
Mar 13, 2006
I'm curious if any guys have seen any sort of length gains from strictly jelqing or girth routines?

I only really want to gain a half inch more in length and girth, but I'm more interested in the girth and don't really like doing the stretching and tugging exercises that much. Hanging is also pretty much out of the question.

Please let me know if you've had any success in this regard and if so, if you found there were any girth exercises that seemed to help out with length more at the same time. I'm not dead set on gaining the length, it's mostly jsut for visual appeal and out of curiosity if I can actually get it or not. I have pretty loose tendons and in the past when I have tried to follow a stretching routine I pretty much got nothing out of it. I previously gained a little in girth when I followed an intense routine but lost it all after an extended break when I couldn't Penis Enlargement due to time constraints.

Thanks for the help!
stridge said:
I'm curious if any guys have seen any sort of length gains from strictly jelqing or girth routines?

I only really want to gain a half inch more in length and girth, but I'm more interested in the girth and don't really like doing the stretching and tugging exercises that much. Hanging is also pretty much out of the question.

Please let me know if you've had any success in this regard and if so, if you found there were any girth exercises that seemed to help out with length more at the same time. I'm not dead set on gaining the length, it's mostly jsut for visual appeal and out of curiosity if I can actually get it or not. I have pretty loose tendons and in the past when I have tried to follow a stretching routine I pretty much got nothing out of it. I previously gained a little in girth when I followed an intense routine but lost it all after an extended break when I couldn't Penis Enlargement due to time constraints.

Thanks for the help!

Dude, that sounds exactly like me. For 3 years I have worked dilligently trying to acquire length to no avail. In the beggining, I jelqed for 3 or 4 months and gained .5 in girth, but I didn't continue then as I wasn't interested in gaining girth. But right now I am strictly clamping and jelqing for girth, a little length wouldn't hurt matters either.
Kal-el said:
Dude, that sounds exactly like me. For 3 years I have worked dilligently trying to acquire length to no avail. In the beggining, I jelqed for 3 or 4 months and gained .5 in girth, but I didn't continue then as I wasn't interested in gaining girth. But right now I am strictly clamping and jelqing for girth, a little length wouldn't hurt matters either.

Yeah, I think I must fall into the 'hard gainer' category or something. I wored my ass off with a pretty intense and regular routine for five months and saw about a 0.2" increase in girth for a while, but lost it when I had to stop.

I'm giving it another shot because I keep seeing these guys talking about gaining like 1.5" in length and another 1" in girth easily in small amounts of time and talking about it like it's no big deal. I'm sure a lot of it is total bullshit, but unless all these guys are totally dellusional, there's got to be some way to get a 1/2 inch in either direction - seems like a pretty modest goal.

I'm almost thinking about starting a thread to compare the routines/stats of the big and wucik gainers vs. the guys who haven't had much success in order to see if there are any commonalities.
i got half an inch in 3 weeks from jelqing. After that i incporporated stretching and so far my gains have been 0.8 inch in length. hardly anything in girth probably because i didnt jelq consinstantly after a month or so slacked off
I would try to do a strict jelqing routine, as messy as it is--ten minutes hot wrap warm-up--then get some good lube--I like Extra Virgin Olive Oil--it lasts a long time--and do long slow intense jelqs. You can follow each stroke by an intense downward stretch. Do these for a half hour a day, minimum--no time off. If the long intense jelqs don't seem effective, you can try the one to two second strokes, aka DLD.

That's how I made great gains both in length and girth three years ago.

I'm trying to figure out how to do DLD's blasters. I can kegel like crazy, but I can't seem to get the reverse kegel as DLD describes it. Can you imagine gaining an inch or two just from this movement? I know it has a lot to do with complete relaxation.

Maybe you're too tense when you do your routine. There is such a thing as just relaxing and enjoying each and every stroke.

Go for it, man!!!

Don't forget to do a good testicle massage at the end of your session.
I have gained 1 whole inch in lenght the very first 3 or 4 months doing the newbie routine 4 days a week. I have gained more adding to that just doing maintenance which lead me to believe that less is in fact more regarding gains.

Some say you can't stop even one day but i don't stand by that...

I came from 6.5 x 6.5 bp and 15 months later i'm at 8 bp x 7+ girth so it has to work. Maybe it was mainly ligamentous stretching but it sure has changed my life for the much better.

Keep on it and stay safe mate


Thanks for all the feedback guys. It sounds like people were having good luck with the newbie routine. The stuff I do is pretty modified from this and doesn't follow a specific routine/rep number as I never saw any gains from doing the newbie stuff for quite a while. It seems that at least gaining some length is possible from the girth stuff, though I'm sure it varies greatly between individuals. I'm only going to do very light stretching, so I'll update this if I do see some decent length gains from just girth.
I'm no quick gainer when it comes to length. I didn't really gain any length from manual exercises, both length and girth. I gained .25" in length from stretching and jelqing, stuff like that, after 6 months. I didn't start gaining length until I started hanging. I'm thinking of hitting the low angles now just to see if I can get anything from it.
Yeah, I've been curious about hanging in the past but I really just don't have the time or enough interest to really get after it, which I think is what's required to see serious results. I think my ligs and all that are pretty loose and I'm not sure I have a ton of potential to gain length from the conventional means in the first place. I'd be happy with a .25" length gain from just doing the girth stuff, so we'll see. I just want to keep things gaining in in proportion a little bit for purely asthetic purposes.
It's possible to gain some length from jelqing and girth centric routines but you have to understand that length gains isn't the focus of such a routine. If you want more length, then you need to stretch. It's really that simple... It's like trying to train for a marathon by doing 100 yard sprints. Yes it will help to build your endurance some but the training isn't geared for marathons. If you're not willing to do the exercizes that are optimized for length gains, then you're just going to be out of luck...
Yeah, I understand that. I followed a pretty intense and varied stretching program for a really long time and never got anything out of it, hence my reluctance to really bother with length specific exercises now.

In my situation it makes sense to actually try for this as conventional length work didn't seem to have much effect and I really don't have the extra time to experiment with it again for months. If the theories about the actual physiology of Penis Enlargement are correct, then a lot of the girth exercises will be stretching the penile chambers lengthwise as well as circumference, which should help. I'm only shooting for a .25" increase, so I think it's probably achievable, I just wanted to hear if there were any guys who had found a routine or method of exercising that seemed to consistently improve length while working girth, which is mainly what I'm interested in.
I do some stretching before I jelq is that enough for length gains? If not what would you recommend?

I'm not into the whole clamp your dick and put a weight on it thing either.
stridge said:
Yeah, I understand that. I followed a pretty intense and varied stretching program for a really long time and never got anything out of it, hence my reluctance to really bother with length specific exercises now.
How long did you do this routine for?? When i started, i did my routine for more than 3 months and not see any gains... i continued anyway and gained an inch in length and an inch in girth at the end of my first year.

In my situation it makes sense to actually try for this as conventional length work didn't seem to have much effect and I really don't have the extra time to experiment with it again for months. If the theories about the actual physiology of Penis Enlargement are correct, then a lot of the girth exercises will be stretching the penile chambers lengthwise as well as circumference, which should help. I'm only shooting for a .25" increase, so I think it's probably achievable, I just wanted to hear if there were any guys who had found a routine or method of exercising that seemed to consistently improve length while working girth, which is mainly what I'm interested in.
Yes this is true but gains from expanding the tunica are VERY slow... the tunica is a tough tissue to deform, much tougher than the ligs.
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