
Apr 14, 2012
I was just looking at results in different forums and I never found anyone claiming they gained with just stretching...They must have jelq in their Penis Enlargement routine along with stretching...and then, I see these people claiming they gained 1.75-2 inches just jelqing yes it took them over an year but as far as gains is concerned is just stretching in all direction and possibly extra stretching (more than the newbie routine requires) going to have any gains without a jelqing session each day?
helpseeker;528548 said:
I was just looking at results in different forums and I never found anyone claiming they gained with just stretching...They must have jelq in their Penis Enlargement routine along with stretching...and then, I see these people claiming they gained 1.75-2 inches just jelqing yes it took them over an year but as far as gains is concerned is just stretching in all direction and possibly extra stretching (more than the newbie routine requires) going to have any gains without a jelqing session each day?

I've had gains with just stretching.
it is a combination of certain or all stretches
like take my situation when i first started i was just starting out on SG extender and jelqing stretches these were great and all but it wouldnt have worked if i didnt read the cementing gains in for growth ADS (all day stretchers) Uncle Jims Wrap Or my Favorite Ghetto Style Lock Hanging
My first month i did get some gains One being my Blood Flow and the other Being of Length at end of month increased size an extra 1.5 inches in length and extra girth
its not going to happen over night with your routines but your going to see real promise if you stay focused and determined just like the little train that could Tooo Toooo
50% physical 50% mental 20% Determination
Blood Flow is Key To any Gain Engorge your penis shaft with Blood and make it work

helpseeker;528548 said:
I was just looking at results in different forums and I never found anyone claiming they gained with just stretching...They must have jelq in their Penis Enlargement routine along with stretching...and then, I see these people claiming they gained 1.75-2 inches just jelqing yes it took them over an year but as far as gains is concerned is just stretching in all direction and possibly extra stretching (more than the newbie routine requires) going to have any gains without a jelqing session each day?
If you only want length gains then just stretching is just fine. In fact there is still some debate as to whether r not girth gains detract from length gains.

Here's my recent answer to another post which addresses some of that question. Sometimes HOW one stretches can effectuate girth gains at the same time. This answer is an expansion of the technique in my signature.


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Re: my penis was completely straight before i did penis squeeze and after i had a cur

Most guys stretch by grabbing onto or just below the glans. And only stretch from that point.
But I start my stretches as close to the base of my penis as I can.
And in order to "anchor" my grip I'll achieve about a 90% erection to start.
And I'll perform an entire set, (my first of say, 8-10 sets) of "Newbie Routine" stretches starting there.

So one way of looking at this is; I start by stretching the first 10% of my penis while performing a clamping type of girth expanding jelq on the other 90%.
Then I let go of my penis and re-grip a little farther from the base-a little closer to the head, again, kegeling blood into the portion of my penis between the head and my hand.
At this point I have 20% stretch+ 80% jelq.

As I continue this progression I perform a full set of stretches at each percentage of my penis from base to head: 30/70, 40/60, 50/50, 60/40, 70/30 etcetra, etctera.

The last set of stretches I do is by grasping the traditional "right at the glans" position.

So when I'm finished I've performed a full set of stretches using the entire length of my penis as fulcrum points and gotten in a damn good amount of "jelquing" in the process.

Did that help?
Seeker I almost never jelq, I do mostly dry stretching.
Supra, I don't usually jelq either I just stretch but I've been stretching with very intensity and routine for a month (I do 1 set of 1:30 minutes instead of 3 sets) and basically seen no results. I woke up today and first thing I did is wet jelq using handwash soap...400 jelqs I'd say just to make sure I gain soemthing lol..

Max, So theres a debate that jelqing might reduce length gains? Damn I seen all around the internet people claiming to gain 2 inches or so just from jelqing for cpl years..I see what you doing. Read it in your sign but now I know how you do it...You're making sure 100% of your penis is stretched from every point instead of just stretching frm 1 point and you start off at the bottom cause then the blood goes up top...Not such a bad idea...

Doc Holiday, SG doesn't work for me for some reaosn I have to get that Ace bandage..and I'm thinking about getting the ghetto lock thing that you innovated..btw for a moment I was like where did Shaggy go and today, right now I find out you're shaggy..GOod to have you in this forum.

Neog, yeah maybe if I keep stretching on for a year I'll see .5-1 inch gains...I need more than that but I'm willing to give time even though I had to quit drinking smoking doing drugs and all that and I stopped a month ago and it's really hard not to think about going back to it again..

BTW, jelq before or after Penis Enlargement? What u guys think?
Today, I jelqed first thing..I'm planning on jacking off before stretching sesion so is that a good plan or bad plan?
Stretch then jelq, jelqing straight out in a way stretches the penis at the same time if you use a medium to hard grip,and jelqing wont reduce length gains,jacking off first may cause your penis to turtle a little but if it works for you ok.
My advice do the newbie routine then when healing use a silcone sleeve or wrap your penis in a extended state i got 2 inches EL in 2 years.
Stretching alone is fine, but you should understand jelqing promotes good circulation in the unit.
Stretching will bring length gains but it will bring very little in the way of girth. Girth needs to be done through it's own methods (there are a few). Oddly, girth work will deliver length too and so will the opposite but to make decent gains I do suggest dedicating to both. Some men will attempt length first and when they reach their goal they will concentrate on girth, or visa versa, this is also a realistic approach.
DLD I only want length gains for now. After I get my length gains I start on girth gains. Also, I'm planning on getting the bib hanger because it delivers fastest results in length I need to get to 7 inches...However, I'm not too sure about it fitting my dick as my dick is on the thinner and smaller side...So tell me what you all think about it...Of course I'll be stretching and jelqing as regularly as I can until and while starting to hang just so I gain
What's your starting erect length? Hanging takes a lot of time
8incyclops, last year around June I measured 4.7 NBPenis EnlargementL but I ain't sure if I measured it right or wrong because in june I stretched for about 2 weeks and then quit...And in december 20th-22th I started Penis Enlargement again...
I don't remember when I measured but I measured in the first couple days of starting again and it was 5.7" when sitting down on my chair (I basically lie down in my chair when I sit, don't sit straight lol) and when standing up it was 5.1-5.2 sometimes even 5...So maybe I've gained maybe not...
Just about a week ago I found out I was measuring from the lowest-end of the ruler, not the end of the numbers so this was the reason of measuring a less number...

sorry for too much writing...So to answer your question it's somewere from 5.3-5.5 NBPenis EnlargementL at the measurements could also go up due to not smoking for about a month and I also stopped doing drugs because I dedicated myself to Penis Enlargement and need a 7+ NBPenis EnlargementL dick...
Hard to measure EL or BPenis EnlargementL cause when I'm hard and I stand up I get softer...
But my BPFSL is 6-6.5"
btw I see hanging results are faster than stretching results...and I'm willing to hang couple hours a day no problem once I get comfortable with it...I'm willing to put my time in it if I'm guaranteed 2-3 inches...I'll hang all the time except when I'm not home and or when I'm working out...I can probably do like 3-4 hrs of hanging everyday frm next month
Ok when you measure do it standing not sitting cause its easier,if you can hang go for it I like manuals because I gained from them but everyone is different.
I just don't see gains for manuals even though I'll continue with that much gains you got?
8incyclops;529308 said:
Ok when you measure do it standing not sitting cause its easier,if you can hang go for it I like manuals because I gained from them but everyone is different.

With that said it is also important to be sure to be exactly consistent in the measuring place, angle, standing, etc. Any variation in body position will give false numbers. A good measurement is from a solid point that is exactly the same each time.
ok this is confusing ... i believe that girth exercise like the basic jelq can help in length gains ... i know ppl get length from jelq ... i never got a gain from stretching ... i got few from jelq ...
Manuals seem like they condition your dick to grow. As in, longer ligs should accommodate new growth and cause some on their own, but should not guarantee anything but gaining on your stretches if that makes sense. It seems highly advantageous to do things like jelqing/erect work because this is where you actually train your dick to fulfill the potential you are creating through the manuals.

I've gained about .5'' on BPenis EnlargementL in less than two months with manuals, and about .6'' on BPFSL in the same time period. The key seems to be healing in the extended state as DLD promotes.
AF3;529768 said:
The key seems to be healing in the extended state as DLD promotes.

Indeed, half of the entire process is healing and maximizing that time. I have always strived to find better and faster ways to grow and SRT and it's practices are very powerful. I wish I had this in my early days but it was through the early days that the new day is upon us! Keep growing and keep giving!
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