Jun 3, 2003
I made an announcement last month that no PE products that we have no approved to be posted in the PE products and reviews. I will delete any thread that does not follow these rules. If you continue to do so I will ban. This is no a marketplace for people to promote what they want to promote. It takes a great deal of negotiation before I allow any product. Keep the products in the PE products and reviews or they will be deleted.

Mike I've been tell'em for thousands of years, but they don't respect the brotherhood's integrity. I don't want to see mentioned anything that isn't officially in the brotherhood such as the 'penilizer', or 'miracle slider extender'.

I'll altruistically shelter you in my home. I'll clothe you, let you eat my food, but the second you want to get political, and make your own rules its all over! :blush:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FQp9K64uUpU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
doublelongdaddy;676782 said:
I made an announcement last month that no PE products that we have no approved to be posted in the PE products and reviews. I will delete any thread that does not follow these rules. If you continue to do so I will ban. This is no a marketplace for people to promote what they want to promote. It takes a great deal of negotiation before I allow any product. Keep the products in the PE products and reviews or they will be deleted.


Interesting. I didn't see your post a month ago. ANy forum can set forth their own desired rules and I will respect that DLD. This is surprising for me to see here at MOS.

Are the only tools allowed to be discussed outside of the PE Products and Review category tools that MOS is affiliated with? Or is there a list of approved tools that are open to be discussed freely throughout the forum without restriction?
DLD if i need to ask about a product whether someone thread has tried or no...can i post a thread about that ?
You can talk about whatever you want as long as it's in the designated forum for products and review. If it's not affiliated than its not trusted. Just because someone says they're good don't mean jack squat. Gets harder and harder to help people when information is getting jumbled around. MOS isn't making bank off these products, they're just trusted for their customer help. Anybody and their momma can sell something, 10 people sell the same extender, but only one will hold up to their warranty. We're here to help each other, if a product comes out, we'll review, then decide, not promote whatever jumps out the woodworks. I think when we open any forum, there should be a thread stating those confirmations, simple as read the rules you know.
pogzee;676864 said:
DLD if i need to ask about a product whether someone thread has tried or no...can i post a thread about that ?

The problem is promoting strange products. Take for example ykm that always names unapproved equipment. Any new guys coming in need to know ykm reviews the website is not endorsed by the brotherhood. Dld, and the mods would never mislead you to buying an unsafe product such as the LG hanger/vac-hanger which already injured a few people just this month.
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templnite;676891 said:
The problem is promoting strange products. Take for example ykm that always names unapproved equipment. Any new guys coming in need to know ykm reviews the website is not endorsed by the brotherhood. Dld, and the mods would never mislead you to buying an unsafe product such as the LG hanger/vac-hanger which already injured a few people just this month.

So b/c kingsnake reported some blood from his urethra you feel like saying those products are unsafe? By your standard every PE product is unsafe and should be avoided and not affiliated with any forums. Funny how you latch onto a simple rare negative bit of information and ignore many positive reviews of tools. That is the definition of shill behavior.

All PE tools can cause injury. And all PE tools can be used safely and easily. You're very biased in what you share...weird. You should look into the history of tools that MOS is affiliated with and they rightfully should be b/c they can be and those products can be used safely. I added some links below quickly to help a bit but search the internet and you can find varying severity of injuries from pumps to compression style hangers to extenders to men using their hands.

Now unlike you just b/c some people shared injuries I won't go and call these penis tools unsafe. Just b/c a guy gets into a situation where he can't remove his noose/strap style extender and experiences discoloration/numbness/varying discomfort for days to follow the incident I won't say a man should never use an extender or that a certain brand of extender should not be used b/c they could possibly hurt themselves. I won't tell men not to use bathmate or penomet products b/c pumps are the most commonly reported PE tools to cause varying degrees of injury. I won't tell men not to use hangers whether compression or vac style b/c men have reported negative effects resulting from using hangers as well. And just so you know more reports of negative effects from compression style hangers/stretchers/extenders exist then vacuum style but this is related to the fact that compression style hangers have been more commonly used and have been around longer.

Injuries most commonly occur b/c men go to hard to quick. They want gains fast and advance to quickly. This does not make any PE tools are unsafe to use.

Make sure when you mention me and my site you say that I am not affiliated with any tools sold on my site and therefore have no financial gains to make from a positive review. And that most of my videos are not reviews but are how to videos that were made to help men use whatever PE tool they have more easily. I don't recommend SWM's malehanger2 often but I have a video available for men to watch that shows them how I wrap comfortably and hang weights from it. I don't think anyone should spend money on a X4 but I have a videos showing how to wrap using the X4 labs materials and one showing how I do it with other materials. So make sure you share how my site holds no bias and whether what I say goes with or against others beliefs/opinions that I am sharing honest information that is based off of EXPERIENCE with all of these tools I talk about. Unlike you tempinite, who shares information with little to no experience and a ridiculous amount of bias making your opinion less trustworthy.

Just b/c tools aren't affiliated with MOS doesn't mean they are strange.

Good Looking Loser Online Forum: Bleeding in Bathmate, help! (1/3)







I even found a post when SWM recommends Max Vac hangers and extenders calling them excellent in post #4 and #6. Of course opinions can change as more experience is gained and I'm sure he couldn't get up to the same high weights he has shared using with compression hangers but it was just good to see he had previously had a positive experience with these types of tools.

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Look bruh there's no use in trying to justify your personal interests. No promoting of outside products, and that's final >:(!
templnite;676908 said:
Look bruh there's no use in trying to justify your personal interests. No promoting of outside products, and that's final >:(!

Hey shill,

Tell me and everyone else what my personal interests are? I'm guessing you won't b/c you won't have any to share. Or you will make up some lies that I will prove wrong.

The way I "promote" or share information is much different then how affiliated sites do, lil shill bruh (tkto/ADF). MOS promotes tools b/c they believe in those tools and are affiliated. PEgym promotes tools b/c they believe in those tools and b/c they are affiliated. And they are affiliated b/c they believe in those tools. These forums provide direct links to purchase tools. As they should. If they believe in a product it's great they are able to make some financial return from it. The unfortunate side of that is it makes opinions come or seem to come with bias. This is the only reason I turned down affiliations with PE tool companies. The money you can make is actually REALLY REALLY good.

My sharing of PE tool information ("promoting") is different then the promotion the forums such as MOS or PEgym do. My information is based only use of the tools. Every bit of help and information you give is based on what you have read of other men's experiences with PE. Correct me if I'm wrong.

So as I have always I will share information about tools based on my experienced opinion with no bias. But only where allowed of course

MOS mods are going to be moving a lot of threads to the allowed section b/c men will talk about other tools and have no idea they can't.
templnite;676908 said:
Look bruh there's no use in trying to justify your personal interests. No promoting of outside products, and that's final >:(!

youknowme, lol.... templnite is in the illuminati and only promotes things that helps the website. Promoting only for the self is wrong. But it is good we can at least post products that aren't used commonly in a sub section.

Gives us a bit of freedom, but I don't like how some people who believe they have authority to speak over a product they haven't even used and criticize it. Please don't let that be the case DLD.

I'd like to see new products that aren't affiliated with MOS to give those people a chance and see what new products are good that don't just help pay for you and the people running the forum.

I understand this is a business but we need to have some interest in new products or uncommon ones.
kyomoto;676911 said:
youknowme, lol.... templnite is in the illuminati and only promotes things that helps the website. Promoting only for the self is wrong. But it is good we can at least post products that aren't used commonly in a sub section.

Gives us a bit of freedom, but I don't like how some people who believe they have authority to speak over a product they haven't even used and criticize it. Please don't let that be the case DLD.

I'd like to see new products that aren't affiliated with MOS to give those people a chance and see what new products are good that don't just help pay for you and the people running the forum.

I understand this is a business but we need to have some interest in new products or uncommon ones.

lol. I agree with you. I know he is tkto/ADF. Previously banned members who acted the exact way he does. Type the same way. Use emojis.
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youknowme123321;676828 said:
Interesting. I didn't see your post a month ago. ANy forum can set forth their own desired rules and I will respect that DLD. This is surprising for me to see here at MOS.

Are the only tools allowed to be discussed outside of the PE Products and Review category tools that MOS is affiliated with? Or is there a list of approved tools that are open to be discussed freely throughout the forum without restriction?

I could give 2 fucks what you think. If you break the rules I will ban you. And do not make this look like I do not allow products to be posted, read the thread again!
youknowme123321;676910 said:
MOS mods are going to be moving a lot of threads to the allowed section b/c men will talk about other tools and have no idea they can't.

Actually they will not have to, if the rule is broken and a warning is given and they offend again they will be banned.
kyomoto;676911 said:
youknowme, lol.... templnite is in the illuminati and only promotes things that helps the website. Promoting only for the self is wrong. But it is good we can at least post products that aren't used commonly in a sub section.

Gives us a bit of freedom, but I don't like how some people who believe they have authority to speak over a product they haven't even used and criticize it. Please don't let that be the case DLD.

I'd like to see new products that aren't affiliated with MOS to give those people a chance and see what new products are good that don't just help pay for you and the people running the forum.

I understand this is a business but we need to have some interest in new products or uncommon ones.

I guess you did not read the thread we made last month. There is absolutely no restrictions on posting products if they are posted in the right forum. MOS will not be a prostitute for other products. If you find a product that you feel will be beneficial to the Brotherhood post it in the PE Products Review section and if there is enough support behind it I will invite them to be a partner. We put our partners through the most strict vetting before they become an affiliate. We require special pricing, a representative on the forum to answer questions and a warranty and product that are solid. When people make posts about other products in the wrong forum it makes it appear that we support this and then when someone gets hurt or the product does not work they come after MOS. This rule is very simple and for very good reason. I have protected the integrity of the Brotherhood for 14 years and I am not about to stop!
youknowme123321;676905 said:
So b/c kingsnake reported some blood from his urethra you feel like saying those products are unsafe? By your standard every PE product is unsafe and should be avoided and not affiliated with any forums. Funny how you latch onto a simple rare negative bit of information and ignore many positive reviews of tools. That is the definition of shill behavior.

You know what, by my standards and the rest of the Brotherhood! We do not ignore good products, why the fuck do you think we have products? If you can't understand this go try to start a forum again. You have already blemished the Brotherhood, you will not do this again. If you continue to try to divide this Brotherhood you will be gone for good. If you even MENTION the slider extender, which is incredibly dangerous, I will ban you. I think you have something going with slider extender. And LIGHTNINg and I have warned you about that in the past. I am watching every move you make, one more political, bullshit, divisional posts you gone for good.
youknowme123321;676905 said:
Now unlike you just b/c some people shared injuries I won't go and call these penis tools unsafe. Just b/c a guy gets into a situation where he can't remove his noose/strap style extender and experiences discoloration/numbness/varying discomfort for days to follow the incident I won't say a man should never use an extender or that a certain brand of extender should not be used b/c they could possibly hurt themselves. I won't tell men not to use bathmate or penomet products b/c pumps are the most commonly reported PE tools to cause varying degrees of injury. I won't tell men not to use hangers whether compression or vac style b/c men have reported negative effects resulting from using hangers as well. And just so you know more reports of negative effects from compression style hangers/stretchers/extenders exist then vacuum style but this is related to the fact that compression style hangers have been more commonly used and have been around longer.

Stillwantmore is a partner here, he is one of our affiliates. Know what you are talking about before you make ignorant comments!
runningignus;676877 said:
You can talk about whatever you want as long as it's in the designated forum for products and review. If it's not affiliated than its not trusted. Just because someone says they're good don't mean jack squat. Gets harder and harder to help people when information is getting jumbled around. MOS isn't making bank off these products, they're just trusted for their customer help. Anybody and their momma can sell something, 10 people sell the same extender, but only one will hold up to their warranty. We're here to help each other, if a product comes out, we'll review, then decide, not promote whatever jumps out the woodworks. I think when we open any forum, there should be a thread stating those confirmations, simple as read the rules you know.

Thank you for REALLY understanding.
pogzee;676864 said:
DLD if i need to ask about a product whether someone thread has tried or no...can i post a thread about that ?

Yes you can, just use the proper forums. This rant also has to do with other things that are posted in the wrong place.
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