
Dec 20, 2015
Hi everyone,
I started PE on december 5th and I have gone every single day. I'm very committed to doing this and getting a bigger penis. I'm young, fit, and I go to the gym every day, so commitment isn't a problem for me.
I've encountered a few things and was hoping to get some advice/guidance.
Firstly, I am having trouble pulling hard enough when doing stretches. My grip gets tired quickly (yet I have a strong grip from lifting) and I don't feel a great stretch. It's really difficult for me to be able to get that light burn from a good stretch. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong; I've just been doing the regular overhand grip. I think I just have a really strong penis? I honestly don't know. I was considering getting a LengthMaster because I really want gains and I feel like my grip is holding me back, but I can't order it because I live with my parents (I'm a freshman in college). I've considered asking a friend to order it to their house but I'm too embarrassed hah.
Secondly, I have a bathmate (I ordered it when my parents went away for a week), however, I am only looking for length. I have too thick of a penis for my length so I'm trying to get a length/girth balance by stretching. Is there anyway to minimize girth gains while maximizing length gains with the bathmate?
And lastly, my penis tilts to the left. It doesn't have some big curve, it just sort of favors the left side. When I stretch my penis straight out, the right side feels supple and relax while the left side feels wiry and like there is a cord in there. It seems that my penis tilts to the left because there is some sort of tightness in the left side. For the time being should I just stretch to the opposite side of that tightness until I have balance? Has anyone experienced a wire-like feeling in part of their penis?
I know this is long so thank you for taking the time to read this.
I have the same tightness and I don't bother myself about it. I suggest you get a LengthMaster as quick as possible.
Your grip isn't strong enough in that position. You can grip a bar with 200 lbs to deadlift it, but in the awkward position for stretching your penis, it's a different game. You'll get used to it, that's all. You muscles, tendons and tissue aren't used to it. If you can mimic the position, train it in the gym, nobody will wonder why unless you have your dick out lol and if they ask, tell them it's for your grip strength. Simple. Plenty of grip exercises you can do brother, I'm sure you know which ones.

Order the Lengthmaster, just tell them it's for single finger strength training because you stressed a ligament in your finger. Easy yeah lol. You don't need it, but if you can get it, it's worth every penny and right now it's on sale. Jump on it if you can. Either way, you'll gain.

Bathmate will do girth solely, unless you gain length easily. You can train both no problem. Length in the morning, girth in the evening. If you don't have time, do length first followed by girth whenever. You say you might have a tough penis but the penis is a very resilient unit. I can hang 30 lbs for 3 sets and wake up the next day not sore and do some manual work. Just like lifting weights, it takes time. You might not be sore but still stretched the tissue.

Stretch more to the side while massaging the area that is tight. Your penis will slowly even out, just make sure you pay attention. If you stress the tighter side to much, you could build up plaque inside while it tries to repair and get peyroines. Do erect stretches and bend it slightly so as to help it stretch out. Start slowly and work your way up in intensity.

We need to know your routine and if you haven't made your own thread with all your info yet, do it. Helps tremendously. Go through the SRT thread like a doctor and reread. Welcome brother.
When stretching I just hold it for as long as possible, and mostly after a minute or two is when the burn sets in. After some time your hands will get more eager to do stretching, but you should still get the lengthmaster
runningignus;679355 said:
your grip isn't strong enough in that position. You can grip a bar with 200 lbs to deadlift it, but in the awkward position for stretching your penis, it's a different game. You'll get used to it, that's all. You muscles, tendons and tissue aren't used to it. If you can mimic the position, train it in the gym, nobody will wonder why unless you have your dick out lol and if they ask, tell them it's for your grip strength. Simple. Plenty of grip exercises you can do brother, i'm sure you know which ones.

Order the lengthmaster, just tell them it's for single finger strength training because you stressed a ligament in your finger. Easy yeah lol. You don't need it, but if you can get it, it's worth every penny and right now it's on sale. Jump on it if you can. Either way, you'll gain.

bathmate will do girth solely, unless you gain length easily. You can train both no problem. Length in the morning, girth in the evening. If you don't have time, do length first followed by girth whenever. You say you might have a tough penis but the penis is a very resilient unit. I can hang 30 lbs for 3 sets and wake up the next day not sore and do some manual work. Just like lifting weights, it takes time. You might not be sore but still stretched the tissue.

Stretch more to the side while massaging the area that is tight. Your penis will slowly even out, just make sure you pay attention. If you stress the tighter side to much, you could build up plaque inside while it tries to repair and get peyroines. Do erect stretches and bend it slightly so as to help it stretch out. Start slowly and work your way up in intensity.

We need to know your routine and if you haven't made your own thread with all your info yet, do it. Helps tremendously. Go through the srt thread like a doctor and reread. Welcome brother.

great advice!
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