
Feb 5, 2017
For some reason if I get a good Bathmate session I'm much more sensitive after. Is there any reason for this? My last session was about 15 minutes or so and I got erect to see how everything looked and it was super sensitive time.
Happens to me after a particularly aggressive session...lots of pressure and forced expansion make all those nerve-endings tingle and tender. goes away after a few hours. that's my indicator of a 'solid' work-out
Well that definitely explains it. I had a feeling the expansion was exposing more nerve endings. I had a mild session the other night followed by sex and I was having a hard time lasting very long. It wasn't a bad thing though cause she needed to get to sleep anyway.

I'm not sure she noticed the slight increase in girth. I've noticed that the better my erection when I start pumping the better the session turns out. I still get expansion even with a semi but the best is when I can start and stay fully erect. I need to get in a mega session before sex where I get at least 1/4" in BPEL. That will make her a believer in my PE activities ;)
completely BM sessions are considerably better the higher my EQ. It's difficult maintaining it, but the closer you can be to 100% EQ the better the results
I timed a session one day by watching a 15 minute scene start to finish. By the time I released the pressure I was super thick and hanging as long as I am hard. Stayed that way for hours too.

I noticed I get better suction sometimes as well. Last night I decided to pull the insert and fit that in place first. Holy hell the difference was amazing. Plus it kept me from sucking my right nut into the BM. That's no fun when it starts to happen. I'll be sitting the insert in place first from here on out.
cladre60;727226 said:
Last night I decided to pull the insert and fit that in place first. Holy hell the difference was amazing. Plus it kept me from sucking my right nut into the BM. That's no fun when it starts to happen. I'll be sitting the insert in place first from here on out.

nice *pro-tip*
Thank you. It really seemed to help since I could press on the insert and keep it exactly where I wanted. My only issue with using the Bathmate is my own problem - my piercing. I have a massive ring hanging down that's 7/8" internal diameter (I think it's almost 1.25" external diameter). It can push my head up to where it's hitting the top of the tube or the side depending on where it's at. I've taken it out for a few sessions but then I've got to get it back in while swollen up. Might be time to switch to a curved bar for a while and just take it out for sex. My wife hates the curved bar because it's leaves me with a huge steel ball sticking out from the shaft and if I pull out just a little too far it catches her when I go back in. Fortunately she doesn't mind when I take out my jewelry for sex. Yes sex is different without it but the difference is interesting. With the jewelry in we both get extra simulation but some movements and positions are restricted a little. Without it we can get much more wild. After having it for a dozen years I'll never take it out no matter how big I get. It's a tool in my arsenal of sexual pleasure. Use any tool properly and you get the results you want.
Bolden;727230 said:
What is an insert for pumping?
The base of the Bathmate is 2 pieces. The outside part is the bellows that compresses when you pump. Inside of that is a removable sleeve. I found last night that if I remove the sleeve, place it exactly where I want it for comfort and to keep my testicles from getting pulled into it, and then hold it with one hand while sliding the Bathmate over it that I get better suction when pumping. The other huge bonus is my testicles aren't getting pulled in while pumping. Does that explain it a little better?
I see!

Mine is a Hercules, so I might not have the separate piece.

Thanks for the explanation.
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