
Feb 19, 2010
Hey guys, kind of new to Penis Enlargement, i have an extender, which is good because i can use it outside the house, but i spend most of my time at home at my computer desk wearing it, since i spend most of my time at my desk do you think better results would come from hanging as much as possible and then use the extender if out of the house?,
basically what im asking is which do you think is better for length gains?
matthew2003;374556 said:
Hey guys, kind of new to Penis Enlargement... which do you think is better for length gains?

Manual Stretches. :D Do the newbie routine while you're a newbie.
Then extender. You've already got the extender, so thats a plus.

Get a hanger after you've done it for a while, then you'll know your limits and stuff.
Thanks for the reply allergix.
yeah sorry, only been at it one month and a half, probably should have put this in the newbie section.
the thing is everywhere i am reading that the best time to make gains is in the newbie period, sometimes i am reading that i need to be careful, othertimes i am reading that i need to push the limits to get the results, eg, i put a post up in the extender section about setting my extender at the length suggested by the extender company, which is four centimetres less than my erect length, the way there system works i wouldnt reach my bpel for another 6 months or so. Everyone responded saying you need to push the limits, maybe spend two weeks adjusting but then push it as hard as you can. That was with the enxtender though, I then read a thread about hanging where DLD disagreed with one posters comment, DLD said you can start hanging from day one, just on light weights, know your limits, but at the same time push them. Basically listen to your body. Ive been listneing to my body for a month now and i am very cautious.
Seeing as how im in the newbie stage and probably more prone to gains than veteran Penis Enlargement'rs, wouldnt it be logical to make the most of this "magical period" newbie stage and go for the best length extender method available?
I am doing the manual stretches everyday, they will always be incorporated, but as an addition i want to know the best way to take advantage of this newbie period, which one extender or hanging (in a cautious way) would reap the best results in addition to the manual stretches, imagining that i had both sets of equipment.
I use JesExtender which is rocking my penis! :)



You'll gain the same in your newbie period either hanging, using an extender or doing manual stretches. There's only so much you can gain from inner-penis and stretched ligaments. Those are the things that people gain easily with when they start Penis Enlargement (of any kind).

My outlook on it is, if a person is rushing into hanging weights instead of sticking with a newbie routine... they're probably going to rush into adding weight just to see fast results too... and then they're going to end up with a bruised, battered dick which can't get hard and then freak out and probably blame MOS or Bib or whatever other device is being used.

When you've been doing the newbie routine for a while, you wont have so much difficulty recognising things when youre hanging. Such as the difference between a lig stretch and skin stretch. Or where to attach the hanger, what fatigue feels like, how to ride fatigue. Things like that.

To answer your question, hanging would definitely have to be the best thing for length gains. For me anyway, and for a lot of others obviously. But there's a lot more to it in my opinion. Like keeping ahead of the healing process, you have to be super committed to hanging every day so that your tunica and ligs don't toughen up. If your tunica/ligs toughened up in say 4 weeks from now, any more of those 'newbie gains' you're after will not be so easy to get anymore. That toughening up is not likely to happen as quickly when you're gaining from manual stretches. At least I never experienced it while doing DLDs newbie routine.

I'm no expert in hanging, but you really have to stay committed to it. It's easy to come and go when youre doing a newbie routine, you can do the 'on and off' thing. With hanging, if you go 'on and off' all you're doing is effecting future gains negatively.

I used an extender with manual stretches for the last year before I started hanging. I highly recommend it :). If youre already stretching, and using an extender, the only thing you're missing out on from hanging is the intensity. Which you should save up for later when your gains slow down.

As they say, it's not a sprint its a marathon. Tortoise and the Hare. etcetc
Then again... if you could be committed and sensible about your weight... why not?! haha

But with hanging... you don't want to be pushing the limits like you can with extenders and manual stretches. There's a lot more at risk. I'd say keep it at low weights for a while. If you feel you're not getting enough work in, add more sets but not more weight. By the end of it you'll be a wrapping and attaching pro and you'd know the different feelings involved in hanging. Then add weight sloowwwwwwllyyyy.

Plenty of people do hanging as their first Penis Enlargement experience. Plenty have only done hanging ever. You just have to decide to be committed and listen to your body. Theres less room for error when you've got 20lbs hanging off your dick compared to stretching it with ur hand.
I have a question: I am kind of a noob with Penis Enlargement, long time ago i did like 2 weeks and then stopped. But now im seriously doing it, but next to manual stretch, i also do hanging, but only with 6.6 lbs(3 kilo). Is that still bad?
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