
Jun 20, 2003
I've had a lot of trouble with gripping lately, though I've made gains. The other day I was frustrated by what seemed to be more turtling of my penis. However, as I looked at it, I began to realize that the skin behind my glans appears stretched out, even moreso on the right side. Now I know I have been pinching this skin during stretches. Sometimes I'm not even aware of it and then I'll release my grip to realize and had yanked on the loose skin and really pinched and pulled it hard. Seems to me like I'm going to be stretching enough skin that I may soon have some FR going on whether I like it or not.

Any thoughts? Anyone else experience something such as this while trying to grip and pull hard enough?
I can relate. When I first started Penis Enlargement my foreskin was extremely tight, almost like too much was taken off during circumcision. Since I started including hanging in my workouts about a year ago I have not only loosened this skin but started to get some foreskin back. Completely by accident, nothing intensional.
Yea I've got some more skin from manual stretching. Its neccessary really, as you get longer. My dick was prety tight anyways and I did a little skin stretching on purpose. Since I stretch with my right hand mainly, I get more pressure on the left side of my dick with my index or middle finger, so the skin is a little onger on that side. Its only noticeable to me. Anyways don't be afraid of a little extra skin. It feels better when you stroke it and I think it makes it look bigger.
This has really killed my flaccid size, which was poor to begin with, though I was making progress. I looked down at my penis a few hours ago earlier and it was the smallest it's looked in months. A weaker man would have cried.

I'm just going to have to be inventive here and figure out a way to keep from grasping so much skin when I squeeze for a stretch. I don't know how I'm going to do it. I don't believe my circumcision was tight. I've been happy with everything about my dick to this point, except for size. I really don't want to FR, but I would take it if that's what's needed for size, but it seems to be having the complete opposite effect.

I can't even begin to describe to you how frustrating this is and how upset it has me right now. The last thing I needed was this setback. I'm so angry if it wasn't for how much I enjoy pussy (on far too few occasions), I would probably Bobbitt that little fucker to show him how pissed off I really am. :banghead:
chill penguinsfan, it's just a lil skin.
It might be looking smaller to you cuz you're used to see less foreskin. but actually it might have gotten bigger especially cuz you're making gains.
On looser days for my skin, my dong is even bigger flaccid, b/c all the glans isn't rubbing against my underwear and its not as cold. Therefor bigger. It can't make your dick smaller. Its probably your perspective and way of thinking.
Sound to me like you might be overdoing it and maybe worrying about it too much, penguins. Take a couple rest days and relax. Watch some �naked people movies�. Play with your peter a little instead of working it out, and I think you'll be a little more happy with yourself and mr. willie. I have found that being too rough for too long will make it shrivel and seem kind of hard (rubbery). It wants to be left alone. You'll know it's time to get back to the routine when you wake up with a massive morning wood and its hanging normal again.
Yeah, I took two nights off and tried it last night, really, really focusing on gripping right and I think the skin issue went a little better. However, I must have been squeezing hard as hell to get that solid grip. This morning, I noticed distinct red spots near my urethral opening, one of which is quite dark. Looks like another day or two off.
ok now that we are on this topic a couple questions come to mind.

1) do you think the tight foreskin (like being cut to much/too tight) limited some nature growth?

reason I ask is because even in nature some animals will not out grown thier enviroment. say they have the ability to grow 3 ft long but you have them in a small cage/tank they will only grow as large as thier enviroment will allow them to comfortable survive.

2) thinking about the tight shaft/foreskin idea. do you think that tight balls with very little or no hang can hinder growth in Penis Enlargement?

doing some Penis Enlargement while traveling and at home I really think some of these play a pretty fair role in Penis Enlargement. I personally have seen some improvements since focusing more on FR and ball health routine that I did in previous attempts of just trying Penis Enlargement. maybe this is just me or just in my head but I really believe I have seen some noticable results.

would be interested in others opinions on if you think these really effect things. thx
I can't think there's any real relation between FR and Penis Enlargement. In fact, I think some guys that try FR see an initial reduction in size, but it's only temporary. I think I read that somewhere. At MOS, it's tough to say because everyone is practicing Penis Enlargement and a certain percentage of men are practicing FR. Because of Penis Enlargement, the FR crowd is going to see size increases, regardless of what effect FR might have on size when it is exclusive.

As for me, I don't believe I have a tight circumcision. I don't know exactly what the "test" is, though I'm curious. I can freely grab a fair amount of skin and pull it half-way over the glans when I'm fully erect. Nothing ever feels tight or restrictive. As for the ball theory, I'm not much of a hanger, so maybe there is something to that.
for me at least there was no "test" per say on thinking I was cut tight because sometimes especially when I had an above average erection the skin was super tight and felt like I was gonna rip something down there. the skin would barely move at alland made things like jelqing really a tough. I would think it'd be close to the same for everyone else.
If you have good shaft skin movement, and can pull some skin over the head even when erect you are "loose cut". Count yourself lucky.

If your shaft skin feels tight and there is little to no movement when erect, you are "tight cut". If your dick will not move and the skin feels like it is going to rip when erect, you are "very tight cut". FR or just a little skin expansion would be beneficial, both towards overall health and enjoyment, and your Penis Enlargement efforts.

FR can cause a little bit of size reduction...IF you are cross taping or otherwise binding the skin of the penis for long periods of time to tense it AND you do not do any stretches when removing the binding. I have had a permanent increase in my flaccid hang because I always stretch and jelq after removing any binding. Extra skin + stretching = better hang. I'm not the only one who has noted this.

It also follows that if binding the penis for periods of time for FR causes shrinkage, too tight a cut can also cause some of the length of the penis to be constrained during puberty...stunted growth...Doing FR can lead to a larger penis. Many men who only do FR have noted permanent size increases. It's well-documented (and lamented) on FR-exclusive forums and mailing lists.

And, yes, your balls do have something to do with your penis. They share alot of the same blood pathways. I discovered this while pumping. Just out of curiosity, I decided to throw the berries in the tube and pump them. This, for some reason, cut off the blood flow to the penis, making it turn purplish. I thought it was very curious. We know that FR helps with ball hang. Almost all FRers report better ball hang. And more horniness. Better erections. It all seems connected somehow...dick, foreskin, balls, horniness, erections, orgasms.
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