
Jul 15, 2015
After a couple of weeks to a month of pumping with the hydromax 30, I switched from an every other day pumping schedule (to not overwork my penis) to a 2 day pump, 1 day off schedule. And, after today's pumping, the very first back to back pumping, I noticed a little bit of water retention when I peel back my foreskin. It doesn't hurt and honestly barely visible but I am just curious as to what is water retention, is it harmful, can I still pump or have sex? etc. I do a lot of massaging and stretching before, between, and after throughout the day.
Taking a pause / resting is good, but usually can affect in this way; fluid retention might come easier. How long do you stay in the pump? I noticed from my yesterday's session that longer and slow pumping might be good for me at the moment. All in all; gradually building the pressure, be it Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) or something else. And also reducing the pressure in the end gradually, not with one strong release.

Slight fluid retention isn't so bad, but it is always good to try to avoid the fluid retention. Even if you get some fluid retention, it's OK to have sex. (Some guys aim for the doughnut effect, which is usually not desired or good, but we're individuals after all ...)

Your massaging routine sounds good. I wouldn't worry too much. When you go pumping after the pause, go very slow at first. Just so your unit can react positively and not freak out by causing a lot of fluid retention.

All the best to you!
even i get lots of fluid retention after my second pump rep...........does this effect gains ????
It is my understanding that fluid retention comes from damage to the tunica. It's best to avoid it. Augment your workouts around this fact.
The only gains it would benefit is skin stretch since the water retention is not part of the interior penis. Gains from pumping, imp, need to be done in short sets with a counter exercise to stop the retention. Girth enlargement is about tissue expansion not water retention.
So how do we get rid of it? How do we get rid of water retention just by waiting it out? Rest/stretch/massage until it goes away?
I follow the instructions, 5 min, 3 sets, two days on, 1 day off type of schedule, working my way up to 3 days on, 1 day off, with light stretching and testicular massage between sets, I try to do the slow squash jelq as well but I always lose my boner in a couple of reps? I don't even know tbh if I am doing it right, it is where u slowly jelq an inch or two and press down on the head right? According to my girls my dick has gotten noticeably bigger but idk if they are just saying that lol... Definitely been harder
AsianSensation;657510 said:
So how do we get rid of it? How do we get rid of water retention just by waiting it out? Rest/stretch/massage until it goes away?

I usually start massaging it away as soon as it builds up. One day I got such a large doughnut that no amount of massage would dissipate it though.
well if i get fluid retention using the 5x5x5 routine then should i reduce the number of time in the BM ?????
For me fluid comes easiest when I do manuals, then go in the pump. Maybe you can skip one pump set in the 553, or maybe you could do five minutes pumping x2 then do some jelqs afterwards. There's no loss in experimenting one day bro, you just grow wiser.
as you can see my daily log.... i do more jelqs after pumping so water retenion reduces but it doesnt......
i also tried pumpin for 3 mins only after 10 mins of jelqing but there was still fluid retention....

how to go about it ???
Is water retention dangerous or normal? I would say that it is fine unless it blisters, something that happens with air pumping quite often. If you follow the SRT protocol for pumping, in most cases, these things are not an issue.
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