one religion that is better than the other.

For you people out there who think your religion is the white light and others are vile, I ask you WTF you are doing on a Penis Enlargement forum anyways.

Im still very surprised noone on this Forum is the highly Religious ignorrant type to spew their psycho babble while they tug on their johnson.

If you are out there, wear a red shirt so I can find you.

>Does being pure mean you think your religion is better than all the others?<

I have met people like this. In fact, I have been in a church with people like this. They made me chuckle. I found them to be the least 'religious' or 'pure' folks I have ever met. Which of course is judging, which is a sin, and makes me impure. But then I knew that before I started.

>I just figured this forum should have some real life characteristics that I met along my travels. If so there are highly religious people here who believe or maybe tell others they are pure.<

I am sure there are some, but in general, it seems most guys on the various forums are tolerant and open.

Well, this is a hard topic to discuss. I attend church the majority of Sundays and always have. I am not sure if penis enlargement is a sin or not. It depends on how you view the process, I think. It can get very, very complicated and would take pages to discuss and many biblical scriptures to try to prove or disprove. I think it is OK if you can purely view the process as an improvement on oneself. But for most of us, me included, �naked people movies� is used in the Penis Enlargement process. This is the start of complication. The Bible is very clear about adultery and lust, " he who lust after a women committeth adultery".
But you are clear to do whatever you want with your wife once you are married. So if you are just thinking about your wife you are probably OK. But obviously most of us aren't thinking about our wife while we are doing jelqs. We are looking at a picture of a nude woman or a �naked people movies� video. It is a very very very very complicated issue of which I don't have all the answers. This is my opinion, I am not trying to step on any toes, and I will continue to Penis Enlargement probably using �naked people movies� at different times just like the rest of you. Just giving some thoughts to ponder on the subject.
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