
Aug 24, 2006
Hello, I am a first time poster here(long time lurker). I guess I should introduce myself.

I am 18 years old and have been doing Penis Enlargement since I was 16. I learned about Penis Enlargement first from a pdf on kazaa lite doing a search on documents for "penis enlargement" when I was 15. I did a few jelqs here and there after I learned of jelqing but never really stuck with it. So, a day before class starts junior year of high school, I decide it's time to get a bigger dick. I started at around 7 inches bp and 4.9 or so of midshaft girth.

Zoom to two years later and here I am, on my first post for Penis Enlargement with over 2 years of learning and experience behind my belt. It has taken me a while to get up the nerve to post but I finally decided, what the hell, I'm going off to college in a few days (UT!!!!) so I might as well.

The biggest erections I get(without doing Penis Enlargement exercises) is 8.25 bp x 6 midshaft girth(over 7 at the base). I have been jelqing, clamping, doing other manual exercises, and wearing other things.

I have also been pumping for over 6 months and have just gotten into water pumping manually with my mouth(works AWESOME) and just got a TheGrip system for hanging and ADS. I try to hang at least 3 hours a day with 5 lbs over my bed post or over my shoulder. And when I'm not jelqing/clamping/pumping I'm wearing TheGrip C-Flex sleeve around my waste with the string for an ADS(I can wear this many hours with 0 discomfort, very nice stretch too, no pain and no discoloration.)

I am still a virgin, but will probably not be a virgin soon since I'm going to the #1 party school in the nation and I'm living on West Campus. I have shown a few girls pictures of my dick and they've all been like "damn".

I have a few techniques I would like to teach people on this forum and am quite happy that you have such a great Penis Enlargement community. I think DLD has done great things for the Penis Enlargement community, as with other vets like Redzulu, BTC, and others. I hope I can help thousands others achieve their dreams in Penis Enlargement.

I used to have an unhealthy obsession with Penis Enlargement where I'd think about it all the time and think I'd HAVE to have 8 inches bp for girls to like me. Ever since reaching 8 inches bp, I have calmed down a lot and realized it's the whole me that counts, and I have many other beautiful qualities which are better than what my penis could ever amount to. Overall, Penis Enlargement has made me a better person in all areas of life, it has taught me that I can achieve ANYTHING that I put my mind to. Our bodies are beautiful things with limitless possibilities.

My goals right now are to get to 9 bp x 6.5(oh, btw I have a 7.5 nbp length, forgot to add that). Perhaps I will move on to 10 inches in length and maybe more girth, but I'll have to wait to see what I want to do once I reach 9 x 6.5. And one more thing, I WILL REACH ALL MY GOALS. No one can stop me, I will not give up, this stuff is too much fun, exciting, and rewarding. Luckily my room mate and I are pretty cool, so I can Penis Enlargement around him without him caring(during Spring Break I pumped when we were both in the room and he didn't pay any attention, I just told him I was playing with myself and he was like "Ok I won't look."

I aim to achieve to be the best I can be in all areas of life. I hope others can be inspired by me and learn to make their lifes, as a whole, better also.
Yeah, we got a feeling that the fresHydromaxen girls are gonna like you, I also got the grip package and it fuckn rocks, that is the most comfortable ADS system available. One thing I learned from using the Grip over the last 2 years or so is that the sleeves and hourglasses can last a pretty long time, even when the slickness, shine and color give away, you can pretty much use it untill it rips, and for the ADS untill the mold gives away so much it will not stay on, the best for that is not to wear anything underneath it like a wraping, the material on the grip is enough for an excellent hold... come to think of it, well shit, that's why they call it the grip! an other awsome thing I came up with is getting black electrical tape. starting around the base of the grip and working it around the end of the hourglass thats over the contact sleeve on your shaft and back around the grip, makin a cacoon, with this idea, you can hold all the weight you desire, and you will not see the hourglass stretch out, keepn your peace in their nice and snug.
Yes TheGRIP has really been fabulous. I used to hang with a sock wrapped around my head, a cable clamp clamped tight, and a THERABAND string tied behind the clamp, and I would hang. OH MAN! That was painful! I actually lost sensation in my head for a week after a long time.

Also, I used an ADS for months with the same concept. I would wrap a sock around the upper part of my shaft, clamp pretty tight, wrap an ACE bandage around my upper tight, and push the clamp underneath the wrap, and I could extend my legs to make there be more pressure. I could only last up to 45 minutes in this before my penis was dying for air. I wore this all day in school and everything, sometimes it would cause me to walk funny and would have a bulge when I sat down in tighter pants, and I had to be very discreet about taking it off during class, I'd act like I was scratching myself or something when no one was looking(our classes were 90 minutes). I just wish I had gotten the grip system sooner. I have worn it hanging 5 lbs over my bed post while being asleep for over an hour with no fluid buildup. I use both C-Flex sheaths when hanging weight, an generally only one with the ADS, although sometimes I'll go with two. I don't wrap my head at all and haven't had any negative effects. The only reason I take the ADS off is to use the restroom. I have seen many people bash TheGRIP but I don't know why, maybe back in 2001/2002 they used latex instead of C-Flex so it broke a lot? It has been great thus far and have not been disappointed by them or Vacutech for my 10 x 2.25 pump.

Yes, I hope the fresHydromaxan girls like it too. I'm sure there aren't many guys with 8+x6+. By the end of fresHydromaxan year I should be at least 9 inches if not more if I keep hanging consistently. I wish I could have gotten a good hanger when I was 16, I'd probably be around 9 1/2" by now LMAO

Anyway, it really doesn't bother me because I'll be whatever size I want to be anyway, I'm just enjoying life as much as possible and have Penis Enlargement there to supplement it and it's something fun and beautiful to see over a period of years.
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