
Dec 1, 2004

Im on deconditioning break, when i start back in a months time, is it best to take it slow with the stretches not pulling like to try and rip my dick off? Because i have read that if you stretch intensly it causes the cells in the penis to harden and the penis tissues become harder to stretch and no gains will come from it?


> Take it slow and stretch but not too hard
> Or keep it intense?

What is best, is this true?
I think thats bullshit. Big gains came for me when i broke a sweat from stretching. Id say just go intense.
What about rest days?

I mean when i 1st started i used to train all the time everyday! But since my newbie gains, gains havent been happening.

train all time everyday per week @ high intensity; or
train slow and steady with rest breaks at high intensity?
bulc9 said:
What about rest days?

I mean when i 1st started i used to train all the time everyday! But since my newbie gains, gains havent been happening.

train all time everyday per week @ high intensity; or
train slow and steady with rest breaks at high intensity?

Hey bulc sorry for bailing out on you on msn without a warning but like i told you mate, work has been hell these last few weeks.

I tryed to reply to you later that day but you were already offline so...

About your questions... As a rule of thumb. always remember this:

- Go as intense as you can UNTIL just before the pain sets in. PAIN IS ALWAYS BAD. A litle disconfort is to be expected yes, some "burning" feeling too but NOT PAIN. So stop just short of pain while going as hard/intense/strong as you can.

- Yes there is truth behind your worries on scar tissue formation. Yes you are correct on the assumption that with all soft tissue tears comes scar tissue which is harder than normal tissue and can lead to problems. This is why we go up to the brink of pain and should never endure it cause pain comes from distruction and scar comes from reconstruction with second generation tissue which is hard. So from that scar you could very well develop either peyronies desease if the scar is unilateral or E.D. ( erectyle disfunction ) or even both problems. We are trying to EXPAND cells not ripping them apart here !!!

Hence the warm ups required, the no pain rule and the jelqing to promote good blood flow and overall penile health.

Also, for lenght no rest days are advised and in fact they work against you. Do it everyday when you return to the exercises, try to do them piss-pulls when you hit the jhon and just sit on the darn thing when you are watching TV. ( Just make sure your not watching Jessica Simpson masturbating or you'll be ejected to the ceiling when you get an erection ) :D


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Hey Mike,

Dont worry about it, i knew you were busy and had to get off anyway, it made me get my work done neway!

Thanks for the advice, thats what i used to do go intense but not push over the boundary of pain etc. Just wanted to make sure because i have been reading threads over past few days where some people say the opposite.

I will just take it slow and gradually build the intensity up, the 1st few weeks i will just be getting back into it after 3months decon break so i dont want to injure myself. Another thing i am going to start doing is warm ups, i never used to bother with this, but now after reading threads i was sili to leave it out, also kegels, i stopped doing these as well.

3weeks left of decon so i will hopefully speak to DLD and get something sorted for when i start my routine back... cant wait!! 8" here i come!

cheers mike, speak soon mate
Bulc, Personally I don't use the strength of the pull as my gauge for how effective the stretch is. I look for how tight or loose an area feels after a session. Usually for me the first 1-2 rounds are trying to loosen up a bit and get into a rhytHydromax with the session. I use basic stretches, mostly, and I try to find the angle and most constant grip strength to get the best stretch. This doesn't mean I'm trying to pull my dick off but I am trying to find the best leverage to get the most out of the stretch without pulling too hard. It seems sort of complex when it's written out but I usually work to find the best angle for each stretch I perform whether it's in a SO, SD, bundled Squat stretch, or something similar.
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