
Mar 3, 2010
its been almost 2 years since i hanged out with my friends or even speaking to any of them and standing on my block. i got my penis extender about a little over 2 1/2 years ago and ever since then i been thinking about enlarging my penis. it wasn't working out wearing it for a little while each day when i was hanging with my friends. feeling inadequate about my penis size, also constantly thinking about enlarging my penis and thinking i cant do nothing about it , so i decided to just stay in the house until i accomplish my only real goal in life. just like that out of no where, i disappeared from my friends. they would come looking for me until my moms just told them i went to go stay with dad. so for the first 5 months of my so called isolation i was wearing the extender faithfully from when i wake up until i go to sleep. when the start of the 6 month came and i found out i didnt gain nothing at all it really hurt me, it took something out of me. i was already had depression to begin with but didnt want to admit to myself, so finding out that i didnt grow not even a centimeter, fucked with my mind and hurt my soul. before all this i lost about 150 lbs and so the increased depression caused me to go up and down in weight until i just said fuck it about 8 months into my isolation and gained all my weight back in 7 months later. in those months after my extender dedication i would just think is it even possible,so i would just search for ways to grow my penis but the only that would come up was penis surgery. so 1 day i decided to go searching through the google pages for my penis enlargement search, like i went through so many like 30 or 40 search pages, until �other PE site� caught my eye. �other PE site� led me to bib and bib led me to hear, matters of size. those 2 years fucked with my mind and soul really bad, to the point of coming up with a plan to blow my head off. i was really gonna give up this whole thing and concentrate on saving up money for a .44 magnum. well i would only go out for doctor appointments and if very necessary the store, every time hoping and praying none of my friends would see me. well its been about a month and a half of hanging and about a week of adding jelqing into the mix. i been on my church stuff, watching church tv and i remember 1 thing i heard is farther god lord jesus will have me come across somebody that will help me reach my life goal and dream. and i believe its DLD, the people on this forum, and the MOS site itself. i feel like DLD, evry guy on here and the MOS site is a blessing for real . some how i got hope again, its a little hope but i thank god for that little hope because im not giving up on life and willing to try this penis enlargement thing again. i can go for another 2 years of isolation. i just want length so my goal is to add 3 inches of length in the 2 years. the sooner the better. i got all day every day for these next 2 years, maybe more than 2 years. i just need help with maual work to work into a routine. because i got loose skin and im uncircumcized. so i jelq with 1 hand and even if its a wet jelq, im still able to lift some what of the skin on my pubic like the skin of my fat pad. DLD and guys i need a little help. o yeah im 21, im 5 1/2 inch erect bone pressed length. i could be a little more but i dont really kno because of the medication im on and i think i may have peyronie's disease. i got a bib hanger, a penis extender, and just placed an order for a LenghtMAster and a pump.
at first i was doing it because i wanted a 8 inch penis for the females to sleep with a lot of them, but now its forget about them easy females. i dont even want to even try to have sex when i get my size, well maybe once or twice but i really want it for ME, so i can go live life like go check into school and have fun.
Wow man, A lot of guys here have a story simular to yours. That was deep, I want you to know we are all here to help you through this new chapter in your life.

Please keep us updated.
You have issues much deeper than your penis size. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can move on with your life. A 5 inch penis isn't worth years of isolation. If you can't go to school over your penis size, I think you need professional help. I hope you don't take this offensive, I'm just trying to help you. Judging by your post, you should seek help that this site doesn't offer. Good luck.
WOW Imz... Im really touched by your story, and to be honest its very similar to mine. I had trouble finishing it because every line I read I was like me too... me too!!! So I decided I would just start writing and then finish reading and finish writing. I started wanting to write after the .44 magnum sentence. I was soooo there. Then I skimmed through your measurements and was so thereeee too. Losing all of your friends same thing happen to me slightly different reasons but I also dont like looking people directly in the eye, I just keep thinking when I get to 8" then Ill be able to look at people. The 8" still isnt here but Ive been learning so much that it doesnt own my life anymore. I believe you are right that God put this site here. Everyone chooses to believe in God or god their own way and however anyone puts him or her or it I believe you are right.

I think most importantly you should know that 5.5" bpel is definitely not your worst case senario if you get what Im saying. Actually for women that is plenty to satisfy them, the women worth being in a relationship with anyway. I started around that size if not just that very size. Ive been extrememly dedicated to reading this site everyday and posting in a progress log everyday, and Ive gained a little over an inch. Ive been gaining ever since my first month. I want to be bigger already but it is a true journey, not only of Penis Enlargement but your mind, your spirit, your body, your life and relationships. Once you feel that your penis really IS getting bigger everything will change. Your gains WILL come. Read this site everyday. DLD is a big advocate for imagining what it is you want and then thats what you will have. But dont take my word for it, go through the different forums and threads and it wont be long before you see how many many many guys here are changing their lives and all the struggles we all have. For some its easier for some its harder. But giving up before you find out the truth is a waste and no elses fault. You have to learn and then you will grow.

Nothing is worse than what you went through. Leaving the friends you loved and isolating yourself to find that you didnt gain is devastating. But a quote I like from DLD is something like now you have found 1 way that doesnt work so you are that much closer. Its a quote from someone like Albert Einstein and its true. Something didnt go right for you those 5 months but now you can move on and try a new way to achieve your goals.

Ive also gone through lots of weight changes from depression from almost 350 lbs all the way to 175 lbs..... its really cool to meet someone that has gone through similar things and Im glad I read your post because your not alone. And Im sure were not the only 2 like us here either.

Check out this forum for some routines

Theres some really good routines there with REAL guys making REAL gains. Ive got a routine there also, check it out,.
painekilla;383530 said:
You have issues much deeper than your penis size. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can move on with your life. A 5 inch penis isn't worth years of isolation. If you can't go to school over your penis size, I think you need professional help. I hope you don't take this offensive, I'm just trying to help you. Judging by your post, you should seek help that this site doesn't offer. Good luck.

no offense at all. i dont know if i have deeper issues of what, but i can certainly tell you that im not doin what im doin for no reason. i feel like god chose this path for me. growing up it was so easy to have a different path like join a gang because my city is gang capital, USA. its crazy how the events in my life played out. i been praying 4 it since i was a teen, not worried about it at all. when i hit 5 1/2 when was like 15, after that i never grew at all, so thats when i got started worrying about more and more. right when i hit 18 is when it began. it turned into a my only life goal/dream. i literally had i couple dreams, 1 where i was holding my fully flaccid 5 inches or so penis. thats not even the crazy part, soo many of my dreams will come true and play out in real life exactly like in my dream. well none of my penis dreams. this thing i got with my dreams be fucking with my mind too. i been shot at many times before and this dream thing scares me way more than that. i dont know how anybody else feels about their 1 truly life goal, but to me my life goal, my only truly life goal is worth isolation.
You have a deep story. I hope you find inner peace within yourself. I was discouraged when I first started doing p.e., but I've been gaining like crazy lately. Check my signature and see where I came from. Good luck with your p.e. journey. I feel like my time here is done, and I seen your post so I felt like sharing some advice. I've too been through a lot. I've been arrested over 5 times, although I've never been shot at. I've had to sell drugs to survive in my past. Now I'm doing good in college. You have to believe positive things will come in the future. Keep ya head up.
You might actually be surprised if you were to hear the Real size of your friends penis', some of them are probably about the same size too.... there might be a select few who are above that but probably not by much either, check DLD's blogs out.... and thanks for the message :)
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