
May 31, 2013
Dear MOS,

Due to moving to a new apartment with new roommates i’m not able to hang anymore... I lack the privacy and time to get in 10 hours of hang per week. Yesterday was my last hanging session. I’m way too afraid that someone will knock on my door and comes in unexpectedly...

This is the ultimate decision for me. Because PE and my studies is all I have in my life at the moment. So life got in the way and forced me to choose for my future and studies.

I’m very very sad. I did 100 days of consistent hanging and now everything is thrown out of the window.

My only option is stretching and some jelqing at night under my bed sheets. I have my LengthMaster. The force that you can exert is immense. Like 44lbs+ (20kg)+ more.

So I will continue with a good stretching routine. That’s the only way for me to bridge this period until I find something for me alone.

What are your recommendations? Maybe I should have waited for a better time to start my hanging journey. There’’s way too much going on in my life so I don’t have the time/privacy.

Is this bad? Like am I hindering gains ? Should I do a long deconditioning break and not exercise at all?

I had sex with a girl from tinder (dating app). I felt awful. I felt like I was throwing a sausage down the hallway... My length was too short.

And my girth... 5.7 inch is not enough... So i’m going monk mode again and I retracted from sex and women.

I can’t enjoy it. With my size.
Why not put a lock on the inside of the room? If your living somewhere you need to feel secure and at peace. Establish with your roommates that you have time were you unwind you don't won't to be disturbed. I would continue your quest for a larger size.
Mike3209;758621 said:
Why not put a lock on the inside of the room? If your living somewhere you need to feel secure and at peace. Establish with your roommates that you have time were you unwind you don't won't to be disturbed. I would continue your quest for a larger size.

As far as I know the doors don’t have their own locks because it’s an apartment. And I don’t have the possibility to put a lock on...

I still have to figure out how my roommates behave. Their routines... Maybe they’re coming home late etc, maybe I could work around their schedules. But for now I have stopped my hanging routine.

Hanging takes up alot of privacy and free time... I don’t want to take risks. Alot of guys shame on it.

Maybe if I could talk them into PE or something but the majority of guys don’t believe it or shame it.
It's a door.. get a Phillips screwdriver and take the door handle off... yes I realize it's an apartment but you can add a lock to any door. Believe me it will help you with more than PE. And again it's your life you need to tell them to fuck off, it's not like your dating these people. Your coexisting and they need to respect you and your household, which the room is all your domain. Defend that shit. Just my 2 cents hopefully you actually stand up and defend your activities and place of living. Best of luck
Get some balls, and a lock, tell them to shut it. don't wait, trust me itll take years to get back into it, im talking from experience.
jekyllnhyde360;758695 said:
Get some balls, and a lock, tell them to shut it. don't wait, trust me itll take years to get back into it, im talking from experience.

What happened? Did you quit PE all together?
I’m taking a break now because I have to travel alot and don’t have any time. Maybe in september I have a more stable schedule... That’s why I figured to bridge this period with manual lengthmaster stretching....

When I get back to my apartment I will get a doorlock for sure.

My only way to save my gains is to stretch with the lengthmaster and jelq for a few months... It’s better than do nothing I think...
DutchAthletic92;758696 said:
What happened? Did you quit PE all together?
I’m taking a break now because I have to travel alot and don’t have any time. Maybe in september I have a more stable schedule... That’s why I figured to bridge this period with manual lengthmaster stretching....

When I get back to my apartment I will get a doorlock for sure.

My only way to save my gains is to stretch with the lengthmaster and jelq for a few months... It’s better than do nothing I think...

Good plan! And if you have the extra funds, maybe a Bathmate would be a good addition. but otherwise, just stick to some manuals, and hit it hard when you get home.
jekyllnhyde360;758760 said:
Good plan! And if you have the extra funds, maybe a Bathmate would be a good addition. but otherwise, just stick to some manuals, and hit it hard when you get home.

Or easily win it in this monthly contest, no one seems to be going for it, it could be an easy win.
Someones got some work to do xD Dutch you better get a move on, this is a great opportunity!
If 5.7" girth wasn't enough then she needed a fist inside her, not a dick. Seriously, that's thick enough to feel good in many women. I've only come across 2 that felt really loose with just under 5" girth (and a third that would get looser and looser as sex went on until it was hard to feel anything). Go get some more pussy. That's enough to please most women out there, you just got a bad one.

On the privacy front a simple "I'm jerking it in here, what do you want?" is enough to keep people out unless they want to watch or join in. None of their damn business what you're doing in your room that you pay for.
How do you know that your roommates aren't doing PE too?

Currently hanging in my studio at 13.5 lbs thinking about what you wrote.

Saying that 5.7" girth outside is not enough is obviously wrong. I know of course that your personal choice would be 8 inch girth but that doesn't matter so much for other people as it does to you.

Locking doors raises questions. Some party folks like dutch teenager will not easily accept his behaviour and will ask uncomfortable questions.

Regarding gains I don't believe that the 100 days hanging were for nothing + if you have the lengthmaster then you don't need hanging anyway.
cladre60;758888 said:
On the privacy front a simple "I'm jerking it in here, what do you want?" is enough to keep people out unless they want to watch or join in. None of their damn business what you're doing in your room that you pay for.


Even better is living alone :) I can do what I want when I want wherever I want! I advise all men to kick their women out and live on your own :) JK, but if you do get the chance to live on your own, savor it and relish in the quite peace. When I go home it is so relaxing.
doublelongdaddy;759002 said:

Even better is living alone :) I can do what I want when I want wherever I want! I advise all men to kick their women out and live on your own :) JK, but if you do get the chance to live on your own, savor it and relish in the quite peace. When I go home it is so relaxing.

Doesn't seem like he has that choice right now which sucks. I dealt with that in the Marine Corps. When I went to combat training I had to live in an open squad bay for a few weeks before training started. You didn't even have privacy to go shit. Then 4 months of my school was also living in an open squad bay. The only true privacy you had was to go sit in a shitter stall. We had 21 guys sharing that bathroom and 4 stalls. There'd be times you're trying to rub one out and someone else is dropping a beer and taco infused turd. Yuck.

Then 3.5yrs living in the barracks. I had a roommate and our rooms were set up to share the bathroom with the room next door. You had 4 guys for 1 shower, 2 sinks, and 1 toilet (fortunately it was a stall with a door). I had some decent roommates through those years that understood the value of masturbation time. A roommate I had for well over a year went to the gym every night after dinner. I'd wait about 5 minutes and then pop in a �naked people movies� and blow one off.

One night he left but I didn't know he was a few rooms down talking to someone. 15 minutes later the door suddenly opened because he had forgotten something. He got a great view of me sitting on the couch stroking away. After that day he knocked when coming back if the door wasn't open and my motorcycle was still in the parking lot.
Wow, that must have been embarrassing. I got caught once by my Mother and I was horrified. :) Most people will ever have the luxury of living alone, and I can understand that. But when you do get to have this luxury it is amazing!
doublelongdaddy;759097 said:
Wow, that must have been embarrassing. I got caught once by my Mother and I was horrified. :) Most people will ever have the luxury of living alone, and I can understand that. But when you do get to have this luxury it is amazing!

For him, yes. For me it was "GTFO or I'll bend your ass over and blast one in your ass!"

One morning my buddy was in the shower and there was �naked people movies� on. We hit fast forward and suddenly he goes "hey wait! Rewind that! STOP! Hit play right there." A minute later he said thank you and fully closed the bathroom door. We thought he just forgot to shut it.

Another friend would come out of his room a little flushed and slightly sweaty and pop in to whatever room we were hanging out in. Took all of about 4 seconds for everyone to realize he had just finished jerking off. We used to ask if he blew his load with 1 hand on the door knob and immediately left the room.

We were all young, in decent shape, and Marines. Of course everyone was jerking off and there wasn't any hiding it. If you let someone borrow a �naked people movies� tape good luck getting it back. In a few hours it would be on the opposite side of the building and everyone would "forget" who they let borrow it. One week prior to cleaning our rooms we were told "make sure your �naked people movies� is in a nice neat stack if it's not locked up and your cum rag is folded nicely." During an indepth room inspection my "pocket pussy" was found. 200 people knew about that within 15 minutes. I didn't catch any shit for it. Instead I was being asked "does it feel good? Where can I get one?"

Fun times.
doublelongdaddy;759097 said:
Wow, that must have been embarrassing. I got caught once by my Mother and I was horrified. :) Most people will ever have the luxury of living alone, and I can understand that. But when you do get to have this luxury it is amazing!

Yeah I can’t pay the rent for a one bedroom apartment or a studio at the moment. I need to get a student job or something for extra income but that also fucks up my available PE time.... Choices to make.... But I still want to move out to somehing better.

Maybe I can talk those guys into PE. But one is living with his girlfriend in one room so it would be awkward if I would get caught.
Chaoskampf;758964 said:
How do you know that your roommates aren't doing PE too?

Currently hanging in my studio at 13.5 lbs thinking about what you wrote.

Saying that 5.7" girth outside is not enough is obviously wrong. I know of course that your personal choice would be 8 inch girth but that doesn't matter so much for other people as it does to you.

Locking doors raises questions. Some party folks like dutch teenager will not easily accept his behaviour and will ask uncomfortable questions.

Regarding gains I don't believe that the 100 days hanging were for nothing + if you have the lengthmaster then you don't need hanging anyway.

Yeah that’s exactly what I mean. It’s an around 100 square meters apartment with 3 bedrooms and a small kitchen and bathroom. Everyone leaves their door wide open.

I can lock the door from the outside, but I can’t lock the door from the inside and that would get suspicious or at least considered weird.. My only chance is to mount a slide lock on my door... illegally lol.

And my roommate has also his girlfriend living there temporary. Imagine her coming into my room suddenly while hanging, I don’t want anyone to find out that I do PE.

My ex girlfriend shamed me and laughed at me for doing PE exercises. Never ever again. Fuck them.

So my only option at the moment is doing my bundled stretching 2x10mins + some jelqing. At night, halfway under my bedsheets.

Bathmate routine Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) takes a little bit too long, like 20-25 minutes or something so that’s also a problem I have to solve...

Regarding girth... If I don’t totally stretch out a pussy it is not considered a good fuck. I have big hands so I have a pretty distorted view of my own dick. Being 6’ 1” in height with a large body frame also doesn’t help. Add the fact that i’m overweight and my 7 inch dick transforms into a 5.5 inch dick

I’ve read some stories and most women lust for 6,5 -7 inches in girth. I don’t know where you live but here in Europe the standards are pretty fucking high. Dutch girls rode the cock caroussel and know what they want.

They all have been worn out by a nine incher so that’s my life goal. I’m not satisfied at all right now.
I don’t even want to have sex anymore. It’s kinda pointless. It leaves me with bad feelings. So I choose monk mode.
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Dude, just tell them you sleep naked and get a slide lock.
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