
Mar 4, 2013
Hey guys! I am writing this thread to get some advices for my problem. I've been having my X40 for around a week now and since this is my first pump- it's still taking me time till I master it. In the beginning I had no idea on how to pump and was worried that there was water coming out when I pump (A mega giga super duper hugelistic LMAO). In the process I had some problems like not entering 100% EQ in the pump (I know, I know- I tried, but I couldn't get it), had my ball sack in the way (man it hurts having my ball sack in the pump.. agh!!!) and did not maintain my EQ during the pumping course. I got no expansion through the whole week of trying (just thicker flaccid looking dick, but no results in erect state). I was pumping for, like, 7 minutes and since I just don't feel it intense- I pump as much and as hard as I can. I got some discoloration that lasted 2 minutes after I got it out (whew!) and never tried to go for more. Today I had my ball sack out of the picture, I entered erect and stayed erect for the whole 7 min course and got it out with no erect gains and just heavier feeling flaccid. I was like, ok, till I saw a small swelling on my glans. It disappeared after a few minutes, but I guess I am just rushing into big intensities. I wanted to go for Girth program (SRT 5x5x3), but the first 5 minutes seem to give me some pretty bad results. I've been on and off of Penis Enlargement for the last several months and I guess my dick is not conditioned enough for me to rush into max pressure (it was before I stopped Penis Enlargementing, but it looks like the last 3-4 months of no Penis Enlargementing got me to lose all of the conditioning I had), but I just don't feel it intense (it's not a very intense feeling at all) and want to go for more. So, my questions are:

1- Why do you think i am not getting any erect expansion when going out of the pump?
2- Why am I getting all of these problems when I pump for around 5-7 minutes? It doesn't feel like it's intense enough for me to stop...

Now, since I've been around the site and know what my answer to a thread like this would be:
1- You are staying in for just 5 minutes, try to increase the time you stay in the pump and maybe stay for 15 minutes (3 minutes, 5 times)
2- You are too unconditioned to do it for more than 5 minutes and don't max even if you feel like it's not intense at all

I know what my answers would be, but I am interested in hearing yours. The more advices, the better the solution :)
One of the things to remember about the Bathmate is that the intensity of the exercise is limited to water pressure... in that way, its really very hard to overdo it. I remember when the Bathmate was originally coming out, many people were touting this dimension of it to highlight its safety.

Also, if your penis is not amazingly wide it wont amazingly inflate. the percentage of increase might be the same between two guys, but if one is much smaller than the other, then the amount of actual temporary gain might be much less.

It doesn't sound to me like you are doing anything wrong, but if you haven't already you could look into the universal pump sleeve mod. This helps to create a better seal at the base and also helps to prevent the nutsac being pulled into the Bathmate. As you do a 5x5x3 session, you might notice only a light pressure encouraging a light erection - all the way up to filling the device out, depending on all sorts of factors, chiefly the current condition of your penis.

But bear in mind, the device is designed for your penis to be in the chamber with water all around it - providing suction pressure on the whole penis.
I don't think you will gain much length from pumping. I read it is mostly for girth.
Keeping water in the pump: Easiest way is in the bath. You shouldn't have any issues this way. This is also the best way to use the BATHmate. Using it in the shower is okay. Fill it up and bend over a little/push down on your dick so you can dip part of it in the water without it spilling. Then quickly put the Bathmate fully on while standing back up straight and begin pumping it. This takes a bit of practice but I can get basically a full chamber of water after getting used to it. Note: You will very slowly lose some suction/water as you go, so you will have to pump back up occasionally.

Reaching 100% EQ prior to entering: This is dependent upon many factors as you know. But, whatever you are comfortable with (imagination, pics of clothed girls, pics of naked girls, soft �naked people movies�, regular �naked people movies�), use it to help you get the best EQ possible.

Keeping EQ in the pump: Continue to use whatever you are comfortable with for mental/visual stimulation. While you are in the pump, kegel every 3-5 seconds. This will help keep blood pumping in and promote EQ. (I highly recommend using a cockring while you're in the Bathmate as well. It adds expansion and helps keep EQ.)

Keeping your balls out of the way: A pump sleeve could help. I've never tried that personally. I use a hair tie that has appropriate overall diameter/elasticity. I double wrap it and put it on, which doesn't hurt, but it also keeps my balls "clamped" away from the Bathmate.

If you want to see real expansion with little fluid retention, you're going to have to mix in manuals. Start with jelqs and then move on to slow squash jelqs. Don't worry so much about max pressure, and worry more about super-setting. Here's an example if your max pump is say, 180.

5 minutes Jelqs
5 minutes Bathmate @ 150
5 minutes Jelqs
5 minutes Bathmate @ 160
5 minutes Jelqs
5 minutes Bathmate @ 170
Then if you are feeling good, throw in a SSJ or two to finish off your session.
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Go 7.5 min in 80% erection, then 5 min ssj. Repeat cycle 3 times. You will have major expansion. 3 super set can get tough, since you are doing major girth work. The other thing you can do is one giant set of 20 min at like 170mm or so. That's what I do on the way out the door in the morning and slip my cock ring on for all day expansion. I'll let you know what's up in a month or two. Just play around with it.
Your tips are amazing and your advices are awesome, but looks like the intensity of the pump is causing swelling (it looked like a small zit on my glans) and discoloration and that's what bothers me. I would usually go for more time and do the 5x5x3, but it's just that after the 1st 5 min I am having some discoloration and stuff. That's what worries me. Thanks for the support so far, if you have anything more to say, I would love to hear it :)
That's why I would start out with jelqs.

Popped blood vessels are going to happen, if that's what your speaking of. If you look at your dick the next day and something is still there, then it's something to pay attention to. If something doesn't go away after a few days, or it's painful, then you should look into it and possibly stop pumping until it's healed, especially if it's painful. Otherwise, don't let it stop you. If I stopped pumping every time I saw any new mark on my dick, I wouldn't have gained much if anything in girth.

Discoloration is going to happen. Some people are more susceptible than others. If it goes away by the next pump day then it's not true discoloration. Discoloration is "semi-permanent".. It will stay day to day, but when you stop pumping completely it will eventually go away. You can do massages and those "fire rolls" or whatever they're called. Something like that (you roll your penis back and forth between your two palms). Do one of those directly after your workout and it will help get rid of any discoloration.

I have discoloration but it's not terrible and I've never had a girl say anything.
AndroidR;564439 said:
That's why I would start out with jelqs.

Popped blood vessels are going to happen, if that's what your speaking of. If you look at your dick the next day and something is still there, then it's something to pay attention to. If something doesn't go away after a few days, or it's painful, then you should look into it and possibly stop pumping until it's healed, especially if it's painful. Otherwise, don't let it stop you. If I stopped pumping every time I saw any new mark on my dick, I wouldn't have gained much if anything in girth.

Discoloration is going to happen. Some people are more susceptible than others. If it goes away by the next pump day then it's not true discoloration. Discoloration is "semi-permanent".. It will stay day to day, but when you stop pumping completely it will eventually go away. You can do massages and those "fire rolls" or whatever they're called. Something like that (you roll your penis back and forth between your two palms). Do one of those directly after your workout and it will help get rid of any discoloration.

I have discoloration but it's not terrible and I've never had a girl say anything.

X2 Zam... My first year, I had major discoloring. But, I started to darken even before Penis Enlargement... I dated a girl and we had sex 3 times a day, everyday for a year... Then i went home to America and didnt see her for about 8 months and she asked about a dark patch right under my glands next time we saw each other. I was like, IDFK...

For some its a big deal, others not so much... Even after getting X-40, I am darkening the whole thing and don't really care. I have great EQ and a girthier dick... My book says thats win win... Another example, I am at 15% body fat but can rip double my body weight on deadlift and 315 on bench... Do i care that I have lovehandles? Kinda ... But my lover doesn't. She's too busy hanging on for dear life when I am balls deep in her with my big fat tan cock... I asked her the other day "am i wrecking your tiny little pussy with my big fat cock?" She said "yes, but... in... the... best.. way...."

Food for thought.

Hang in there... You got this.
BornInFigi;564466 said:
X2 Zam... My first year, I had major discoloring. But, I started to darken even before Penis Enlargement... I dated a girl and we had sex 3 times a day, everyday for a year... Then i went home to America and didnt see her for about 8 months and she asked about a dark patch right under my glands next time we saw each other. I was like, IDFK...

For some its a big deal, others not so much... Even after getting X-40, I am darkening the whole thing and don't really care. I have great EQ and a girthier dick... My book says thats win win... Another example, I am at 15% body fat but can rip double my body weight on deadlift and 315 on bench... Do i care that I have lovehandles? Kinda ... But my lover doesn't. She's too busy hanging on for dear life when I am balls deep in her with my big fat tan cock... I asked her the other day "am i wrecking your tiny little pussy with my big fat cock?" She said "yes, but... in... the... best.. way...."

Food for thought.

Hang in there... You got this.

Interesting.. you are right! Plus, having the new supplement system coming out- your problem will come to an end :)
I do not really see it as a problem, just a consequent. But if DLD wants a beta tester- I'm all in. (Thumbs up). Hope you are well Zambro!
I am great, thanks for hoping LMAO. I'll be in if he wants a tester as well LMAO
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