
Jan 24, 2012
Hello All,

I am not in full-blown panic yet, but I am very worried. (Obviously, I might be over reacting, but this is my penis :D)

I posted a few day back about a scary moment I had while doing some stretches. Just so that it is clear what happened, I will briefly detail what I believe is pertinent to the event.

I was using high heat and was well into my stretching exercises. I was very loose and elastic by this point. While stretching in the upward direction, I attempted, over-zealously in hind sight, to get my glans into my navel. I had been stretching in this direction for about five minutes straight, under high heat, at maximum tolerable stretch. After letting the stretch at the time heat or bake for about a minute, I increased the force of my pull towards the navel, and finally got the glans to reach my navel.

At no point was I in pain although I was pulling quite hard. Basically, I was thinking that if I was not feeling pain, and I was still getting circulation, I was well within safe limits of intensity. Well at that same moment of reaching my goal, I noticed I felt "disconnected" in a suddenly frightening way, again not in pain but like a feeling of "dislocation". Once I sensed this feeling, I immediately let go of my penis, however, it seemed to stay in that stretched and "detached" position momentarily. Alarmed, because I thought that it would snap back like a rubber band and it didn't, I jumped out of bed in fear that I had indeed injured myself badly. Also at the time when it seemed to stay dislocated, my penis went instantly numb, without warning. (Again, during the stretching process, I had felt like I was getting decent blood circulation, no coldness, pain, numbness or anything while stretching.) Anyway, to my delight, within a few moments, my penis did return to its original state, feeling returned, and no pain emerged.

So what I took from the experience was that I had simply overextended myself somehow and that I shouldn't attempt to stretch so intensely simply because I did not feel pain while increasing force. I mean for someone who is quite small like myself, stretching the penis to my navel is well, quite a stretch. Overall, I felt that I had not injured myself, and simply took it as a warning of sorts to watch that my intensity shouldn't be gauged by my threshold for "pain".

Now yesterday, I had another "experience" that scared me. Ironically, I was not even attempting to stretch the penis at all, but rather the skin along my shaft. (As my lack of skin elasticity is becoming more and more evident as a limiting factor for me recently) Basically, all I was doing was (or thought I was doing) stretching my shaft skin. I wasn't even placing any pressure on the glans or inner penis in any way. (So I thought) I had stabilized the skin right at the base, and was stroking, almost like a jelq but without actually moving blood as an objective, with the other hand the skin of my shaft towards the glans. Simply stretch the skin. I was really using little more than friction to create the stretch, a really light grip in comparison to a real penis stretching type grip.

So yes, I was letting it be painful. I will admit this. But I thought that it was only the stretching of my skin which was painful. I did not feel like any of the pain was from anywhere within the penis itself. It felt like I was just really stretching my skin hard, if that makes sense. No bulging glans, blood balloon anchor points, no internal stretch feelings at all really. Just felt like a burning pain that you would feel from an "indian burn" or any intense stretch of the skin.

But what happened next, was completely new and unexpected. I felt a sudden elevation in the pain withing my skin, like as if it somehow had torn midway down my shaft off to one side along the corpus cavernosum. It is not this "tearing" pain that worried me, a skin tear, is superficial in my mind, but I looked down at my penis and was shocked! I literally watched what I think is a complete evacuation of blood from my penis. Something that I had never seen, imagined, or even thought of as a possibility. My glans and more than half of my shaft turned white. And I do not mean pale, I mean almost as pure white as a sheet of paper. Absolute terror :D The pain at the "tear" site got really intense, but at the same time, the inside of my penis went numb!

Obviously, the stretching was over with. I immediately began doing anything that I could think of in my panic to get as much blood flow into my penis as quickly as possible. First a deep, but not strenuous, massage of my entire penis. Just letting my fingers move around whatever blood I could find all over my penis, up, down, sideways, in circles, you name it. I did not start engorging my penis manually with pressure because I was in a decent amount of pain (externally, like skin pain, but the inside of my penis was numb.) I basically didn't want to apply heavy pressure to the skin which was hurting pretty badly. Then I started "air humping" :D (Thrusting my hips while standing, letting my penis flap from my ass to my stomach.) Too funny I know, but it usually does wonders for me to get blood into my penis.

Over a couple of minutes the color returned to my penis and the feeling of numbness disappeared. (I was about a minute from jumping in my truck to rush to the hospital if it didn't.) However the "tear" site still hurt like hell, but that didn't worry me as much as the paling and numbness of my penis. Damage to the dermis, is blah, blah, to me.

Overall, I was worried that I did some damage to something somewhere, even though I had no idea what that may be or how it actually occurred. I had to go to work. So I took the opportunity to take a nice long hot shower to ensure to myself that I was doing even more to keep the blood flowing properly. At work, obviously I am still curious to what I have done to myself. There is obvious "shrinkage" apparent to me to what has recently been rather dramatic gains in my flaccid length in the last couple of weeks. So I think that I will spend most of my time at work doing kegels to keep the blood flowing. No obvious problems with the kegels are evident. I feel good that I can still feel this blood circulation. But I tell myself that I will definitely not tempt myself to do any "quick stretches" at the urinal or anything like that. I don't want to aggravate what may be some sort of injury.

Later in the evening at work, I had some down time. So I wanted to see if I could get an erection. So I started doing some intense kegels (I have been getting pretty good at getting "on-demand" erections with intense kegels lately) And it took significantly longer than I know I can "kegel up" an erection normally. Instead of a minute or two, it took almost fifteen minutes. Once I finally got the erection, it peaked and then died. Like I filled it up, and then it drained. Not a good sign, in my mind.

Okay, I woke up with a dismal erection, maybe 40-50%, but an erection nonetheless. I can still feel the "tear" sensation. And there is a residual soreness seemingly throughout the penis. It is basically..."tender" to the touch. It is a feeling where I know that I am not up to any sort of Penis Enlargement at all. About the only thing that I am comfortable doing right this second is kegeling a little bit of blood into it. I would not dare to apply any traction or engorgement to it with any force at all. I can "feel" that that would be stupid.

So, do you guys think that I have seriously injured myself or did I simply hit a point where I have been overtraining? Visually, I cannot see anything wrong with my penis. It is very "veiny" looking, but that is getting to be normal since I started doing Penis Enlargement. There is still significant "shrinkage" evident, probably about the size I was before I started Penis Enlargement serious recently. (Maybe a little over a half-inch loss in flaccid hang.) Color looks okay.

As a side question, if you would indulge me, could my tolerance for exercise be too elevated? I mean, maybe I don't feel pain quick enough or intense enough to give me sufficient warning to ease up? For example, when I stretch, no matter how hard I stretch, I have never felt pain from the stretch within my penis (my skin does hurt when stretching very hard, but my inner penis, tendons, etc, never feel like they are being abused or hurt.) The only limits from stretching for me seem to come from my lack of skin elasticity and adequate grip pressure. In other words, the only thing that stops any of my stretches, are my tolerance for pain in the stretching of the skin, or a loss of grip pressure. (or a grip pressure that is necessarily so tight as to stop blood flow) It is never a feeling of inner stretch that feels limited or painful.

Any help or advice would be EXTREMELY helpful. For as much reading and crap that I do about all of this Penis Enlargement stuff, I am still a noob and am quite at a loss right this second.

no blood pissing = urethrea ok

if you can get an erection then everything shoudl be somewhat ok.

I would stop all pe until you feel better. do warm/cold wrappings 5 minute each to speed up healing.

Then use common sense and maybe instead of force use more time. If you have time then max out the time before you up the intensity.

You have some signs that you want to much too fast. give yourself time and realy long term goals that you work towards.
I agree with what has been said above. The fact that you. An get an erection and dot see any visible issues is probably a good sign.

You should refrain from all Penis Enlargement for a few days. The fact that you would even do intense skin stretches the day after you thought you had seriously injured yourself maybe a sign that you are listening to your goals but not your body.
Good description which is helpful for those wanting to help in this thread, sometimes we don't have enough info. I would say honestly that you have pinched the nerve along the base of the penis (top) and this is why it went numb and EQ has declined. The move you describe to stretch the skin and the sensation like Indian burns but also internal to the penis is what I can relate to on occasion doing something similar and yes I think that is normal for what you were doing at the time.

The fact you may have pinched the nerve and the obvious stress it caused is what made the next set of events unfold. I have had never problems from time to time at the base portion near my pubes when I use the pump and I have it pressing on the inside to the tube it pinches the nerve. It clears up after 2-3 days. Its not something that we want to repeat often as this can damage the nerve but the occasional accident is normal, like waking up with a dead limb 'cos you were unknowingly lay on it during sleep.

You can apply hot and cold water treatment to the area via flannel, cup with one filled with ice water and another with very hot. Dip into each over course of 10 mins or so. It helps with nerve damage. Use massage to the area, not directly but around the area to help blood flow.
Thanks Red, you are always very helpful. Thankfully, my penis feels just fine already. More than the first event, the skin thing was really strange to me, because I felt like I wasn't doing anything to my penis per se. I was literally just stretching the skin, but I guess there are nerves close enough to the surface to make boo-boos. :D Maybe the numbness of the internal penis was just a reaction to the pain of the skin. Anyway, I feel great now, no tenderness or anything. Great wood last night while kegeling one up. :D And better than average wood this morning too. Overall, my penis feels great and it appears I got back my new 1/2" of flaccid hang that disappeared in my state of fear in the aftermath. :D

But you are one of the real vets around here and I would love your input as to my own personal problem with assessing intensity. (Ignoring the skin stretching episode, because I was actively ignoring the pain because I thought it was only "superficial" as it was "just" skin in my mind.)

When I am doing engorgement or stretching exercises the only pain that I ever feel is from skin stretching, no matter how "intense" I try to do said exercises. I mean I can feel inner tissue stretch, but I never feel that that inner stretch is approaching some threshold or nearing pain now matter how much force that I can apply. I only feel limits due to skin stretch or effective grip pressure technique. What gives? Am I a freak of sorts? I would think that one would feel pain of inner stretch at some level of force if the skin expanded enough. But this is not the case with me, as I have not observed or felt such a thing as of yet.

For safety aspects, should I try to use a known force so that I can quantify how much force I am applying in my exercises? For instance, I know that when I stretch, I could easily be applying anywhere from 10 to maybe over 20 pounds of force, but again, there is no sense that I am hurting or over exerting tissues inside of my penis. The only indications I ever get that lead me to ease up are surface skin stretch pain or a grip pressure that causes a loss of circulation. I don't know how much actual force is too much force on the internal penis because I don't get a "message" of pain or excessive strain from my inner penis.

I have read that the tunica has an average tensile strength of about 4.5 pounds at normal body temperature, but even that figure is only relative to the individual helixes of collagen adjacent to, or "connected" to, one another. It is not sufficient force to actually "tear" the actual helixes themselves. (The bond from helix to helix is weaker than the individual helixes themselves.)

Any ideas as to what idea I can use as an appropriate safe level of force would be great because I don't seem to be getting the "natural" signals of pain or whatever from the internal penis, ligs, or whatever to warn me of impending damage. :D


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Good to know its healing up okay. Regards to the pain issues. Well I think its okay to stretch intensely and not feel pain, you should not feel pain. Its a fine line but you dont feel pain to the extremes it is obvious, more a discomfort which is to be expected when your pulling the penis out.

This skin feeling is natural and we all can relate to this. My take is this; use a hand to hold back at the base some of the loose skin so it doesn't stretch, that way you can avoid getting the turkey neck condition guys who Penis Enlargement can develop. I had it bad, still have it but not as pronounced. One of the main causes is too much stretching of the skin at the base of the penis which then brings this shit down, encouraging it to grow along with the dick. To counter that somewhat just hold off with one hand at the base, its essentially preventing too much skin from being pulled down but dont worry or over complicate this as it may not concern you, guys with looser skin like me at the base were more prone, I didnt know all this when I started back in 2001.

Next; try stretching with the foreskin pulled back ... I assume your not cut? doing it with the skin back helps ALLOT with preventing masses of skin at the base being pulled, which in my own personal opinion although its not to say its the 'word' or anyone who doesn't do it is wrong, my take on it is this will prevent turkey neck and also rid the former method I mentioned above. Not only that but you feel a more better stretch to the penis, you can go harder actually and feel no skin sensation at all.

The problem with this is having a good grip and to do that simply wrap alittle underneath the glans about 1 inch under where the skin is pulled back. Keep the skin retracted as you do that. Grip and pull. Tight grip needed. You will be limited in some ways doing this method as the glans is the weak link but I always liked it. Combined with the power assist or LengthMaster and this is champion.

Okay reverting back to the pain discussion. You dont need to feel it and I dont feel it on many stretch sessions but what I do feel is a 'tightness' of the EXTERNAL penis and the ligaments (Suspensory) if targeting that portion. Feel the suspensory ligament and it will be like a strong steel cable as its being elongated, this is a good indicator enough stress is used as its being stretched. Now, when you stretch even more or apply an angle of attack to the penis so creating more force such as lets say a 'V' shape going downwards into the base of the cock, it will give a burning sensation to the ligaments and that is a GOOD sign the ligs are being hit hard as they can. I have a thread in the article section on lig burns and ligs in general covering this.

You may also be privy to a lig pop. Some guys aim for those to judge intensity but this doesn't mean go out and have a ligament pop. Some guys are more pron then others. I can always get a pop which cant be heard but you feel it, if that makes sense? while in the bath doing Bathmate stretches. One of those and no more happen but I know my dick has been stretched good at the base, cos the ligs have had to pass over the bone to displace the air in order to make that pop or thud sound. Its not an exact science, we often go off feelings and intuition with penis enlargement but hopefully this helps.

Try BUNDLED stretching, that is very potent. Lastly a good level of force would be to use a good pull of the hand (arm) and hold the stretch, dont need to then keep trying to pull harder and harder. I pull hard, what I know is the fine line as said earlier and then hold it for said amount of time and let go. Slap your dick on your thigh to get blood going, helishakes are good as well (swinging it around and the girls seem to love this! go figure) for this purpose.

I know that DLD advocates skin stretching as he is of the mindset it helps growth as the skin gives room for new penis to fit into but I'm not in full agreement with DLD on that score. Yes the new growth will obviously have skin covering it, but I don't think this new skin needs to be gained from stretching at the base area or from an area near to so it becomes party with the penis. I'm of the belief the actual external penis skin expands with time and hence stretch marks with the Penis Enlargement, then it grows as nature does its stuff. It happens weather you pull the skin at the base or not in my opinion.

I hope this helps.
Thank you Sir. You are truly a giant and a gentleman.

Tommy Boy

No lectures here however please explain to me why you do not follow your own theories of Penis Enlargement and you are derailing your efforts at growing your cock by winding up in the ditch as you put it??
irspow;473185 said:
Thank you Sir. You are truly a giant and a gentleman.

Haha Leaker,

You are absolutely correct Brother. It is beyond foolishness I admit. But all of us are fools at times :D It is what makes us humans after all.

I just have not figured out for myself how I am going to implement a PMS for me yet is all, really. I believe it is ultimately sound and have no doubt as to...well...can I hide something in parantheses? (it being the ultimate practice possible). When I do figure out how to get mine going, that is it, no more playing around with the old stuff. Until then, I am having fun doing the pre-historic stuff. LOL

From what I have been reading, you are probably going to be able to pull it off before anyone else. You are making great strides. I bow before you. :D

Ok man more thinking on your own method to keep in an extended state for most of the day and a little less time flexing your fingers.

Day 3 at 16 hours here extending at low tension.
My cock has never looked this big!

Your words inspired a great AHA moment deep in the neuron firings of my mind .

irspow;473790 said:
Haha Leaker,

You are absolutely correct Brother. It is beyond foolishness I admit. But all of us are fools at times :D It is what makes us humans after all.

I just have not figured out for myself how I am going to implement a PMS for me yet is all, really. I believe it is ultimately sound and have no doubt as to...well...can I hide something in parantheses? (it being the ultimate practice possible). When I do figure out how to get mine going, that is it, no more playing around with the old stuff. Until then, I am having fun doing the pre-historic stuff. LOL

From what I have been reading, you are probably going to be able to pull it off before anyone else. You are making great strides. I bow before you. :D

Dickleaker;473797 said:
Ok man more thinking on your own method to keep in an extended state for most of the day and a little less time flexing your fingers.

I think I wet myself a little laughing at that!!!!! LOL

But you are correct.


Dickleaker;473797 said:
Day 3 at 16 hours here extending at low tension.
My cock has never looked this big!

Your words inspired a great AHA moment deep in the neuron firings of my mind .

:D You might just grow more like that in about two weeks that you have in the last year :D

I hear a rumblin' upon the horizon. LOL What is that noise? LOL
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