
Oct 31, 2004
Hello fellow Penis Enlargementers.

A little intro because most here probably don't know me. I've been Penis Enlargementing for more than 5 years now, on and off on the last 3. In this time I've gained 1" in length and .5" in girth - actually gained more but lost almost an inch in length and half in girth after a one year lay off. Lastly I've been as diligent as it gets to try and regain this lost size, to no avail. I've pulled, I've pushed, I've clamped, I've pumped, I've jelqed and I've hung. Nothing is having any effect.

For example, on this last two months I've hung around 80 minutes (real hanging time, that is, 4 20 minute sessions) per day. I've gained zilch. So probably this means it's time to take the gloves off, hang the boots, and call it a day. I don't know if there are guys here who've had plateaus this big (more than 2 years now with no gains whatsoever), and managed to break them. If there are I'd like to hear your stories, how you did it. Because I'm seriously thinking this isn't getting me anywhere.

Well, sorry for the rambling.

Over and out.
Damn if you've gained nothing in two years and really was dedicated to Penis Enlargement then I'd think you owe it to yourself until you do gain something more. If it's making you depressed then I'd stop completely, but seriously you owe it to yourself to see this through whatever your goal is.
What you have to do is think outside the box that these sites have created, I went at it more than a year and hadn't gained a .1" of girth, hammering at 2 hour extreme girth sessions (doing shit I wouldnt dream of now).....all the vets will tell you is just go at it harder, and that anyone can gain if they try hard enough (that quote gets me fuckin riled)......and in the end after taking a break I found I got more out of a 25 minute girth session than a 2 hour one.

Since I couldnt gain shit from the most intense work thats on these sites, I started making my own stuff up, and dont get me wrong, the exercises on the site are incredible for 95% of people. but there are us guys 5% who's dicks are fucked.

I have learned enough new information from failing for so long that I could start my own alternative Penis Enlargement site up, but not the gains to back it up, thats also why I cant hammer off a bunch of shit to you right now, that might make the regulars cocks explode.
But I'l say this, I massively fucked up my dick from a couple retarded crazy girth sessions where I incorporated erect PC muscle flexes (dont do them until you can make your hardon jump) and I sincerely went fucking impotent for a month....no joke, Im 19.

At first I didnt do anything thinking that would be best, then I tried jelqing with the pathetic limp dick that was before me, then I tried my new shit (most of which is really just a whole shitload of little thing rather than actual exercises) that gets your cock healthy, well, in a couple weeks (being a couple weeks ago)my cocks back lookin bigger and more vascular than it ever has, and all I do other than my "health routine" ;) is 15 minutes of jelqing and various squeezes alongside my PC muscle routine which is totally different than the ones shown here, which I found is massive overkill.....also FR really does your cock well

Well, a lot of guys reading this probably think I'm spouting absolute bullshit, but I truly beleive everyone can gain, just not the same way. And when you beleive that and you go without gaining for, be it years, you must reinvent the wheel and you find some amazing shit out about your dick.....

When I make some gains, it may take a year but I will, I'll outline exactly what I do.

Till then, sorry about the run-on sentences ;)
Hey vlad, post up the info it sounds very interesting. I've never been a fan of hugely long and extended programs, unless I'm hanging for an hour or so as I've never gained a whole lot from really long sessions.

Shrike, what's your lot? How long are you averaging in your sessions? What angle are you using? I posted over at T's that I've changed my angle just yesterday and it seems to have put me back on track as my FSL after my session was up nearly .25" strictly from fulcrum hanging and I've finished out the last two sessions with A-stretches/blasters and BTB jelqing in between sets and it really seems to work the tunica over very effectively.
I remember you Shrike dude from the old board.

This is a frustrating venture at times, no doubt about it. As I recall I started Penis Enlargement in April 2000 and finally thru in the towel somewhere late in 2002 with no erect gains or girth gains. My problem was different than yours because I was doing so many of the exercises wrong and hanger adjustments wrong. I put in the time and effort but got nothing. Hell, if I started doing the same thing again using my same techniques it would yield the same results.

I have some questions that you can ask yourself.

1. When is the last time you took a break of a month or more?

2. When you hang do you get sore?

3. How much weight do you hang and how often do you go up?

4. Do you use the Bib hanger? Do you use one position as your primary or do you bounce around because I see alot of guys on the other board doing that?

5. Could you actually spend more time each week hanging, either each day doing more sets or just having one or more big hour days in addition to your current hang schedule.
yea don't quit...I know it must be crazy hard to think that you are going to gain if you keep it up...but you will trust me. Ive come to realize that this Penis Enlargement stuff is really hard work...you get what you put into it...and try to think quality over quantity...good and right exercises not crap over and over again. As for me and how long my routine takes, it usually takes well over an hour to finish it...thats because I get bored and take my time :)
Yes, quit! Quit and start over again, nothing gives you better perspective than a fresh start. Quit and restart....change everything, the way you think, the way you exercise, the way you train.
iwant8inches, yes I'm thinking about stopping completely for good. I've done a few long pit stops the last 2 years, due to the same discouragement, but now I really don't see much else where I can improve on what I'm doing / have done.

VladtheImpaler, I've never been a big defender of those really hardcore routines / exercises. First time I heard about them I frowned at Erect jelquing, clamping, fulcrum stretching, etc. But I've given my share time to these techniques in the last years, without much (if any) improvement. So you may have a good point, thing is I don't have the patience and time to try and develop new things. I'll give your post a serious thought though.

millionman, I answered you at T's though i'll also do it here. My lot is 7. My sessions average 3x20 min on weekdays and 8-10x20 min on weekends. I'm a little afraid to do that fulcrum hanging thing. Maybe I'm judging it wrong (I admit I haven't read much about it yet) but from the looks of it it seems a little too extreme for me to do. But if it gives results... I'll think about it.

ocd, 1. I've been taking breaks since 2002, sometimes just one month, other times 3-4 months at a row. 2. I get sore everytime I hang, but more on the weekends with those long hanging sessions. 3. Right now I'm hanging 26 lbs, and I go up when after 3 sessions I don't feel soreness anymore. 4. I use the Bib Hanger and I only hang SO now. 5. It's difficult, specially since in the next few months I'll be starting on a new job which will get me from my normal 8hr per workday to 10-12hr per workday. I can maybe add 1-2 more sessions 2-3 days per week, but that's it.

Juggers, yeah, Penis Enlargement really is hard work. I've been in this long enough to realize that. And I admit, there were sometimes in the past where I didn't put enough effort into it, so no results came from that. But I'm discounting those times as learning experiences. On these last 2 years I've given my best efforts to a whole slew of different techniques, without anything to show it. That's why I'm thinking that enough is enough.

Thank you all for the help!
Hey DLD,

doublelongdaddy said:
Yes, quit! Quit and start over again, nothing gives you better perspective than a fresh start. Quit and restart....change everything, the way you think, the way you exercise, the way you train.
Change into what? I've done my share of short and extremely intense manual exercises sessions, I've done long lasting sessions of length driven exercises, I've done combinations, I've done things to my dick that I wouldn't desire to some (not all :) ) of my enemies. What do you suggest in terms of change of pace?


did you talked to Bib already? Perhaps he can help you out.
Shrike, I apologize for doubling up the questions from T's, but some of the guys here who could help can't access threads over at �other forum�.

Do some reading on fulcrum hanging and see what you think, since you've been at this so long you'll be a much better judge of it then most. I hope you can find something that works, or you could quit, but I don't imagine after all this time you'd resign yourself to just throwing in the towel.
Yeah I think you should continue to find a way to gain. If you end up gaining after trying something new then you might be onto something that ALL hard gainers can look to in the future. I'm not sure how Dash's 1 HEAVY SET hanging routine has worked for others, but Dash gained from just hanging 1 set at a very high weight/max weight and gained. That's something that works for some people, but not for others. If you come up with something that works for you it might work for others. Think about it. Do like 1 15 minute workout every day either stretching, hanging, or girth excercises. Try to find fun with it again. That's what I'm trying hard to do right now. Lately it's just been a pain the ass!

I remember you from �other PE site� too. I wish I could help you... you seem to have tried so many things. Maybe you should take your mind off Penis Enlargement for a while, then come back to the basics. Also, DLD has developed some great interesting exercises that are not at �other PE site�, at least not the last time I looked around.

Check out this list:


I think the expressive stretches are not there, and maybe one or two others that you may find in the main forum. There must be at least a few things you haven´t tried yet.

Vlad: Let us know what you do. I´m interested in your health routine, but the rest, even if dangerous, might help someone.

you crazy old man! I'm impressed as hell w/your persistence and creativity, mostly the level of determination. Way to go.


Don't worry about a thing. You're about to take some time off when you start that new job and after some time has gone by you'll start doing some maintenance work again. And then you'll get unbalanced again and go balls to the walls. It may take 6 mos to 2/3 years but you'll be back...especially when you see your cock shrink and then not get hard.

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