Jun 3, 2003
Here is a FOX news release on Marijuana. I post this in the penis enlargement forum because even today, we are haunted by the propaganda of ulterior motives in the general media driven by money and ratings. This relates to Penis Enlargement as most of the information we find online is created to send a message of emotional robbery. A directive that only caters to a negatively bias, and uneducated, statement offering advice based on nothings by monetary gain and an opinion that holds less water than a fishing net. The reality of the effects of Marijuana, Penis Enlargement or any other controversial activity, becomes a reality through the people who actually try these methods, study these methods and actually benefit from these efforts.

Propaganda is so obvious to those with a mind that is a step above the general population (who I think are mostly monkeys). Our gathering of people at a site like this, or any other that embraces the advancement of humanity and the betterment of our evolution through taking steps beyond the reality of normality, is so much more than an internet connection, it is a massive way of saying to the world, "We demand more of ourselves and we expect nothing less than the rest of the planet!" We have a desire to spread our new found education. We take pity on those that accept a propaganda driven reality that never allows for personal betterment and pleasures beyond their current knowledge.

I read this Marijuana article with complete disgust. It is falsely driven to scare the population from smoking weed. I know for myself, if I never smoked marijuana, I would have never become the man I am. Marijuana teaches things about ourselves. It allows us to face our fears, our insecurities, the very essence of the emotion we lock deep inside. Once we can face these fears we are able to find peace. We are able to accept realities far beyond those of our sterile, past existence. We, essentially, are able to see, embrace, practice, learn and offer gifts of a reality far beyond that of the normal man. This, in no way, is a endorsement for marijuana, as it is an alert for those who fall victim to propaganda.

Give yourself credit if you are reading this thread. You have out-evolved the hominids, you have opened your mind to the underground and accepted a new, and more advanced way of living. The area of information, not yet infected by that of the popular world, is broad and vast. Penis Enlargement (at least Penis Enlargement that is natural and real), is part of this virgin knowledge unaffected by popular bullshit.

This article about marijuana I post is so sad. It offers false information with an ulterior motive only evident by the over exaggerated scares it tries to instill on the reader.

Penis Enlargement is that of the impossible! Propaganda has been the largest enemy of Penis Enlargement. We have fallen victim to the hands of Plastic Surgeons, Pill Companies, and other false forms of Penis Enlargement. We have been jumbled up with the good, the bad and the ugly. If you want to learn about Penis Enlargement you need to learn about propaganda. You need to be wise, or lucky enough, to find the "real" form of Penis Enlargement that really works.

The point of my post is that we never judge the reality of a miracle based on the insecurities of those who do not believe! Smoke pot, do Penis Enlargement, learn about Buddha, take risks in life. If you never test the boundaries of what is accepted as real, you will never experience the fruits of our human rights and advancement.

Here is the article:

Even Infrequent Use of Marijuana
Increases Risk of Psychosis by 40 Percent
Thursday, July 26, 2007

LONDON — Using marijuana seems to increase the chance of becoming psychotic, researchers report in an analysis of past research that reignites the issue of whether pot is dangerous.

The new review suggests that even infrequent use could raise the small but real risk of this serious mental illness by 40 percent.

Doctors have long suspected a connection and say the latest findings underline the need to highlight marijuana's long-term risks. The research, paid for by the British Health Department, is being published Friday in medical journal The Lancet.

"The available evidence now suggests that cannabis is not as harmless as many people think," said Dr. Stanley Zammit, one of the study's authors and a lecturer in the department of psychological medicine at Cardiff University.

The researchers said they couldn't prove that marijuana use itself increases the risk of psychosis, a category of several disorders with schizophrenia being the most commonly known.

There could be something else about marijuana users, "like their tendency to use other drugs or certain personality traits, that could be causing the psychoses," Zammit said.

Marijuana is the most frequently used illegal substance in many countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States. About 20 percent of young adults report using it at least once a week, according to government statistics.

Zammit and colleagues from the University of Bristol, Imperial College and Cambridge University examined 35 studies that tracked tens of thousands of people for periods ranging from one year to 27 years to examine the effect of marijuana on mental health.

They looked for psychotic illnesses as well as cognitive disorders including delusions and hallucinations, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, neuroses and suicidal tendencies.

They found that people who used marijuana had roughly a 40 percent higher chance of developing a psychotic disorder later in life. The overall risk remains very low.

For example, Zammit said the risk of developing schizophrenia for most people is less than 1 percent. The prevalence of schizophrenia is believed to be about five in 1,000 people. But because of the drug's wide popularity, the researchers estimate that about 800 new cases of psychosis could be prevented by reducing marijuana use.

The scientists found a more disturbing outlook for "heavy users" of pot, those who used it daily or weekly: Their risk for psychosis jumped to a range of 50 percent to 200 percent.

One doctor noted that people with a history of mental illness in their families could be at higher risk. For them, marijuana use "could unmask the underlying schizophrenia," said Dr. Deepak Cyril D'Souza, an associate professor of psychiatry at Yale University, who was not involved in the study.

Dr. Wilson Compton, a senior scientist at the National Institute on Drug Abuse in Washington, called the study persuasive.

"The strongest case is that there are consistencies across all of the studies," and that the link was seen only with psychoses — not anxiety, depression or other mental health problems, he said.

Scientists cannot rule out that pre-existing conditions could have led to both marijuana use and later psychoses, he added.

Scientists think it is biologically possible that marijuana could cause psychoses because it interrupts important neurotransmitters such as dopamine. That can interfere with the brain's communication systems.

Some experts say governments should now work to dispel the misconception that marijuana is a benign drug.

"We've reached the end of the road with these kinds of studies," said Dr. Robin Murray of King's College, who had no role in the Lancet study. "Experts are now agreed on the connection between cannabis and psychoses. What we need now is for 14-year-olds to know it."

In the U.K., the government will soon reconsider how marijuana should be classified in its hierarchy of drugs. In 2004, it was downgraded and penalties for possession were reduced. Many expect marijuana will be bumped up to a class "B" category, with offenses likely to lead to arrests or longer jail sentences.

Two of the authors of the study were invited experts on the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs Cannabis Review in 2005. Several authors reported being paid to attend drug company-sponsored meetings related to marijuana, and one received consulting fees from companies that make antipsychotic medications.
Government brainwash. The fat bastards can't tax the shit and pull off these stories. It's all bout money fam. Regardless, blaze one for da nation!

yall smokers should check this shit out right here man, I wish I found this 3 years ago:

Barry Cooper's NeverGetBusted.com
Wow, just more bullshit. Will weed ever be legalized? Probably not. EVER. The general population is full of retards.

What they fail to mention is that only those who are predisposed to psychosis have this threat of it increasing "50 to 200 percent" with cannabis usage. Wait, up, ALCOHOL CAN INDUCE PSYCHOSIS! Wow, don't see them baning that shit anytime soon. I'm surprised tobacco isn't banned yet. Western society really has a deep problem seeing people smoking. I guess the ideas of individual freedom and liberty that brought about revolutionary change centuries ago have long been forgotten. Even in this high technology environment we live in, with all the science, it's amazing to see the unfounded reefer madness of the 30s still exists today, even though hundreds of studies have debunked the un-based attacks on cannabis by the government and various Puritan organizations which runs rampant in the US.

The thing that REALLY fucking pisses me off is that my whole life can be ruined by just having a cannabis joint on me. I am not a criminal. I am in a prestigious college with a good GPA, a good job, lots of friends and family who love me, etc. All this could be taken from me because some cop wants to enforce an unreasonable law. You know what Anslinger's main reason for banning cannabis was? It was all the "negros and hispanics" and their jazz music. "Oh that evil devil jazz music, being played by those colored monsters," Anslinger would probably think. If I was caught with cannabis and prosecuted, you think any employers would hire me, when they have many applicants like me with clean records? Cannabis users are discriminated against unjustly in our society.

I find it sad that methamphetamine is more legal than marijuana (DEA schedule II versus schedule I). Also, heroin (in the form of OxyContin) is more legal than marijuana. Let's see, all the hardcore opiates and amphetamines, which should be labeled the real "scourges of society" are more legal than the most non-harmful illegal plant (NOT drug). Caffeine is many times more dangerous than cannabis.

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
I can't believe this this garbage. After the struggle marijuana supporters have gone through to get the drug viewed the way it is, still a menace, now these "scientists" are going to put it back at public enemy #1.

And that mention of 40% report mental problems or whatever, Only if free thought is a mental problem, which in today's society that seems to hold up.

Ithiel, the way I heard it marijuana is not illegal for political reasons. Infact it'd be quite easy to tax. Infact this one group in Nevada was trying to get it legalized so it'd be safer on the streets.
...But back to the hole political thing. America's first drug commissioner, Harry Anslinger, found it the easiest substance to attack, insuring his job (but I guess politics is driven by money so you're still right :)). After that Nixon on the campaign trail also needed sumthing to attack while on the campaign trail since he was running under the image of "World's policeman" (the it was explained to me). And after that its just a bunch of conservative people voting against sumthing they have never tried.

All tragic. But for any factual data on drugs people can always turn to erowid's. I'm glad my friend told me about this place, keeps me safe not sorry.

The Rasta-Christ

[edit just red 10's post]

I find it sad that methamphetamine is more legal than marijuana (DEA schedule II versus schedule I). Also, heroin (in the form of OxyContin) is more legal than marijuana. Let's see, all the hardcore opiates and amphetamines, which should be labeled the real "scourges of society" are more legal than the most non-harmful illegal plant (NOT drug). Caffeine is many times more dangerous than cannabis.

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This reminds me of a quote I recently read but can't remember. The writer was basically complaining about how fucked up it is, this world that we live in, where he has to cook the codeine out of sum pills because the makers put in another chemical that is only in there to stop people (by threatening with death) to keep them from getting high.

The Rasta-Christ
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Yeah, that DVD is the shit. I saw it. Barry Cooper was thinking of going on tour and also doing a documentary titled something like "Alcohol vs Marijuana." He was going to get 100 people, half of whom would get drunk and half of whom would get high, in an enclosed, safe area. He'd film the results to see the levels of inebration. I think we all know what the outcome will be. I think a documentary like that, shown to old, conservative people, would really shock them as to how safe marijuana really is. I remember my grandma, who grew up in the 30s, thought marijuana was one of the most dangerous drugs one could do (she grew up during the Reefer Madness era). She was deathly afraid of it, but, ironically, it could have helped her live without having to take 20 pills a day for her pain.

I think the only shot at legalization (decriminalization at least) at the federal level is when all the old people (50+ years old) dies off. I read some statistic that about 80% of young people (40 and under) supported legalizing marijuana for adults (not sure if that's true, but sounds reasonable given that legalization has almost passed in Nevada, etc). A large majority of voters who actually vote are 40+ years old. But even in saying that, it doesn't mean the government officials will actually do anything about it. Right now, amongst ALL voters, 78% support medical marijuana legalization, this is clearly a mandate. Yet, our politicians in the house recently supported the DEA busting medical marijuana users in a vote against a bill voted on yesterday that would have forced the DEA to stop busting medical marijuana dispensaries or users. Marijuana Policy Project - Home

It's amazing to study the tactics of anti-marijuana debaters. The one thing they ALL rely on is fear. They try to make it sound so bad that no one will ever consider trying it, which was the tactic used back in the 30s. At one pro-marijuana site, the slogan is "The truth has nothing to hide." Basically, the only sound argument the DEA can come up with is that "it is bad" and "not a controllable substance" (I'll give them that, anyone can grow it, you know? But I don't see how that's bad, unless you want to force people to buy it from you).

The prohibition campaign still has the fear of the 30s to work with, as it is quite ingrained in our society. The key to legalization is to spread the information and FACTS (including any dangers, which are few and far between) to the American public. Also, D.A.R.E. type organizations are the ones helping to instill this fear of the plant in our nation's youth with false information about all drugs. I personally feel D.A.R.E. is responsible for the abuse of other drugs in this nation, because once someone finds out that marijuana is very safe to use, they will think D.A.R.E. must be really overhyping the dangers of cocaine, prescription pills, etc.

Shit everytime I see something like this it makes me want to toke up.
Our whole campaign finance system has made politics so dirty that only big money agendas get things changed... and as far as I know marijuana isn't on anyone's big money agenda. Taking a stance for marijuana legalization would be political suicide in most states. Until campaign finance is fixed, this and many other big problems will be ignored. Thankfully there are a lot of places where marijuana laws aren't universally enforced.

More on topic, does anyone here think marijuana use affects Penis Enlargement gains? I'm guessing by some of the info already posted here that the general consensus is no.
Also, D.A.R.E. type organizations are the ones helping to instill this fear of the plant in our nation's youth with false information about all drugs. I personally feel D.A.R.E. is responsible for the abuse of other drugs in this nation, because once someone finds out that marijuana is very safe to use, they will think D.A.R.E. must be really overhyping the dangers of cocaine, prescription pills, etc.

Hmm, I never thought of it like that. I'd always assumed that when they found out the high they got wasn't what they were promised by such organizations. And therefore were bored. And then progressed into harder drugs.

The Rasta-Christ
Shit I'm still paranoid. Today I went outside to chill and listen to some jams and who do I see through my fence? I cop just standing there walking around talking on the cell phone. Being that I was already high and paranoid I thought that the nosy neighbors across from me called me in for smoking weed or something. Had me freaking out all of today.
Pandora said:
Weed is bad

Fact 1: Weed makes your paranoid.

Fact 2: Can turn you into a hermit, as in you don't leave the house much.

Fact 3: Can make you extremely lazy and to never get or do important things that need to be sorted.

Fact 4: Smoking is bad for the Penis!!!!

Fact 5: It makes you lazy!!! oh yeah I said this already:)

I don't care anyway, you will never see me smoking that shit again anyway, or having a bong,bucket,blow back,breadbong,Gravity Bong,BusHydromaxan's Billy,Apple Bongs,Beer Bong,Bowl.
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Pandora said:
Fact 1: Weed makes your paranoid.

Fact 2: Can turn you into a hermit, as in you don't leave the house much.

Fact 3: Can make you extremely lazy and to never get or do important things that need to be sorted.

Fact 4: Smoking is bad for the Penis!!!!

Fact 5: It makes you lazy!!! oh yeah I said this already:)

I don't care anyway, you will never see me smoking that shit again anyway, or having a bong,bucket,blow back,breadbong,Gravity Bong,BusHydromaxan's Billy,Apple Bongs,Beer Bong,Bowl.

You need to stop smoking badly-grown indicas (or shitty hash) and get some good sativas and good indicas. The higher grade stuff, if it's truly grown right, usually allows you to go about your business as usual while still being high. I have only wanted to go to sleep and be lazy after smoking only a few times in my life, and surprisingly, I was either really tired before hand or it was some badly-handled "schwag."
10inchadvantage said:
You need to stop smoking badly-grown indicas (or shitty hash) and get some good sativas and good indicas. The higher grade stuff, if it's truly grown right, usually allows you to go about your business as usual while still being high. I have only wanted to go to sleep and be lazy after smoking only a few times in my life, and surprisingly, I was either really tired before hand or it was some badly-handled "schwag."

I never wanted to go to sleep when I used to smoke but I did use to play video games all the day tho. But yeah all the weed around my area is a load of shit, I past smoking weed along time ago.
That study is pretty suspect - Even Fox (or Faux, as we to say) News reported this:

"Two of the authors of the study were invited experts on the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs Cannabis Review in 2005. Several authors reported being paid to attend drug company-sponsored meetings related to marijuana, and one received consulting fees from companies that make antipsychotic medications."

The red flags are pretty obvious - junk science has been a friend to the pot villanizers from the very beginning.

So, obviously, the drug companies have a pretty huge financial stake in keeping weed as demonized of a substance as possible. Their lobbying power is tremendous, and there really isn't much of a financial base for the common-sense/legalization crowd, so it's a tough battle.

Another thing to keep in mind about the study is that it completely ignores the fact that it has been proven that people who are prone to mental illness (inculding the forms of 'psychosis' in question) are more likely to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol than people who don't suffer from any mental disorders, which necessarily compromises any sample group they're going to be able to find. Frankly, the study says very little about the safety of smoking pot and leans heavily toward the propagandist side of things. Setting out to discover some link between psychotic episodes and smoking already carries a heavy whiff of bias at even the hypothetical stage.

The one good side to this study is that the reaction to it has been overwhelmingly indifferent or even better, dismissive. The attempt by PR gurus working fro drug companies to try and pump the story as some sort of definitive comment on the safety of pot fizzled badly and really just attracted a lot of criticism. For instance, some pointed out that the much-hyped "link" between smoking and psychosis only amounts to scientists claiming that in a nation of 60 million, they believe a whole 800 episodes of psychosis may be preventable. Wow, a true public health emergency.

Anyway, don't be too rattled by this, the popular trend is still moving towards legalization, it's just a slow process for such a massive shift in the popular public perspective.
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