
Oct 28, 2003
I was browsing through this site that sells "penis enlargement patches" ( just for a few laughs, and then something caught my eye:

They are selling a PATCH, mind you, and look at the "typo" they've slipped in (or, more like copied word for word from the sales pitch on their affiliate site that sells prosolution penis enlargement pills):

(QUOTE)We recommend that once you have reached your goals you should stop taking our unique capsules as some women will find a size larger than 8.5 inches uncomfortable. If you do wish to take yourself above this level than the ProEnhance System will take you there. The average man will gain 1-3 inches on our program.(UNQUOTE)

Is it just me, or does that completely kill the credibility of the product they're pushing? :censored:

God, there is SO much bullshit circulating on the web in regards to penis enlargement. It's no wonder 99% of the male populace will have an instant negative reaction to the very mention of enlarging the penis. With stuff like this being shoved in the faces of uneducated consumers, Penis Enlargement in general gets a bad name. I think this shit actually serves the purpose of turning away men who might potentially be interested in Penis Enlargement from places where the "secret" can actually be found, such as MoS. You type in penis enlargement on google, and you'll be wading through hundreds if not thousands of sites that just want to rip you off with pills, patches, creams, lotions and everything conceivable, UNTIL you get to the core truth: manual Penis Enlargement + hard work and consistancy = gains.
Anyway, just needed to vent some. People should file massive law suits against these companies and put them out of business. :s
I'm glad thats about cos 99.999% of males on the web seeing that [apart from the pe'ers] will think what bullshit and never think twice about pe. I like that, dont want pe being a big name myself. These companies are doing me a favour and I have infact emailed two of them in the UK saying keep up with the good work of sending bullshit to people and makeing them think they can enlarge there penis you sad pricks lol
Shafty said:
It's no wonder 99% of the male populace will have an instant negative reaction to the very mention of enlarging the penis.

They do, I think its great.... :p
But before I found NPenis Enlargement i had seen some of those websites and it was obviously bullshit, and anyone that gets screwed by one of those sites is a tard plain and simple....
But the way I saw it, for there to be SOOOO much fake Penis Enlargement, there must be some real Penis Enlargement in the depths of it all or this fake shit simply couldnt exist

It works out quite nicely, Fake and real Penis Enlargement has a sort of symbiotic relationship, We keep the idea that Penis Enlargement is real in the minds, and the fake Penis Enlargement keeps the real shit in the dark....
I never really thought about it from the perspective you guys see it from, but now that I have, I must say it is better that way. At least it won't become as common and widespread as bodybuilding, for example.
Then again, how many truly stunning physiques do you see on an average day? It's common knowledge that anyone can attain a healthy, good looking body just by putting in some effort and dedication, and yet it is so rare to see well developed muscles and low bodyfat levels on people. I guess lazyness, as in this case, would deter most people from ever getting a huge penis even if natural Penis Enlargement became a well known, proven and researched phenomenon.
I agree shafty, BUT I reckon it take ALOT more dedication and hard work to get a sexy large build than a larger penis.
Yep, I hope Penis Enlargement doesn't get too well known. I think many more guys would do NPenis Enlargement if they knew about it and knew for sure that it worked.
I dont think that many more people would do Penis Enlargement long enough to see sufficient goals even if they knew it worked. Its damn hard to do and very difficult to stay motivated to continue. That being said MOST people would rather buy into the advertisements about the pills and then just shell out the money without any real hard work.

Personally I wish everyone knew about it, we would have alot more entertainment with newbies around here. lol Because I truly know only a handful would actually dedicate themselves enough to see good lasting results. Therefore there would be a high turnover and MOS would see more money.
For sure, If the whole population got up to 8" bpel Id feel like I did all this shit for nothin. The less big guys there are out there, the better it is for everyone on the inside.

I dont think it takes as much dedication getting good results from Penis Enlargement as it does for bodybuilding, although I have worked my ass of to get where I am penis wise. I bodybuild as well, but in bodybuilding you have to work on a huge number of different muscles to achieve overall perfection. In Penis Enlargement we basically just work either girth, length or both. When you bodybuild like a pro you have to work your upper and lower chest, the differnt tricep and deltoid heads, your bi's, traps etc. And you also have to eat the right foods in the right proportions for the results you want, and balance your cutting and bulking phases. You throw roids into the mix and you see it aint nearly as "easy" as Penis Enlargement.

The reason we dont see Dexter Jackson (one of the best bodybuilders out there) type physices walking down the street is that it takes a massive amount of dedication and knowledge of ones body to get to that stage. Attaining the perfect body takes years and years of cutting and bulking and strict dieting.

Ive been Penis Enlargementing for 2.5 years and been working out for about the same, and Im 10.5" BPenis EnlargementL, 5'10" and 170 with fairly low body fat. If it was as easy to achieve in bodybuilding as Penis Enlargement, Id be like 200+ lbs with cuts so deep you swipe a credit card through. I know I've worked extremely hard and smart in both.

Keep it on the low-low. :)
REDZULU2003 said:
I agree shafty, BUT I reckon it take ALOT more dedication and hard work to get a sexy large build than a larger penis.

Very true.
personally i couldn't care less if all of a sudden the entire population average penis size got bigger. my Penis Enlargement goals are personal. my goals are in my sig, and even if tomorrow every single man on earth woke up with a 9x6 my goals would remain the same.

my Penis Enlargement goals have got to do with number 1. ME, what i want, then number 2. women, a women's idealology; and number 3. other men, that is way down the track in relation.

and yes im aware that number 3 affects number 2 but it all still has no effect on number one.
Shithead said:
personally i couldn't care less if all of a sudden the entire population average penis size got bigger. my Penis Enlargement goals are personal. my goals are in my sig, and even if tomorrow every single man on earth woke up with a 9x6 my goals would remain the same.

my Penis Enlargement goals have got to do with number 1. ME, what i want, then number 2. women, a women's idealology; and number 3. other men, that is way down the track in relation.

and yes im aware that number 3 affects number 2 but it all still has no effect on number one.

Same here. I'm not in this to be better than other men, I'm in it for my own personal goals.
cyclops and shithead I admire your strong goals, I couldnt be like that.
Just goes to show, you have a REAL goal....alot of us here probably move it when we want more size or see large cocks on the net, so props to you both for keeping real from the start.
I agree. Keep it on the down low. I've always thought it as a good thing that there's so much bullshit on the net, it puts everybody off. Only the people who are open minded, deicated and intelligent get to the real advantages of Penis Enlargement.

I'm glad I found these techniques 4 years ago, and found this site 2 tears ago.
Finding it at a yound age meant I immediately dismissed anything needing a purchase, ie: pills, lotions etc.

I think if I found it when I was an adult I'd possibly have tried the products first, and possibly would never have ended up being this big and a part of this community.
well then it's our job to push MOS on the male population and tell them pills, patches, and doo hickeys are bull shit and turn them on to manual pe and pe devices
that's not what I was saying... I dunno how everyone else feels but I still think the fewer people who know about NPenis Enlargement, the better.
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