
Jan 30, 2008
I've just been thinking about this quite a lot lately. The topic title sounds really sili I know's a topic title. What can you do?

I know I'm on MoS, and the idea is that we've solved the problem of having a small penis forever. Well...I haven't started jelqing yet because I haven't had sex with my girlfriend yet and I want to wait to make a comparison. So I'm still in the world of "your penis is what you're born with" and so is the rest of the world too.

I was always curious. Being someone with a smaller penis I thought to myself "Why is it okay to laugh at a guy with a small penis but not okay to laugh at someone with a disability?" Aren't they kind of the same thing when you think about it? The first thing you'll say is "if you're missing an arm you can't do everyday stuff. You can't live your normal life as easily. With a small penis you can do everything except sex. Unless you think being teased by mean girls with a pity orgasm counts." is what we're here for. It's our primary urge next to eating and safety. We keep it under control but it's still there. Just because we've refined it, like eating, doesn't mean we don't have the primary urge to satisfy ourselves in that regard. So in my eyes, it holds quite some importance on the levels of part of life. And if sex and relationships were all about the challenge of getting a date, or getting laid, I think it's more or less fair game. I mean I'm a cynic, but I can see there's a person for everybody, and most people consider sex a prize. There's no reason you should have to deny yourself that because suddenly there's an embarrassing trait that stops the fun and turns it into ridicule.

Just spent your whole life perfecting yourself. You got that dream girl. It's your night together. You're ready for the most wonderful night of your life. This will tie the ribbon on the perfect gift that is your life. Suddenly..."pfft, HAHAHA! Oh my god! I had no idea. Oh God I gotta tell Mary about this. See ya Tristan! *slam*"
What the fuck.
And women have their own insecurities but we know this shit on the outside. Being insecure about breasts is about as much an insecurity as being fat. Given it's a bit harder to change the size of your breasts [without implants] but it's no achilles heel. Hell, there are guys that celebrate women with small breasts. They've no idea what it's like to have a small penis. They don't have that emotional pain on their platters. They can still have sex.

I am also aware that small penises are not the only issue in the world; whether it's in the category of vanity or practicality. Some people are fat beyond ever having hope to be attractive. Some people are really ugly. Some people are too angry, too sad, too creepy, whatever. Mostly the reason we don't examine these issues are because they're so varied there's no real one single problem, solution, or way of dealing with it. Most people have insecurities, and when you begin to think that these insecurities are what's stopping you from being pursued by good upstanding lovers, you begin to wonder if the entire world is superficial. Then you realize as a normal human being you too are guilty of the habit. Hell...maybe you're gay, so you like penises but also have one, so you know what it's like to see bigger penises as an attraction and an appeal but can't stop hating other people for thinking you're not good enough...theoretically of course. (I'm into hermaphrodites myself.) Or being a straight man, perhaps you view the idea of breasts more lightheartedly than women treat their own insecurities and you have some common ground but it still seems foreign to you because of the pain. I'm betting it's similar to having the urge to hurt people and then wonder why they hurt you with no remorse; a strange part of instinct that still beats our logical side.

I guess it's crazy for me to be suggesting wild things like relating small penises to being handicapped. But hey...if you know me at all I suggest these things all the time.
But imagine you're handicapped. Some guys poke fun at you because you're missing an arm or something. It hurts like hell I'm sure. You were born a certain way, different and in the bad way, and the world has decided to be ignorant and use you for its entertainment when you had serious thoughts of living in the world and prospering.
So why is it different with small penis men? We turn this into humor all the time. But having your penis laughed at when you wanted to have some good sex is really quite painful. Do women just not get it? Of course, men do it too. But I'm imagining the harm it does on your psyche to be quite similar. You feel inferior. Useless. Everyone's having fun but you. Your friend can't go "hey bro I met these two chicks and they want us to do a foursome!" and you have great thoughts about it, knowing that the spread of the word leads more female friends to come by and pick on you for it. Even worse, maybe the one you loved with all your heart cheated on you for it. Like if only the issue didn't exist, your relationship would continue. Loving. So that's betrayal coupled with humiliation. That idea is insane. So what I can't fathom is when some men's brains melt and turn this degradation into a lifestyle. A fate worse than death, in my...didn't I type that exact sentence once? *ahem* Add to that the nature of it; your penis has sex with the woman, the woman has sex with the guy with the bigger penis and the kid is his because his penis literally beat yours in nature, not just society. You can imagine why some men would say "there is no god". And if you look at that website, it says the information is there, written for men who have serious issues about penis size. But immediately after that it just goes to belittle your ego with statistics, and then some made up shit that only sounds true because you've given up any hope after reading the real stuff, which also hurts because you know how real it is. Even if you did have a big dick you couldn't change women's thoughts about it. It basically says "Women lie to men to make them feel good, but in reality you can't do a thing to please them."
So...after all this stuff, some men might become cynical and mean, maybe even misogynists. Everyone hates them. Not that the ones with small penises probably did it as an instinctual act of revenge.

I suppose my main point is that I don't see why penis size isn't a significantly more important issue in the world beyond humor and "accepting" it, even though it's clearly a problem of sorts. Why are there only 3000 to 4000 men on this message board trying their best to fix the problem?

Certainly, you could make the same topic if there were more issues in the imagine if some men were born with, say, holes in their stomachs...only it would be accepted in reality and just be a thing of embarrassment you have to hide when you eat because everyone would laugh at you for it otherwise. Only we don't have to worry about that. Everyone's got an equal stomach. Well...everyone has about an equal head; why not an equal penis? Wouldn't it seem that would sex go way smoother if there wasn't this issue? Getting laid, dates, or into relationships are tough enough to put up with. If you put penis size controversy in the world, it's just another way for some men to win and some men to lose automatically with no work involved for winners and no way to compete for losers.

After putting these thoughts and scenarios out there I hope I haven't gone wild with anybody. What does Deep Thoughts think?
Your right. With the wrong outlook a small penis can be a total handicap. Some guys do very well with a small penis and never worry about it either. I think they have never had their guts stomped on my some size queen girlfriend either.
You search for a girl to be committed to and you should avoid the "size queens." Seriously. I never thought about my penis size on my honeymoon. It wasn't until recently from all the spam emails and junk that I began to wonder and do some research on this penis increasing stuff.

And it's hard for most women to enjoy sex without the proper mental stimulation. Don't make men out to be victims because like you said, we all have insecurities. The problem usually comes from the media and this false perception of perfection we are supposed to all strive for. It's bogus. Does my wife have a little bit of excess skin on her stomach after a baby? Hell yes but that's actually attractive to me because it reminds me that she HAD MY BABY!

I believe a lot of people don't know of Penis Enlargement because they don't care enough to find it. The ambitious and desperate seek solutions. The rest either accept their situation or try to cope with it their whole lives. Bottom line...there's always a bigger and smaller penis than yours.
When you think about all the people out there who are desperately handicapped--too many ways to mention here--and handle what they have been dealt quite well, it puts having a small penis in perspective.

I would trade my big dick for a small dick any day to have my good vision back--I'm visually impaired--not blind yet, thank the dear Lord.
Yes. Vision is definitely better. And fortunately it's easier to do Penis Enlargement than it is to, say, become taller. There are things about our bodies that society accepts they can't change unless with drastic measures. Thankfully it's been discovered the penis doesn't have it all that bad. All that's left is for society to change it. In fact, for those that think breast size and dick size are equally flashy in importance, it's apparently a put down to say a woman got a breast implant. When really, if she did it was probably due to insecurities.

I prioritize what parts of my bodies I'd rather have. Vision better than a big dick sure. Actually I haven't gotten into the procedure yet so I'm still at 5"L 4.5"G but that's not the point. As someone that has never even had sex yet, I'm much more grateful to have a working body, not completely obese if anything, set of arms and legs and I'm not too short or going bald or aging (I'm still in my 20s) and I don't have any other strange behavior like an abnormally high voice or weird habit apart from my hair getting in my face...and I tend to look at people around me and be glad I am who I am, and definitely what I am. I'm no model, but I can live my life with no problems. You can take a look at that ugly obese witch-looking woman that looks like she's wearing her car instead of driving it, but y'know; she probably had a sex drive and would like to look pretty like any else. I don't know what it would be like to be one of those people...I probably would have given up hope, as I'm sure many of them do. But I'm 20. I'm sure someone older could enlighten me.

Not to mention there are a lot of factors that affect men's thinking. Like, is it really your dick that saddens you? That you were born one way and the douchebag over there was born way better and gets more women? Or is it the principle of it; just yet another perfect example for the psyche that evil people live better lives? Or is it the idea that people are born the way they are that society will keep going on even if you are worried to have sex with any woman because of how you're born. And think about it, what if you're really attractive and get tons of women on your back but you have to shoo them off to avoid exposing your secret? After all, what's worse than something you naturally want, just pissing in your face and humiliating you? One may think that it's God playing a sick joke. "Here are the rules of the game; you have to have lots of money, look real good, have confidence, and lots of fortune to get girls. But oh wait, if you have a small dick to begin with, expect the entirety of society to treat your entire being like a joke." And with that, why is it okay to laugh at guys with small penises and yet laughing at a disabled person is a no-no?

This is a question I am forced to ask myself every day, when my limp dick sort of goes inside my skin when I bend over because I'm overweight.
But...well, the way my life is going, I'll probably only have sex with one woman, the one I love...the one that has seen my dick and seems to love it, even if she hasn't tasted it with her vagina. She's a virgin too so she doesn't know any of it. But we have to wait for her to get an operation before she has sex because she has metal rods in her legs and if she gets pregnant and has a kid, she will die. But even so, it would be nice to know that it would be possible to have a normal dating life (if I weren't a complete social outcast) if she wasn't there for me. Plus, every time I watch �naked people movies� I'm reminded of how my dick isn't up to par. Sometimes it affects and kills my fantasizing. How bad of an imagination do you have to have when you start masturbating thinking about the women you know only to have them disregard you for your dick? Then you know you have insecurities. Only difference? You can't tell anyone and have them sympathize, except online on calm forums such as this. But outside these, the regular internet, it's even worse than real life. It can get hairy.

Just something to think about. Also I haven't been here in a while and the board seems to be going rather slow.
you drive a really good point. A lot of things are done through the media outlet and it belittles any dignity we get if we are stuck in the average or below average group of people with bigger penises than us. Our insecurity lies in what gets fed into our minds by television and other sources of media like ads and magazines. In a society beauty and size are advertised, but for people like us who are handed down with what little we have all we can cause our insecurity from our height, weight, and even penis.
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