Jun 3, 2003
Stretching at the base is something we (the penis enlargement community) just don't put to much effort into, if any!. The stretching point is mostly at the upper portion of the penis where much of the strength is lost as it radiates downward into the base. The further we work down the shaft with the point of grip the less of the penis that is penis stretched BUT new penis, unlocked from deep within, is now given more force of stretch bringing greater opportunity to grow.

A man with a 9" penis who stretches from just below the head will see less length gains than a man with a 5" penis doing the same because the shorter man is reaching deeper into the body (due to the shorter path) and applying more intensity to internal, and lower shaft gains. You already know you have inches of internal penis, you can feel it, making this length real is highly reflective on how much intensity is applied to it. Distance x Force = Length:) This is what accounts for smaller men making gains faster than longer men in almost every MOS survey.

As we get longer, or start longer I think it is important to address lower down the shaft. With every inch of distance between you and the deep internal penis is one inch less of stretch being applied to it! Mid-shaft stretching is ok but Expressive Stretching makes them obsolete. As one can see in this picture, there is (x) amount of outer length and (x) amount of inner length, effectively stretching that requires expressing it!


This type of stretching is called expressive because it expresses the internal penis and allows it to be stretched. I have included 4 very good method to stretch this area, please try one or all. It could really make the difference in your gain potential. One can become limited using purely traditional stretching methods, it is smart to include Expressive Stretching as it will increase the speed of gains and the over all gain potential.

When using DLD Hardcore Bathmate Stretches one is able to really experience stretching internal penis without touching it! A truly amazing feeling, the stretch immediately brings one into total comprehension of the amazing potential of what is inside the body and how the Bathmate can effectively stretch it.

DLD Expressive Stretching, using the PowerAssist (or LengthMaster) is another way to effectively stretch internal penis. Using this method the ring of the PowerAssist is used to push internal structures outward where it can be gripped and stretched. I love this method as much as I do the Bathmate.

A way to help stretch this area manually is through The Total Package Stretch. I made this stretch years ago but has fallen deep into the archives of Matters of Size. This stretch is very easy. The user simply grips, with two hands, his entire package, including scrotum and stretch from the lowest point of the body outward. This method is powerful too and one should show some restraint.

Last but not least is LengthMaster, lower shaft stretching. The Bundle Chamber allows the user to strap the LengthMaster to his lower shaft and use both hands to stretch it! The most powerful method of all! Be careful with this stretch as it can apply a lot of force. Always start easy and work up to intensity slowly and within good limits!

Try one of these highly effective methods of stretching and exposing new, internal penis. The way I see it, God would not have put it there if we weren't supposed to get it:) I know that I have always used this logic in my penis enlargement and I have gained more than anyone (proven) in penis enlargement. I was always curious about that internal penis, even when I was a boy. I think this theory will bring hidden inches to many curious stretchers!
Yeah this is the same stretch I posted here few months ago and its great!
Its so much easier for me this way to work the ligs, what I do is using an overhandgrip as close to the pubic bone as possible and grab the base with my index and middle finger and my thumb.
After a Bathmate session when everythings warmed up its even better.
That's some good stuff right there,But my favorite is the dld hardcore Bathmate blasters due to the fact you get sore ligs and inner girth as well.
you also have nothing more to prove due to the fact you have the worlds biggest Dick.

By the way when are you gonna suBathmateit yourself to "THE GUINESS WORLD RECORDS"?
"Heavyweight Dick Champion Of The World"
with the combined Length & Width Of:11x7" Ha,Ha:)
Nice Ring Huh?

WHat I was asking myself, when your hanging, shouldnt attaching the hanger at the base give better ligstretch than behind the glans?
Someone else asked this here and Bib said this would just stretch more skin than affecting the ligs, but since hanging at the base and stretching the base is basically the same...

Or is it dangerous to do put a hanger on the base?
I think you could get a better grip like that and better gains
Superdick;404722 said:
That's some good stuff right there,But my favorite is the dld hardcore Bathmate blasters due to the fact you get sore ligs and inner girth as well.
you also have nothing more to prove due to the fact you have the worlds biggest Dick.

By the way when are you gonna suBathmateit yourself to "THE GUINESS WORLD RECORDS"?
"Heavyweight Dick Champion Of The World"
with the combined Length & Width Of:11x7" Ha,Ha:)
Nice Ring Huh?


Guess you didn't see the 2009 edition?

Guess you didn't see the 2009 edition?

???What You Talking About Willis???:)


Yugos;404691 said:
DLD, do you think your first advances were just getting the inner penis out?

I think that is true with most men. When we stretch the shaft we are mainly stretching tunica tissue which is extremely dense with an elasticity of less than 6%. I believe the first gains come from internal penis becoming exposed.

Superdick;404722 said:
That's some good stuff right there,But my favorite is the dld hardcore Bathmate blasters due to the fact you get sore ligs and inner girth as well.
you also have nothing more to prove due to the fact you have the worlds biggest Dick.

By the way when are you gonna suBathmateit yourself to "THE GUINESS WORLD RECORDS"?
"Heavyweight Dick Champion Of The World"
with the combined Length & Width Of:11x7" Ha,Ha:)
Nice Ring Huh?


I think, as far as natural penis enlargement goes I have made record gains but I believe there is someone in the book who has beat me, most of his gains were aquired through surgery though.

Malagabecher;404724 said:
WHat I was asking myself, when your hanging, shouldnt attaching the hanger at the base give better ligstretch than behind the glans?
Someone else asked this here and Bib said this would just stretch more skin than affecting the ligs, but since hanging at the base and stretching the base is basically the same...

Or is it dangerous to do put a hanger on the base?
I think you could get a better grip like that and better gains

That is fine and would be staying in line with this theory.
I think, as far as natural penis enlargement goes I have made record gains but I believe there is someone in the book who has beat me, most of his gains were aquired through surgery though.


In your expert opinion do you think that counts (surgery)? Even tho doctors do not tell you that the extender doe's most of the work:(
If this was a sport he would lose to you,I am not bashing his gains but he did use surgery to get some of it,Very Impressive by any standards.
It's almost like two baseball hitting home runs,
1: Has Roids hits 499 homers
2: Has Natural Talent and hits 499 homers (Way More Impressive No?)
Superdick;404740 said:

In your expert opinion do you think that counts (surgery)? Even tho doctors do not tell you that the extender doe's most of the work:(
If this was a sport he would lose to you,I am not bashing his gains but he did use surgery to get some of it,Very Impressive by any standards.
It's almost like two baseball hitting home runs,
1: Has Roids hits 499 homers
2: Has Natural Talent and hits 499 homers (Way More Impressive No?)

I completely agree. As far as Natural Penis Enlargement goes I think I may be the record holder.
I think it is also very useful to wear an Extender when possible to help stretch penis that is already exposed. A light, constant stress will help break down and lengthen the tunica.
Don't forget aswell about the Fundiform ligament which is located around the root of the penis, near the bulb and would play a factor in enlargement of the inner penis. Like the suspensory ligament at our pubis region it too has potential to elongate permanently.
No doubt. I think we really need to push this theory as I think it has a boat load of validity and I think it will help many guys gain length quicker.
We need to find a venture capitalist, and set DLD and some others up in a Penis Enlargement clinic, kind of like all these plastic surgeons that have their surgery clinics. We come in for a few days, you coach us 1 on 1 on our technique, and then like weight watchers, once a month we get measured, and either praised or hissed at. LOL Truly, my first couple of weeks was pretty much lost time and effort, as I was having to figure out exactly what and how these things were done, and I was too stubborn to pay for the membership until after I saw that it was working.

Don't forget aswell about the Fundiform ligament which is located around the root of the penis, near the bulb and would play a factor in enlargement of the inner penis. Like the suspensory ligament at our pubis region it too has potential to elongate permanently.

I think hanging hits the fundiform Ligs No? I would think Bib & Still,Dash would chime in on this one as they are hardcore hangers,
Oh by the way,Where the hell is Bib?

BLUE WHALE __________ V-Stretch
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