Mar 7, 2004
Is jelqing truly the backbone of Penis Enlargement? Stretching seems to do more for length than any other type of exercise. The stretching imparted from jelqing seems minimal. Various types of squeezes seem to be better for girth. Jelqing at 60 percent erection seems like it may not leverage enough stress (beyond your normal 100 percent erection) to gain additional girth. I see where jelqing may be good for circulation and general penis health, but may not be the best for overall increases in size. I suppose I do not quite understand the internal effect of the jelq on the penis. Please educate me.
To me, Jelqing is mostly a deep tissue massage of the penis so I use it to warm up and warm down after hanging, especially as you can hit the ligs in a different way than with stretching alone.

After a good hanging session, my penis tends to want to shrivel up as it looks so beat up so I will add on some wet jelqing with Vitamin E oil after that to get it out to a nice plump maximum size.
Yea I second what MCTFB said. Its mostly a warm up and or conditioning exercise.
I still think that 100% erect jelqs are one of the best girth exercises there ever will be when used in conjunction with bends and squeezes.
Gandolf said:
I still think that 100% erect jelqs are one of the best girth exercises there ever will be when used in conjunction with bends and squeezes.

i'll second that!

To be more specific, I'm right in line with MCTFB and SWM. It is a good exercise to work the blood through the penis. It keeps the blood vessels healthy and used to a workload. I do think sometimes when you try something new the penis will sometimes want to shrink a little, after being exposed to a new stress or force. Jelqing should eliminate this and would certainly be beneficial in cementing gains.

I know I've hit this subject before, but I just don't understand and subscribe to 100% erect jelqs. To me, they seem to do absolutely nothing. For one thing, my dick is hard enough at 100% that, short of using a plumbing wrench, I can't begin to squeeze hard enough to actually force the blood within the chambers. To paraphrase what someone else here said, it feels like I'm trying to work with a steel pipe. If I could generate that much force, I cannot think that such an extreme amount of force would actually be good for it. Consider how much force that puts on the nerves and the blood vessels. I know when I've tried 100% jelqs, my veins hurt and looked really swollen, as if they just might burst if subjected to much more.

I'd love to hear the thoughts and initial experiences of the 100% jelqers. Did you experience any of the signs I did and do you view the blood flow principles the same way?
Jelqing is the backbone of pe.
LOOK at nearly all the exercises in pe , they are based of the jelq thought - the Horse squeeze, Uli, constrictors, Tao head ... infact ANYTHING done erect is based of the Jelq, even erect stretches cos they will be working in a similerway as the wet jelq does ..... its been the most common method over the centuries and the Arabs made it famous [real and TRUTH] .... is works EVERYTHING on the whole, but the actual jelq = more girth.
The actual thought behind how the jelqs work is used in nearly every exercise in pe today, that thought is very much alive ...... it got the ball rolling and with safe gains, unlike the early stretch exercises [rocks] which left men impotent.

Theres so much you can expand on while jelqing, you can EVEN stretch when you jelq, its a very versatile and influencial exercise that is a VERY Important part of the pe'ers diet.
So what would be considered the most basic concepts to support Penis Enlargement? Stretching for length and increasing internal pressure for girth? If those two concepts are the basis for Penis Enlargement, what exactly is the purpose of the basic jelq? You don't really stretch the penis much and without a substantial erection you don't really exert pressures that would cause girth growth. In stead of the jelq being the best of both worlds (length/girth), it appears more like not enough of either. I'm not trying to spur conflict, just learn a little more about Penis Enlargement.
Jelqing is a very complete exercise. It trains the length and girth while increasing good circulation to the penis. Is it necessary? I think this is best answered by each individual user. Some guys do not like to jelq and if that is the case there are plenty of other options. I think everyone should start out jelqing for the first 6-8 weeks before venturing off into more advanced exercise. But what girth gains really come down to is maxi9mum engorgement each session. As long as you are getting this with each session you will be on the right road.
Jelqing actually makes me feel worse for some reason and also temporary ED :(
I do exercises that are more expansion oriented than compression oriented. I also think all thats needed for length is stretching or hanging.
Here is another question: Why do some men seem to get nothing out of it? I've read accounts of men getting great gains by doing nothing but massive amounts of jelqing and I've heard of men that would do over 1000 reps per day and claimed to gain nothing.
Well since Jelqing is a manual excercise some people probably just don't do it hard enough so basically those 1000 reps are baby massages since some people have a lower pain threshhold than others.

Also, over time any Penis Enlargement excercise will toughen up both the ligaments and the tunica through the relative reduction of elastin to collagen so you need to stretch harder and harder to get the same results so once their newbie gains are over, they gain nothing because they are not upping the intensity.

Someone on �other forum� used the analogy as a guitar player that after playing guitar nonstop for a month he has badly calloused fingers and the callouses eventually subside with rest. Of course callouses are different than collagen buildup in the penis as a result of stress, but the analogy is basically the same in that you need to give your body time for the tissue to loosen up a bit before applying more stress to it.

So, I was thinking of changing my routine to a 3 week cycle of focusing on ligs, then the tunica, then girth, and then repeat the cycle but I figure that was kind of dumb because I could be hitting two sections of the penis at once and let the other one rest for two weeks.

So now I have a 6 week cycle that seems to be going well (have not lost any length while not doing tunica work) that goes like this:

First 2 weeks - Ligs plus girth
Second 2 weeks - Ligs plus tunica
Third 2 weeks - Tunica plus girth

The penis actually has two layers of collagenous tissue, one layer running vertical to the base (straight out) and the other going up to the top in a cylindrical fashion. I suppose for length the vertical tissue is what allows the penis to stretch out and the cylindrical tissue is what is mostly stretched when the penis expands in circumference.

So I figure for the most part you can safely rest one section of the penis for two weeks at a time and therefore you won't need to take complete breaks. So last week I had been doing ligs plus girth and this week I will be doing ligs plus girth and then hopefully when I do ligs plus tunica next week my tunica will be sufficiently deconditioned a bit to get good gains over the next month of working out the tunica.

Nevertheless, people who jelq and only jelq I think will on the majority probably run into the problem of not being able to apply enough force to actually stress out the tissues in such a way that they grow in an elongated state. In other words, your penis stops acting like a rubber band and instead turns into a rope that won't stretch even a little bit no matter how hard you tug. I know that if I don't take breaks from lifting my muscles get as tough as shoe leather and I sometimes lose some flexibility, especially if I get lazy on the stretching, so just like I don't want my muscles to become muscle bound and inflexible, I don't want my tunica and ligs to toughen up so much that they will just refuse to stretch anymore unless I place so much stress on my penis that instead of microtears I get a massive tear requiring surgery.

I have a theory on the relative difference between the frozen shrunken state (basically dunk your penis in cold water for a while to get your minimum flaccid size) length of the penis and the maximum flaccid stretched length of the penis when completely warmed up that I believe is key to determining the future rate of gains since from what I have read that guys with poor flaccid hangs tend to get much larger gains in flaccid size than erect size initially but they also happen to be the best gainers overall in erect length as well.

So the idea is that it is not whether you start out at 5, 6, 7, or even 8 inches in erect length, it is the relative difference between your frozen flaccid size and your maximum warm flaccid stretched length that gives you an idea as to what your probably future rate of gain from Penis Enlargement assuming all other things being equal.

I started out with Penis Enlargement with just stretching and a modified form of dry jelqing myself and when I started I was probably about an inch in the frozen flaccid state in length and 2 inches max in normal flaccid length and around 5 inches bone pressed in erect length. Now after 5 months I have gained 2 inches in erect length but 2 and a half inches in normal flaccid length and 2 inches in frozen flaccid length (3 inches in frozen flaccid length).

So my ratio of frozen flaccid length when starting out with Penis Enlargement to whatever my erect length was (never took flaccid stretched measurements then so I am assuming it was not much different than erect length) was 1:5.

Now I have 3 inches frozen flaccid and my flaccid stretched is 7.5 which is a ratio of 1:2.5

So basically my guess is that this ratio somehow correlates to the rate of gains people have if you were to chart this all on a graph and by this logic when I started Penis Enlargement I should gain about twice as easily as I do now and based on my progress this is about right since I started out gaining about half an inch the first month (maybe a little more), and every month after that I have gained a little less.

I will write more up on this theory when I get the chance, but this theory isn't completely new, just I have not seen anyone talk about minimum flaccid length which I call "frozen flaccid length" versus maximum flaccid stretched length. My guess is if your ratio between the two is pretty low, you need to do anything you can to increase the elasticity of your penis which for non-newbs to Penis Enlargement may mean taking a break of some sorts.
Wet Jelqing kick started my monster girth gains before I used the constrictors.
REDZULU2003 said:
Wet Jelqing kick started my monster girth gains before I used the constrictors.

What was your wet jelqing routine? I mean, there are a lot of different ways to do wet jelqs.

I used to do dry jelqs early on because I had a lot of excess skin which made it easy to do but over time as my erect length has caught up to my early flaccid gains, the excess skin just isn't there anymore so now I do only wet jelqs.

Anyways, did you do them slow or fast, with stretching combined?
Jelqing is the backbone of Penis Enlargement, Period
Supra said:
Jelqing is the backbone of Penis Enlargement, Period

Those Arabs were really bad ass mother fuckers to come up with the exercise like that. We gotta give them a credit for that. Agree with you Supra. Everything is just a variation on the main theme which is jelqing.
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