Blue Whale

Mar 28, 2009
When we talk about penis enlargment or populary called Penis Enlargement we have to start from a evolutionary point of view to realize what is really happening "here" in our Penis Enlargement world.

For a moment lets seperate human mind from human body.
Our mind wants us to grow "our" penis and it takes all kinds of Penis Enlargement training activities to fulfill "his" wish.

But what if our penis penis doesnt have that wish?If penis wanted to be bigger then it really is,it would be bigger then it really is.But it isnt so its safe to say that our penis doesnt have that wish.

Only thing that our penis and our body wants is homeostasis:keeping its current state.Thats what nature has built in us through evolution.

So the only way to grow our penis is to get our penis in a state where he wants to grow for its own reasons.

That is the only way our penis is gonna grow if he himself feels the need to grow and we as his logistic support help him.

Every organism in its nature has the capability of adaptation-those species that couldnt adapt enough to changes are extinguished.
Also every part of our organism has the ability to adapt and thats the card we have to play on.

When we do any certain Penis Enlargement exercise for example jelq., we fill our penis with blood to be more precise we fill two "chambers" anatomicaly called corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum in hope we will make them grow.

Is that itself enough to make our penis grow? Ofc not.One thing is for sure is that our penis is gonna get smaller during the exercise.The temporary pumped up look of the penis is cause by temporary increased and retention of blood inside the penis tissue.

How do we make our penis grow in the period after exercising?

They key is intensity.If we did our exercise with sufficient intensity meaning if we filled our penis with more blood that he isnt capable of holding in normal state or if we stretched the penis with a force that the penis isnt used normally and if we did both of these actions for a sufficient amount of time the penis is beeing threatend by serious danger from rupture of the ligament which is caused by stretching or by breaking the penis tissue inside the penis and potentialy bleeding out to "death".

The Penis doesnt know what exercise is his owner doing,noir what are his wishes and agendas the penis only knows how is "he" the penis.

Alarm rings inside the penis.Protection mechanism is activated.First he calls the central station: "Turn the fatique on there could be rupture here" thats when our erection level subsides or our ligaments get fatiqued and we get all the negative signs of Penis Enlargement.
But if the owner of the penis persist with intensive Penis Enlargement exercising the penis has to adapt so he can survive.

The adaptation can mean only one thing increase in the penis lenght or girth.If its the girth adaptation the same "intensity",pressure or the volume of blood will be disposed over larger area of "chambers" then they were before and the penis is saved.

So that is our final goal to make the penis,protecting his own interests to fulfill our wish and that is to have a bigger penis in every way.

Is that the end?Ofc not.

As soon as the penis adapts to a certain intensity level the "owner" has to repeat the process and increase the intensity up a notch and induce constructive panic inside the penis again.

For more detailed look at intensity and what it really means i will make a topic in the future.

Regards.Blue Whale.
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Dude, where have you been? Good to 'see' you back. I thought you said you would not return after that deleted thread incident...?

Anyway, good to have you back.


8InchMIKE;393460 said:
Dude, where have you been? Good to 'see' you back. I thought you said you would not return after that deleted thread incident...?

Anyway, good to have you back.



I had some personal issues to deal with as far as the other thing is concerned is easy to be angry or hate someone and hard to forgive,forgiving is the key to our spiritual liberty so i have nothing against you m8 it was just an accident and lets threat it that way.Thx for kind words.
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Great thread! Ive been trying to say that some shit for awhile on here. This gets 3 thumbs up(I got a boner after reading it LMAO.)
Excellent thoughts, BlueWhale. I never thought of it that way, but it really is a case of adapting for survival of the fittest.
So basically, if you stay static for any extended period of time in your routine, you should ramp up the intensity in whatever you're doing, so then your body will be forced to adapt, thus repairing itself in a larger state.

bluetard117;393470 said:
So basically, if you stay static for any extended period of time in your routine, you should ramp up the intensity in whatever you're doing, so then your body will be forced to adapt, thus repairing itself in a larger state.


Pretty much, yep. For example, I personally don't get much out of manual squeezes anymore. Clamping and with as much pressure as I can generate without causing pain is the only way I get a good girth workout these days. I know I'm definitely NOT maxed out on my gain potential, I just have to adapt and increase the stresses inside my penis to continue making it thicker.

I like a lot of what the OP said. It could have been written a little more clearly, but I'm not knocking the guy. It just sounds a little odd in places ;) Overall though, it's a very good message. YES, the body does indeed desire homeostasis. However, that does not mean it cannot be forced past the point of homeostasis. If the opposite were true, Penis Enlargement would not work at all. Hell, we would not be able to stretch skin ANYWHERE on the body. Most of us know stretching skin is possible though. Walk into most tattoo parlors and you'll see that point proven. I wonder what a body piercer with huge hoops in his/her earlobes would say if I happened to come in wanting a genital piercing and I told them I basically used the same principles they used to make their earlobes so large, to make my penis so large? ;)
stillwantmore2;393474 said:
It could have been written a little more clearly, but I'm not knocking the guy. It just sounds a little odd in places ;)

Can you point out those odd "places"?I think everyone in here is adult enough to understand a few metaphores here and there that are used so people can understand "things" as simple as possible.And can you share with us your knowledge and maybe a better point of view in a normal text that comes originally from your head by making simple conclusions and connecting "dots" of knowledge together.

stillwantmore2;393474 said:
However, that does not mean it cannot be forced past the point of homeostasis. If the opposite were true, Penis Enlargement would not work at all. Hell, we would not be able to stretch skin ANYWHERE on the body.

Nowhere in the text do i imply that it cant be forced past the "point"? of homeostatis on the contrary i offer a very simple explanation of how to get over that point and how "things" in reality really work from an evolutionary,anatomical and physiological point of view.Second homeostatis is not a "point" its a state of the human body.

stillwantmore2;393474 said:
I basically used the same principles they used to make their earlobes so large, to make my penis so large? ;)

Skin is the largest human "organ" and also most adoptable one.

The mechanism of adaptation that is "used" by skin is tottaly diffrent then the mechanism "used" by penis it cant be compared in any way anatomicly and physiologicly.Penis is a "muscle" a spongy tissue.You can enlarge the skin on your penis by 1 meter but it wont change the size of your actual penis.The mechanism that are "used" to enlarge the penis are describe in the text above.
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Blue Whale;393491 said:
Can you point out those odd "places"?I think everyone in here is adult enough to understand a few metaphores here and there that are used so people can understand "things" as simple as possible.And can you share with us your knowledge and maybe a better point of view in a normal text that comes originally from your head by making simple conclusions and connecting "dots" of knowledge together.

Nowhere in the text do i imply that it cant be forced past the "point"? of homeostatis on the contrary i offer a very simple explanation of how to get over that point and how "things" in reality really work from an evolutionary,anatomical and physiological point of view.Second homeostatis is not a "point" its a state of the human body.

Skin is the largest human "organ" and also most adoptable one.

The mechanism of adaptation that is "used" by skin is tottaly diffrent then the mechanism "used" by penis it cant be compared in any way anatomicly and physiologicly.Penis is a "muscle" a spongy tissue.You can enlarge the skin on your penis by 1 meter but it wont change the size of your actual penis.The mechanism that are "used" to enlarge the penis are describe in the text above.

I'm sorry you took offense, you seem quite sensitive to any sort of criticism at all. Are you the same offline as well? By ''odd'' I meant it made me laugh at a few points where for example, you gave the penis a mind of it's own and a persona. ''Him'' for example. I'm imagining my penis talking to me and telling me ''nooo, don't make me bigger! I want to stay the same!'' ;)

Other than that, you could use the spell check and some grammar/punctuation, but I did not say so in my other post, because I don't want to come off too ''�other PE site�' Place'' on you. I meant well.

Also, I was not arguing about your view on homeostaSis (not staTis). I agreed. I get the vibe you really got defensive over my first point of (very slight) criticism and then reflected your frustration throughout the entire reply.

Once again, great post and no offense intended.
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stillwantmore2;393592 said:
I'm sorry you took offense,, you seem quite sensitive to any sort of criticism at all.

No offense taken.I dont know why did you make that conclusion.To me any of the so called "criticism" that isnt backed up by a better solution,explanation or point of view isnt criticsm at all its just comentary,saying whats on your mind its a legitimate thing.If its right or wrong now thats completely diffrent thing.

stillwantmore2;393592 said:
By ''odd'' I meant it made me laugh at a few points where for example, you gave the penis a mind of it's own

Im glad you liked my "odd" and believe it or not every part of the human body has a "mind" of its own so to speak.

stillwantmore2;393592 said:
Other than that, you could use the spell check and some grammar/punctuation

Thats true but i dont really watch for those things cause i dont find them that relevant.Most importat thing is to write a text thats simple enough for anyone to understand.

stillwantmore2;393592 said:
I agreed. I get the vibe you really got defensive over my first point of (very slight) criticism and then reflected your frustration throughout the entire reply.

You can think what you want its your right to do so.I never get emotional or frustrated when having a conversation or discussing about things,i try to be as objective and neutral as possible because emotions destroy the objectivity when talking about anything.Facts and the truth should be only thing that matters and only authority and i welcome anyone to contribute to this topic with his knowledge so everyone on this forum and wider can profit and learn from it.

stillwantmore2;393592 said:
Once again, great post and no offense intended.

Thx for kind words and appreciation.
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There are so many threads lately discussing why and why not the penis become bigger. I am happy that there is so much of a discussion going on and I hope it benefits penis enlargement as a whole. I am from a different school of understandings about penis enlargement, my beliefs may seem academic but I believe that if I continuously stretch my penis is it gets longer, if I continuously introduce more blood into my penis it gets thicker. Pretty basic I guess but I NEED it to be basic. I remember when LOT Theory was all the rage but I could not allow that into my belief structure as I was gaining in a way that LOT said was impossible.
doublelongdaddy;393608 said:
I am from a different school of understandings about penis enlargement, my beliefs may seem academic but I believe that if I continuously stretch my penis is it gets longer, if I continuously introduce more blood into my penis it gets thicker.

No we are from the same school and thats the right school.In reality what you said is true with one more little "key" that is missing and that is "Intensity" something both you and i understand very well.

To stretch with more Intensity.

To force the blood with more Intensity.
Blue Whale I see your point and I totally agree with the things you wrote in this thread. I try to keep things very basic myself. But the problem with intensity is, that people really fear to "pull it", which is totally comprehensible. To brake this barrier you need to condition your penis and also you need to know where the thin line between injury and maximum gains is.
DLD I'm working on a theory and accompanying spreadsheet of data that will make you cream your panties! ;)
Blue Whale;393613 said:
No we are from the same school and thats the right school.In reality what you said is true with one more little "key" that is missing and that is "Intensity" something both you and i understand very well.

To stretch with more Intensity.

To force the blood with more Intensity.

stillwantmore2 said:
DLD I'm working on a theory and accompanying spreadsheet of data that will make you cream your panties!
But, are you doing it in three dimensional with a fly through using only the keyboard like I am?? :)

Thanks for the post bluewhale. I have read many of your posts and I appreciate your input.
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