Intro post, covid complications.


Mar 4, 2024
Hi all,

I first registered here probably back in 2004/2005 when I was a teenager, did some work back then and made a bit of gains but never stuck with it. I'm 36 now and I've had covid three times and was fine for the first two, the last time in 2022 one of my main veins under the glans (can't remember the name of it) bulged out (thrombosed?), I had very strong but weird erections for days, crooked to the left, then straight, then back to crooked. My shaft is also misshapen on the left side where the vein is, almost like a dent, but my girth isn't any different in that spot which is weird. In addition to the crookedness I also have a 70% erection most of the time during sex now even though I have a lot of sensitivity. Before getting covid the last time I could get erect from wind blowing the wrong way. I can be enjoying sex a lot and then suddenly lose the erection. I've had a gainswave treatment on the vein last fall, it helped a bit but I didn't have enough money to do the three scheduled treatments.

I bought a MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System, LengthMaster 3 - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging, and extra tape today. I have a phallosan extender I bought from here last year and haven't had the time to dedicate myself to it. I had a hard time putting it on when I tried to be honest, and I'm uncut but I don't have a lot of foreskin. I've heard about sleeves that you can buy here that might help with using it? Which ones would those be exactly? And is there a mod I could do to use a leg strap with it? And is there a mod I could do to use a leg strap with it? In addition to eliminating my ED/covid complications I'm looking to add some length and girth, I'm at 6.25'' BPEL and 5.4'' base girth, little less than that mid shaft. I would be thrilled with an inch of length and 6'' girth. I'm working on losing weight I got from being on some medications awhile, to reduce my fat pad. I have nothing but time these days as I'm a full time student with not a lot of responsibilities, no kids.

Does anyone have any experience with or have heard about guys treating covid related ED issues with PE? I know this will help a lot because I can intuitively understand that my ED is physiological through some kind of vasoconstriction. If I can do vasodilation through PE I imagine doing a lot of good.
Welcome back brother. I've never heard of anyone who had COVID related ED issues but I believe that PE can help the situation. You already have the needed devices.

But hydrocortisone cream 1%. You can buy it from the MoS Shop or from any local store around where you live.

You also want to buy the Uncle Jim wrap which you need to be using for wrapping to stay elongated whenever you are not training. Bear in mind that, the sleeves and the Uncle Jim wrap are both serving the same purpose but I prefer the Uncle Jim wrap.

I'm not a fan of the Phallosan. I will encourage you to use your LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging instead. All you need to do is two 20 minutes LengthMaster sessions daily and then remember to wrap the penis at all times to stay elongated for a minimum of 6 hours daily.

Check the main forum, you will see all the LengthMaster exercises videos. You can correct the curve by stretching the shorter side more, erect bends and also through pumping. All of this correcting will take 12 months to see very meaningful results
I'm just trying to visualize your penile body as a whole.

Swelling of a penile part from a swollen vein, sounds like a portion of the corpus carvenosum hyper inflated/deflated due to scarring or stresses in the past. This can be corrected over time with all day stretcher and low pressure and long term inflation during stretching to provide equalized shaping.

When we were in our primes, any whisper in the wind will rage our hormones as our boys do a salute and Hail Mary. But once we past 32, stresses and daily life will reduce the sexual hormones to compete with life's needs even though we are sexually active. Think of it as life preservation adaptation.

As for Covid and ED, not so much. However, Covid can be indirectly affecting your hormones, such as testosterone and cortisol, that ultimately messes with your sexual wellness. Lifestyle changes due to long Covid exposures can also influence your overall wellness. This is why I keep up with physical training to prevent my lifestyle from plunging into an abysmal woe of ED.
Thanks for the replies guys. I'm working with a doctor at a clinic on optimizing my hormone levels at the moment, not doing TRT at this point in my life but everything I can to support optimal natural levels and some other numbers I had in my blood panel that were sub optimal. I totally agree with you about that being important, I've had a few hits to hormone balance over the last few years with noticeable effects from covid, stress, and taking some psychotropic meds for about 6 months. I'm getting into a good place now with all of that so I feel like adding in PE is a good idea. If you search for deep dorsal vein thrombosis or erectile dysfunction from covid you'll find lots of medical articles talking about it and also first hand experiences on places like �other PE site�. I will say it has gotten loads better from when it first happened though, I did get that one gainswave treatment on it. I'm a firm believer in being able to fix things like that though so I'm not worried.
Good to hear. Do know that Covid is not the cause, but an influencing factor. Viruses morph our bodies at some genetic level, but it does not to the point where our bodies become suppressed from changes. Just like viruses, our bodies are composed of multicellular makeups and malleable on many fronts to adapt faster than what the viruses can do. Otherwise, we would all be Xmen by now.
Good to hear. Do know that Covid is not the cause, but an influencing factor. Viruses morph our bodies at some genetic level, but it does not to the point where our bodies become suppressed from changes. Just like viruses, our bodies are composed of multicellular makeups and malleable on many fronts to adapt faster than what the viruses can do. Otherwise, we would all be Xmen by now.
Love your signature 😍
I guess I'll put this here! All I've done so far is play around with the siliring and all of a sudden my BPEL went from barely 6.2'' to over 6.5'', EG from 5.4ish to about 5.75. It's like seeing my real dick again. And two years ago I was under 6'' BPEL from those ED issues being at their worst.
Congratulations for your gains, are you still having covid issues?
Thanks! I've been having those lingering blood flow issues I've attributed to the period of time I had covid last, not sure exactly what caused it. But it seems like this might actually fix it. First hope I've had in a long time.
Thanks! I've been having those lingering blood flow issues I've attributed to the period of time I had covid last, not sure exactly what caused it. But it seems like this might actually fix it. First hope I've had in a long time.
You're gonna be just fine.All COVID ISIS a flu and you'll get through it.No problem
I appreciate the encouraging words. Also want to say that it's been almost two hours and my flaccid hang is still way more than 2x what it normally is. Usually it's retracted up inside for the most part. Maybe the pipes just needed to be cleaned out a bit. I'M EXCITED! And I haven't even started yet.
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I appreciate the encouraging words. Also want to say that it's been almost two hours and my flaccid hang is still way more than 2x what it normally is. Usually it's retracted up inside for the most part. Maybe the pipes just needed to be cleaned out a bit. I'M EXCITED! And I haven't even started yet.
That's excellent news. Let's hope it continues as you continue to work and grow.
Thanks! I've been having those lingering blood flow issues I've attributed to the period of time I had covid last, not sure exactly what caused it. But it seems like this might actually fix it. First hope I've had in a long time.

You are now on the right track to recovery. All that is needed now is consistency in doing your routine. Don't let anything come in between you and this journey to recovery. Best of luck brother.
You are now on the right track to recovery. All that is needed now is consistency in doing your routine. Don't let anything come in between you and this journey to recovery. Best of luck brother.
Exactly 💯
So this is my update. For a long time I’ve had a slight penile rotation to the left or counter clockwise looking down on it. It went away while I started pumping, using the rings, and slight use of the lengthmaster 3. However today I noticed that the rotation is much more noticeable after the first couple of days of the SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory lengthmaster routine bundled stretches. What should I do to reverse the rotation? Twist the bundled stretch opposite direction to the rotation I’m talking about? Because I’ve been doing it both directions.

Edit: A positive is that I’m at 6.75” BPEL already. Even easing into everything slowly and allowing time for conditioning and rest.
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So this is my update. For a long time I’ve had a slight penile rotation to the left or counter clockwise looking down on it. It went away while I started pumping, using the rings, and slight use of the lengthmaster 3. However today I noticed that the rotation is much more noticeable after the first couple of days of the SRT lengthmaster routine bundled stretches. What should I do to reverse the rotation? Twist the bundled stretch opposite direction to the rotation I’m talking about? Because I’ve been doing it both directions.

Edit: A positive is that I’m at 6.75” BPEL already. Even easing into everything slowly and allowing time for conditioning and re
Tissue scarring or tissue wall thickening formation on one side should be more focused on the opposing side. Since you are doing both sides, ensure the opposing side receives 85 to 90% of the granular tissue tension, while maintaining 10 to 15% on the twisted sides to counterbalance tissue stresses. It's a common practice for facial tissue corrective practices in Asian countries, including post-fire burnt traumas.
Thanks for the information! Just to clarify, when I’m doing bundled stretches which direction should I be twisting before the stretch in my situation? I want to be really clear so I don’t make anything worse.
Thanks for the information! Just to clarify, when I’m doing bundled stretches which direction should I be twisting before the stretch in my situation? I want to be really clear so I don’t make anything worse.
How does your penis look like?
Thanks for the information! Just to clarify, when I’m doing bundled stretches which direction should I be twisting before the stretch in my situation? I want to be really clear so I don’t make anything worse.
Correct. Pictures tell a larger story. Directions only provide only a path to follow. Try light to moderate-light intensity first as you're going to focus most of your efforts into one twisting direction for a few weeks before going all out. One direction forces your tissues to achieve fatigue very fast. Once the tissues have a chance to adapt to the tension and you know there is a change, SLOWLY increase the tension over time. It may feel like 2 to 3 lbs more tension in a span of 2 to 3 weeks. Tissue corrective approaches, such as under-subtaceous scarring, does not take much.

If you have an ADS, it will help even more. It doesn't require full twists. It only require 1/4 turn while wearing after the LengthMaster usage. Men don't understand that their penises do shift and twist over time. This is atrophy. Extreme changes occur to those who have more sensitive and thinner tissues.
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