
Sep 20, 2014
So I was thinking on how to maximize length gains as usual.
And then I remember reading an article sometime in the past.
I can't say when exactly, but I have vivid memories of the said article.
In this article it was claimed that using slim elliptical cylinders to pump would definitely result in length gains as opposed to girth.
Which is the case with wider cylinders or tubes.
So I came up with a concept if I were to use the Bathmate before using the slim cylinder so that its circumference is completely packed
would this be effective or would it considered overkill, and thus counterproductive.
Similarly would it be a nice idea to do some hanging/extending before pumping in the slim cylinder?
Your opinions are valuable and absolutely welcomed.
johnny-wang;678212 said:
So I was thinking on how to maximize length gains as usual.
And then I remember reading an article sometime in the past.
I can't say when exactly, but I have vivid memories of the said article.
In this article it was claimed that using slim elliptical cylinders to pump would definitely result in length gains as opposed to girth.
Which is the case with wider cylinders or tubes.
So I came up with a concept if I were to use the Bathmate before using the slim cylinder so that its circumference is completely packed
would this be effective or would it considered overkill, and thus counterproductive.
Similarly would it be a nice idea to do some hanging/extending before pumping in the slim cylinder?
Your opinions are valuable and absolutely welcomed.

I've read about this as well. Member have posted back and forth about it. I don't think anyone saw length results doing this. I don't remember anyone saying they did. It make sense in theory but I personally believe that restricting the expansion sideways by using a slim cylinder will just lead to less room for blood to flow into the penis rather then making the penis lengthen further into the tube.
Ive read somewere on �other PE site� that someone was using some kind of small industrial motor air pump. He said he got length gains with a slimer tube and high suction from some kind of motored pump. Sounds dangerous and riskey but I might try it someday. It could of been a lie so i dont suggest anyone trying it.
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The thing is that you get better suction the closer your cylinder is to your cock, so people think that totally packing it will give them a even better result.
GirthGains;678225 said:
Ive read somewere on �other PE site� that someone was using some kind of small industrial motor air pump. He said he got length gains with a slimer tube and high suction from some kind of motored pump. Sounds dangerous and riskey but I might try it someday..

WTF! Dudes gonna break something. Never trying that. NEVER!
GirthGains;678225 said:
Ive read somewere on �other PE site� that someone was using some kind of small industrial motor air pump. He said he got length gains with a slimer tube and high suction from some kind of motored pump. Sounds dangerous and riskey but I might try it someday..

johnny-wang;678230 said:
WTF! Dudes gonna break something. Never trying that. NEVER!

I wouldn't call my motor air pump industrial but it worked great!! In the link below I made videos showing how I used my motorized pump. It is pump vacuum system that is made to be used for cupping therapeutic massage. Also for breast pumping. I liked it for penis pumping. Izt could go up to 35 hg but I only used it up to 17 or so hg. And I would only stay that high briefly. I usually kept it around 10-15 hg.

Reading through this thread makes me miss some mebers who aren't around anymore like smerc and zambrodum. They were great members. Always reasonable and open to discussion.
johnny-wang;678230 said:
WTF! Dudes gonna break something. Never trying that. NEVER!
yeah it could of been a lie. I know he said he drilled a hole in the tube for a quick release which he covered with his thumb during pumping. He also said he did short durations and used lots of oil or lube to dry pump at high seconds. At maybe 10 seconds at time if i remeber correctly. I dont suggest anyone to try this.
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youknowme123321;678236 said:
I wouldn't call my motor air pump industrial but it worked great!! In the link below I made videos showing how I used my motorized pump. It is pump vacuum system that is made to be used for cupping therapeutic massage. Also for breast pumping. I liked it for penis pumping. Izt could go up to 35 hg but I only used it up to 17 or so hg. And I would only stay that high briefly. I usually kept it around 10-15 hg.

Reading through this thread makes me miss some mebers who aren't around anymore like smerc and zambrodum. They were great members. Always reasonable and open to discussion.

Thanks for dropping by and thanks for your input.
However, you missed on key point, the one question that must be asked, as it is pivotal to actual creation and existence of this thread
Did you make any gains using your slim cylinder motorized pump??

Edit: Just checked your video and noticed your cylinder isn't slim AT ALL!
Sorry for the misconception.
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johnny-wang;678240 said:
Thanks for dropping by and thanks for your input.
However, you missed on key point, the one question that must be asked, as it is pivotal to actual creation and existence of this thread
Did you make any gains using your slim cylinder motorized pump??

No need to thank me. Also no need to be smart and sarcastic to me. If you weren't being sarcastic, my mistake, but it seems that way. I already responded back to the key point in post #2 sharing my opinion on the subject. I added that quote below. I posted the link to the motorized pumping video in response to girthgains and your posts (#3 & #5) to show using a motorized pump can be done very safely since in post #5 it seemed as though you didn't think it was a good idea. It might not be the best way for you but it is an option for those interested.

I also never said in either of the posts that I used a slim cylinder with my motorized pump. I just shared an opinion on what I have read about it.

If you go back to your OP you'll see you did not post about the key point being about did anyone make gains doing this. You made this thread asking for opinions on the subject of "will using a bathmate before your slim cylinder help with length gains?" That is what the creation and existence of this thread was about and I responded back to what I know of this theory from what I have read about men discussing slim cylinder pumping (post #2). You didn't ask anyone if they had made gains until post #8. So you'll see you created a new key point in post #8.

youknowme123321;678218 said:
I've read about this as well. Member have posted back and forth about it. I don't think anyone saw length results doing this. I don't remember anyone saying they did. It make sense in theory but I personally believe that restricting the expansion sideways by using a slim cylinder will just lead to less room for blood to flow into the penis rather then making the penis lengthen further into the tube.

johnny-wang;678212 said:
So I was thinking on how to maximize length gains as usual.
And then I remember reading an article sometime in the past.
I can't say when exactly, but I have vivid memories of the said article.
In this article it was claimed that using slim elliptical cylinders to pump would definitely result in length gains as opposed to girth.
Which is the case with wider cylinders or tubes.
So I came up with a concept if I were to use the Bathmate before using the slim cylinder so that its circumference is completely packed
would this be effective or would it considered overkill, and thus counterproductive.
Similarly would it be a nice idea to do some hanging/extending before pumping in the slim cylinder?
Your opinions are valuable and absolutely welcomed.
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youknowme123321;678244 said:
No need to thank me. Also no need to be smart and sarcastic to me. If you weren't being sarcastic, my mistake, but it seems that way. I already responded back to the key point in post #2 sharing my opinion on the subject. I added that quote below. I posted the link to the motorized pumping video in response to girthgains and your posts (#3 & #5) to show using a motorized pump can be used very safely. I also never said in either of the posts that I used a slim cylinder with my motorized pump.

If you go back to your OP you'll see you did not post about the key point being about did anyone make gains doing this. You made this thread asking for opinions on the subject of "will using a bathmate before your slim cylinder help with length gains?" That is what the creation and existence of this thread was about and I responded back to what I know of this theory from what I have read about men discussing slim cylinder pumping (post #2). You didn't ask anyone if they had made gains until post #8. So you'll see you created a new key point in post #8.
Isn't this whole post you being 'smart'?
templnite;678245 said:
Isn't this whole post you being 'smart'?

It is me having a conversation with someone else. That whole post is about him saying his OP was about asking if men had made length gains when he he did not ask that until post #8. When he did not ask that in the OP. He didn't until post #8. In the OP he only asked for opinions about using a BM before a slim cylinder which I gave my opinion on in post #2.

DO you even read any of these post? You are an unbelievable troll. Now you're giving me attitude and trolling me in another thread. Stop.
How is anybody here not looking for gains? He made a legitimate query ,and you just wanted an excuse for patronizing him.
templnite;678248 said:
How is anybody here not looking for gains? He made a legitimate query ,and you just wanted an excuse for patronizing him.

I never said anyone here isn't looking for gains. But he did not make that question the key point of this thread. At least it's not clear in the OP that is what he wanted to know the most. He asked for opinions on his plan to use the BM before the slim cylinder.

Explaining to him how I answered the purpose of his thread in post #2 after he told me that in post #8 I missed the purpose of his thread is not patronizing somebody. Look up what it means, troll. Stop bothering me, troll.

I was only messaging with him about the topic and his messages to me. WHy are you trying to take his thread off topic with me? Stop doing that. It is rude. You are rude.
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I guess its not patronizing if you are just reassuring yourself that's how it really went down.
templnite;678252 said:
I guess its not patronizing if you are just reassuring yourself that's how it really went down.

And you're the one reassuring yourself that you're right about a conversation between 2 other people. See you're the troll here. He might come back and say something to me that shows I was wrong in my assessment of his communication to me and that would be fine. Other members have done that and we talk further on the subject and we are cool after that. I even said to him if he wasn't being sarcastic to me, my mistake.

Stop trying to be a moderator and stop talking to me, especially about a messages between me and another person that have nothing to do with you. He is able to have his opinion and I am able to have mine. There was no reason for you to but in other then you like attacking me.

I never have any issues with anyone. Just discussion whether me and the person agree or not. You keep coming after me to no avail.
No need to discuss it further man we can see you meant no harm. You weren't trying to challenge anyone just being a good boy ain't that right.
templnite;678254 said:
No need to discuss it further man we can see you meant no harm. You weren't trying to challenge anyone just being a good boy ain't that right.

Non need to discuss it further but you still message me. It has nothing to do with being a good boy but that would be better then being a passive aggressive childish troll like you. Someone who just follows me around trolling all day. Mind your own business and let adults speak with each other. You're not a moderator here.
WTF has this thread gone to? Cut the fighting guys.
Lets just brainstorm on progressive PE related stuff.
Winning an argument online can be equated to dating the hottest girl way back in high school. . . No one gives a fuck now!
Nah its not that I wanted to argue its just I thought he was telling you "hey you don't know what you're saying" type of thing. Anyway I don't think anyone believes in packing tubes here they probably do that alot in the pumping websites though.
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