
Aug 20, 2013
Hi all sili question

I have been doing some jelqing and mixing it up with a Bathmate.

I did a very light jelqing and Bathmate session last night and woke up to a smaller penis than normal.

I have not gained any perma gains yet as I have not been doing that long but I am wondering if its possible to actually shrink the penis from incorrect jelqing or Bathmate sessions.

Persoanly I think it just may be one of them days as some days your penis can be smaller/bigger but the girth looked very thin compared to what it normally is.

please advise

Probably just normal daily differences, no urge to pee = no morning wood effect.

You can take 2 days off to take baseline measurements. Ie no Penis Enlargement for 2 days, do a round of measurements of every kind.

Then a good week or month of Penis Enlargement take post workout measures to see your pumped stats.

Then measure the next morning to get a baseline " morning after Penis Enlargement" stat set.

Then end of month take 2 days off No Penis Enlargement then measure again for honest results which Mos can respect as true.

That will vary due to many factors including varied arousal. You may be waking up usually with the morning wood effect of your body closing the eurethra off to withhold urine... which gives that erect state. This day not so much urge to pee so no morning wood? So perception of smaller than usual.

Adopt a serious regular Penis Enlargement program and be consistent over weeks. Then when you perceive a difference measure it. Take a long term view that anything encountered in your journey, thousands of brothers have been there done that Penis Enlargement'd their way past it and earned the merit badge... if you have an off measurement over weeks of no progress despite consistent Penis Enlargement routine, then come for advice on your routine... you'll need to be posting your routine, measures, and at least weekly progress on being consistent, for the brotherhood to give you meaningful advice.

So my advice us to do that: start a solid routine, start a progress thread, start posting your daily workouts post your measurements today, become accountible to the Mos brotherhood in this way and then we can really help you.
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Definitely possible, check the beginning writings in SRT and you will see how I lost size but with that said, the SRT surfaced as the best way to gain size back and multiply it!
Yeah that reminds me...

What dld relates in his SRT thread is, wearing briefs instead of boxers or commando can actually lose you length.

I'm pretty sure its behind my turtle/grower issues despite above average erect length and girth.

Maybe if I'd worn boxers all my life I'd have naturally been a shower at my current goal stats...?

So if you had some change to briefs recently it could explain your shrinkage?
ive never in my life worn tight cloths.
i have never worn jeans,pants etc all ways commando or boxers and I mean all my life i hate having tight fitting pants etc
Hi all sili question

I have been doing some jelqing and mixing it up with a Bathmate.

I did a very light jelqing and Bathmate session last night and woke up to a smaller penis than normal.

I have not gained any perma gains yet as I have not been doing that long but I am wondering if its possible to actually shrink the penis from incorrect jelqing or Bathmate sessions.

Persoanly I think it just may be one of them days as some days your penis can be smaller/bigger but the girth looked very thin compared to what it normally is.

please advise


You won't be seeing gains so soon. It is best to give the process at least 6 months before taking any measurements. Stay consistent and measure once in 6 months.
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