
Sep 29, 2011
Ok ... My Bathmate is leaking to the point I can no longer use it. It loses pressure so rapidly. I will have to probably send it out to get it repaired. So can I jelq instead. I want to know what I can do because I used to use the Bathmate then put on a cock ring. Now I dont know what do to because I want to pump up somehow and put the cockring right after so that I can stay in the expanded state for a while. Any advice or help with this matter will be much appreciated. Thank you
Have you tried using a water proof flexible glue to repair it yourself? That way you don't have to miss out on your Bathmate workout.
The thing is I am not sure from exactly where from the top it is leaking. I think it may be the o-ring at the top of the relief valve. I can not think of any where else it may be leaking from. Also, I do not want to void the warranty if I can get it repaired. I just wanted to know what else I can do to get some type of pump or get myself expanded whereby I can use a cock ring to keep myself like that after the session.
Jelq, horse squeezes, SSJ's and clamping. Many methods and all are good to go.
If u have ever watched BBC Extreme male beauty,Bathmate do not work but Jelq does if u keep the program.
What is BBC Extreme male beauty? some show from the BBC on dick enhancement I assume? the Bathmate actually does work, if it didnt why would it sell so well and have so many happy customers on here incl me. Check my photos out. Jelqing of-course works but its a different way of doing things then a pump.
I've used the Bathmate for 3 to 6 months exclusively (20 min, once a day like recommended by Bathmate), not doing anything else (no jelqing, no other exercise) and I got only temp gains and not real permanent gains at all. However, I've had some permanent gains during my newbie routine while I was only jelqing.

So I'm afraid that using the Bathmate alone does not work (or make very small gains by itself) for me at least. But if you use it to expand your penis first (long session of 20 min, or several small sessions of 5-8 min), then do a decent Jelq session, some girth exercises (like the ones mentionned by Red) afterwards, I think that'll make the trick. You can even clamp and edge after all this if your penis can handle it (I assume you're not a newbie here, and your penis is already used to all this, else, be careful and go progressively)

Also try to do it twice a day if possible to keep the expansion as long as possible throughout the day. I've also stopped using a cockring after the Bathmate, since I was afraid that might block the blood flood too much, and even though you'd stay expanded, that could prevent your penis from healing and adding new cells.

Dan_Clinzer reported he made some huge girth gains using only the Bathmate (in several short sessions of 6 min with 1 min break), AND some 10-20 min of Jelqing afterwards. He was also doing at least 2 sessions per day (3 if possible) to keep the expansion and gains throughout the day.

That's probably the best way to use the Bathmate and his reported 8+ girth would be the best confirmation. I'm currently trying this too, so I'll let you know in some 2 or 3 months, if that really made a difference.

Sorry about your Bathmate problem though. You can try to remove everything, clean it and replace it. Here's a video showing how you do it :

If it's still broken, then while you send it back to replace it, I would suggest you start clamping, it gives me some great expansion too.

Good Luck
Captain.Thick;471102 said:
I've used the Bathmate for 3 to 6 months exclusively (20 min, once a day like recommended by Bathmate), not doing anything else (no jelqing, no other exercise) and I got only temp gains and not real permanent gains at all. However, I've had some permanent gains during my newbie routine while I was only jelqing.

Your experience is the standard experience, because the simple fact of the matter is (despite the legend and popularity of the pump) that simple pumping will never permanently increase the girth of your dick. A simple understanding of the anatomy of the penis will make this clear.

Anatomy of the Penis

The shape and size of the penis is determined by the 3 tunicae albuginea that run the length of the shaft beneath the skin. The tunicae are made of the same material that surround your eyeball and your testicles. This is very tough material and is very resilient to stretching. If you put enough tension on the tunicae, however - by stretching, bending, etc. - you can cause them to grow.

Why Pumping Doesn't Provide Permanent Gains

In using a pump, guys try to put vacuum pressure on the skin and the tunicae from the outside. Unfortunately, once the penis (including the tunicae) reach its natural erect size, any increase in pressure in the pump causes fluid to build up between the skin of the penis and the tunicae below the skin, so there is insufficient pressure put on the tunicae to cause them to grow. If you could actually put the vacuum pressure on the tunicae themselves, pumping would work amazingly well. The trouble is that there is space between the skin and tunicae, and that simply fills up with fluid.

This is the same principal why pumping will not increase the size of your testicles. Sure, your scrotum will get bigger, but the pump is not putting any tension on the tunicae of the testicles, so they stay the same size and the area betweeen the testicles and the scrotum simply fills up with fluid.

Just remember, every time you get fluid build up, it's actually called edema. It's what happens when you've damaged the body. You get it when you break or sprain a joint, you get hit too hard, or you pump too much. Fluid build up is a sign that you have done something wrong to your body.

Urologists routinely recommend pumps for guys with ED to get their dicks to their fully erect state. Every one of them that I've ever heard or talked to warns that going beyond the fully erect state can damage the penis and cause ED, so beware. Using a pump can have a negative effect on erectile quality. Have you ever seen a picture of a pumped dick that looked erect? No, they always look blubbery and semi-erect.

Guys who pump will definitely notice an increase in size, but it's not a permanent increase. It's just fluid build up. In order to maintain this increase in size, you have to keep pumping. If you are willing to do this sort of "maintenance" then, by all means, go for it. Just be honest with yourself about what it is you are doing.

Jelqing and Bending Provide Permanent Gains

Jelqing, on the other hand, actually forces blood into the tunicae and puts pressure on the tunicae from the inside. This method does actually work to increase the size of the tunicae, and thus the penis.

Bends also put tension on the tunicae and cause microtears, so they also can increase the size of the penis.

Bathmate Stretch

One exercise DLD does with the pump is the Bathmate stretch. This can work to increase size, because it's pulling the entire penis, along with the tunicae inside, away from the body and thereby putting tension on the tunicae and on the ligament. Because the ligament sometimes retracts after being stretched, though, using the Bathmate stretch can sometimes result in turtling. Nevertheless, some guys claim to have acheived permanent gains using this technique.

Choose Exercises That Hit The Tunicae

Whatever technique you experiment with, first learn the anatomy of the penis and ask yourself how is this exercise hitting the tunicae? You'll make must faster permanent gains if you do exercises that actually target the tunicae. If you simply like the look of a big fat dick and don't care if it is that size permanently, then go ahead and use the pump, just be forewarned that there is evidence that it causes ED.
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Captain.Thick;471102 said:
I've used the Bathmate for 3 to 6 months exclusively (20 min, once a day like recommended by Bathmate), not doing anything else (no jelqing, no other exercise) and I got only temp gains and not real permanent gains at all. However, I've had some permanent gains during my newbie routine while I was only jelqing.

So I'm afraid that using the Bathmate alone does not work (or make very small gains by itself) for me at least. But if you use it to expand your penis first (long session of 20 min, or several small sessions of 5-8 min), then do a decent Jelq session, some girth exercises (like the ones mentionned by Red) afterwards, I think that'll make the trick. You can even clamp and edge after all this if your penis can handle it (I assume you're not a newbie here, and your penis is already used to all this, else, be careful and go progressively)

Also try to do it twice a day if possible to keep the expansion as long as possible throughout the day. I've also stopped using a cockring after the Bathmate, since I was afraid that might block the blood flood too much, and even though you'd stay expanded, that could prevent your penis from healing and adding new cells.

Dan_Clinzer reported he made some huge girth gains using only the Bathmate (in several short sessions of 6 min with 1 min break), AND some 10-20 min of Jelqing afterwards. He was also doing at least 2 sessions per day (3 if possible) to keep the expansion and gains throughout the day.

That's probably the best way to use the Bathmate and his reported 8+ girth would be the best confirmation. I'm currently trying this too, so I'll let you know in some 2 or 3 months, if that really made a difference.

Sorry about your Bathmate problem though. You can try to remove everything, clean it and replace it. Here's a video showing how you do it :

If it's still broken, then while you send it back to replace it, I would suggest you start clamping, it gives me some great expansion too.

Good Luck

Bathmate says themselves you won't see great gains until about 6 to 7 months of usage. After that time you will notice the difference and you will gain. Harder erections more girth. Shit takes time dude, their is a guy who gained 1.5 inches in a couple of months. gotta find something that works for you.
ryan62468;471128 said:
Shit takes time dude, their is a guy who gained 1.5 inches in a couple of months.

You've got to take that sort of claim with a grain of salt.

Look at Redzulu, the girth master on this site. It took him several years to get the girth he has. He recommends: jelqs, horse squeezes, SSJ's and clamping - all of these hit the tunicae in a way that pumping simply can't.
I've seen permanent growth from using the pump but it takes time, be consistent. The comments, well mindset around pumping is very lucid and ill informed based on all those deformed mushy over pumped dicks on the net. That is not how a good pump session should be.

Swelling will happen between the skin and tunicae of the penis but that's not just where the expansion lies, its also inside the actual internal portion of the penis. Very much depends how you pump i.e if you use excess pressure its going to be lots of fluid but gradually and you can have a killer workout. I can from feel afterwards, know the expansion deep inside my penis is different from that between and underneath the skin.

Its the deeper expansion and increase in this expansion from the normal penis size that brings about permanent change, not to mention if not overdone a more healthy circulation to the penis. I think its easy to generalize pumping from the fools who either overdo it or do it wrongly and see no gain in it. If you read my progress thread you will see I do 1-2 sessions per week and yet look at my photos and the gains speak for themselves! progressive intensity is how I keep it going and pumping has a large role to play.

Jelqing is a brilliant exercise much underestimated yet in all honesty the daddy of the lot really. Combine pumping with other methods of Penis Enlargement after a session and several hours later and you will not complain about lack of gains. Unless I'm some freak, this can work for everyone just dont expect it to happen overnight.
I agree with red. Pumps do work, just dont abuse it. All pe takes time and above all dedication. But i think the question most people think with pumps is how much pressure for how long. (This is a question i ask alot,lol). If you dont have a gauge, you can pump up and think "this feels great". But is the pressure at a safe level, or is it not enough?

So what pressures should we be looking for?
The Dude you're referring to, who gained 1" in 2 months would be Dan_clinzer. The same guy i was referring too, and from whom i'm now trying the routine (Bathmate in 6x6min set at noon, then jelqs during 10 to 20 min, etc...)

When possible (if i have the privacy and time), I also try like him to make another session in the evening/night (he reported up to 4 sessions per day on some days) but this time I use a 15 to 20 min session straigth, to mix it.

When I'm really with a lot of time, I finish with clamping/edging (not often unfortunately)

I make sure I go gradually because my goal is to avoid as much fluid retention as possible and the max expansion.
However, I'm still not sold on success stories involving the Bathmate only (and I mean Bathmate only, no other exercise or jelq at all). Or like i said, maybe smaller and slower gains. I've read your routine thread Red, and don't recall you ever went Bathmate only for some months (I remember, that you used it at times in your girth routine, involving other techniques too)

I'm not saying not to use the Bathmate, I'm saying that's a great "add-on" into a girth routine involving other exercises
Captain.Thick;471102 said:
I've used the Bathmate for 3 to 6 months exclusively (20 min, once a day like recommended by Bathmate), not doing anything else (no jelqing, no other exercise) and I got only temp gains and not real permanent gains at all. However, I've had some permanent gains during my newbie routine while I was only jelqing.

So I'm afraid that using the Bathmate alone does not work (or make very small gains by itself) for me at least. But if you use it to expand your penis first (long session of 20 min, or several small sessions of 5-8 min), then do a decent Jelq session, some girth exercises (like the ones mentionned by Red) afterwards, I think that'll make the trick. You can even clamp and edge after all this if your penis can handle it (I assume you're not a newbie here, and your penis is already used to all this, else, be careful and go progressively)

Also try to do it twice a day if possible to keep the expansion as long as possible throughout the day. I've also stopped using a cockring after the Bathmate, since I was afraid that might block the blood flood too much, and even though you'd stay expanded, that could prevent your penis from healing and adding new cells.

Dan_Clinzer reported he made some huge girth gains using only the Bathmate (in several short sessions of 6 min with 1 min break), AND some 10-20 min of Jelqing afterwards. He was also doing at least 2 sessions per day (3 if possible) to keep the expansion and gains throughout the day.

That's probably the best way to use the Bathmate and his reported 8+ girth would be the best confirmation. I'm currently trying this too, so I'll let you know in some 2 or 3 months, if that really made a difference.

Sorry about your Bathmate problem though. You can try to remove everything, clean it and replace it. Here's a video showing how you do it :

If it's still broken, then while you send it back to replace it, I would suggest you start clamping, it gives me some great expansion too.

Good Luck

How can i take you seriously? you said you have been using the Bathmate for 3-6 months, is it 3 0r 6? there is quite a lot of difference between the two, if you cant even get these simple facts correct, how do you know what gains you have made or how do you know you have not read the instructions correctly? the Bathmate can be used as a dildo too, i suggest you put the penis inside the cylinder with all due respect.
GettingTo9;471118 said:
Your experience is the standard experience, because the simple fact of the matter is (despite the legend and popularity of the pump) that simple pumping will never permanently increase the girth of your dick. A simple understanding of the anatomy of the penis will make this clear.

Anatomy of the Penis

The shape and size of the penis is determined by the 3 tunicae albuginea that run the length of the shaft beneath the skin. The tunicae are made of the same material that surround your eyeball and your testicles. This is very tough material and is very resilient to stretching. If you put enough tension on the tunicae, however - by stretching, bending, etc. - you can cause them to grow.

Why Pumping Doesn't Provide Permanent Gains

In using a pump, guys try to put vacuum pressure on the skin and the tunicae from the outside. Unfortunately, once the penis (including the tunicae) reach its natural erect size, any increase in pressure in the pump causes fluid to build up between the skin of the penis and the tunicae below the skin, so there is insufficient pressure put on the tunicae to cause them to grow. If you could actually put the vacuum pressure on the tunicae themselves, pumping would work amazingly well. The trouble is that there is space between the skin and tunicae, and that simply fills up with fluid.

This is the same principal why pumping will not increase the size of your testicles. Sure, your scrotum will get bigger, but the pump is not putting any tension on the tunicae of the testicles, so they stay the same size and the area betweeen the testicles and the scrotum simply fills up with fluid.

Just remember, every time you get fluid build up, it's actually called edema. It's what happens when you've damaged the body. You get it when you break or sprain a joint, you get hit too hard, or you pump too much. Fluid build up is a sign that you have done something wrong to your body.

Urologists routinely recommend pumps for guys with ED to get their dicks to their fully erect state. Every one of them that I've ever heard or talked to warns that going beyond the fully erect state can damage the penis and cause ED, so beware. Using a pump can have a negative effect on erectile quality. Have you ever seen a picture of a pumped dick that looked erect? No, they always look blubbery and semi-erect.

Guys who pump will definitely notice an increase in size, but it's not a permanent increase. It's just fluid build up. In order to maintain this increase in size, you have to keep pumping. If you are willing to do this sort of "maintenance" then, by all means, go for it. Just be honest with yourself about what it is you are doing.

Jelqing and Bending Provide Permanent Gains

Jelqing, on the other hand, actually forces blood into the tunicae and puts pressure on the tunicae from the inside. This method does actually work to increase the size of the tunicae, and thus the penis.

Bends also put tension on the tunicae and cause microtears, so they also can increase the size of the penis.

Bathmate Stretch

One exercise DLD does with the pump is the Bathmate stretch. This can work to increase size, because it's pulling the entire penis, along with the tunicae inside, away from the body and thereby putting tension on the tunicae and on the ligament. Because the ligament sometimes retracts after being stretched, though, using the Bathmate stretch can sometimes result in turtling. Nevertheless, some guys claim to have acheived permanent gains using this technique.

Choose Exercises That Hit The Tunicae

Whatever technique you experiment with, first learn the anatomy of the penis and ask yourself how is this exercise hitting the tunicae? You'll make must faster permanent gains if you do exercises that actually target the tunicae. If you simply like the look of a big fat dick and don't care if it is that size permanently, then go ahead and use the pump, just be forewarned that there is evidence that it causes ED.

The Jelqing can do more damage than pumping, because it can damage the integrety of the tissues and cause scar tissue and excessive collegen release to harden the tissue, making it less elastic and less conducive to an erection. The Bathmate on the other hand softens these tissues which i have experienced myself, and increases flaccid hang and promotes better erection which myself and many others have experinced, it also develops the pc muscle. It is actually recommended by at least one urologist on record.
I love um
Dick_Slinger;471503 said:
How can i take you seriously? you said you have been using the Bathmate for 3-6 months, is it 3 0r 6? there is quite a lot of difference between the two, if you cant even get these simple facts correct, how do you know what gains you have made or how do you know you have not read the instructions correctly? the Bathmate can be used as a dildo too, i suggest you put the penis inside the cylinder with all due respect.

wow wow, Easy, easy, I come in peace.

What I mean by "to 3 to 6 months" is : I've checked at 3 months for perm gains (nothing), then continued consistently at 20 min, once per day, up to 6 months, and found no perm gains as well. Hope it's clearer. Sorry for the confusion.

I'm not saying it's "impossible" to get ANY gain at all with the Bathmate. That's why I use my personal experience which is so far : After my newbie routine and Jelq, I got perm gain, not after up to 6 months of Bathmate only. I don't mean it's the absolute truth, everybody reacts differently of course, and I'm very happy if it di work for you (only using the Bathmate). I don't also talk about pumping in general, since I've never used anything else than the Bathmate. I've read that obvisouly some pumpers got up to 1" in years of pumping only, so alright.

Now, can you agree (without attacking each other) we can have different opinions, experience and results about the Bathmate ?

I did read the manual and I promise I didn't use it as a dildo (yet) :)

Can't find the complete online manual here but this is what you can read on the Bathmate site: "How long can I use Bathmate® ? Use it as long as you like in order to get the desired result.
We suggest to use Bathmate® for 15-20 minutes a day or every 2 days." & "Are results lasting? Results are permanent after around 6 weeks use."

So that also answers ryan62468 above about what Bathmate officially says how long is supposed to be required for gains to come.

So when I used thoses instructions for 3 months, checked, then 6 months, checked I did not see any gain (or if there was some, that was not enough for me to confirm it when measuring it with the tape). I've measured MSEG 15.5 and was still 15.5 after 48h without Penis Enlargement to confirm any perm gains 6 months.

And I confirm it's Dan_Clizer (who got permanent +1'5" after using his multi sessions of 6 min + 10-20 of Jelqing afterwards. All this consistently during 2 months, and sometimes several sessions in one day. His post is here :

Let clarify once for all. I'm not a Bathmate hater. I own two Bathmate (Herc and X-40), I love to use it as much as I can to expand first before my girth sessions. I must also add I find it's a great Sex toy (no I won't use it as a dildo, please stop :)) in the way you can pump for 10-15 min before engaging sex and offer a massive and impressive "present" to your lover

Thank you Gettingto9 for this post, that explains also why SSJ, Ulis, Horses and Clamping would be the best Girth exercise as reported by many here. About ED I do feel a difference, but nothing permanent, so I hope that will never cause permanent damage here.

Conclusion : I still think, to get the best girth gain (and the faster), it's better include some of the best girth exercises WITH the Bathmate. I was more warning those who wanted to go Bathmate only that they could be somehow surprised by the lack of small gains. It's also explained all over this forums in posts and stickys.

Sorry Megzobo, I guess we screwed you post. Hope you got your answer along the way :(
A turbo cant run a Car, but a turbo on an engine in a car makes it run faster... Im just saying
Captain thick, you did not ruin the post. Everything here is for informational purposes and I accept all information I can get. I am totally new to Penis Enlargement and i am now using just the extender because my Bathmate started leaking and it seems as though I will not get any help replacing it. So I am going to purchase a regular vacuum pump from a good company that has good cylinders.
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