
Dec 15, 2009
Wether it be on this forum or �other PE site� or alot of dating/sexuality forums/websites it seems like every guy is like 8 9 or even 10 inches...of course the Internet is very annoymonous so they cud be lying.

I'm not so sure personally I think the erect length size has increased not only with Penis Enlargement being so easily attainable on the Internet for free but I think modern nutrition might play a role also I just find it hard to believe 90% of guys are 5.5 inches way I'm sorry but i dnt believe that

What do u guys think?
Since when were 90% 5.5? That might be within the average, but I wouldn't say 90% or even 50% were 5.5. I might say 75% were btw 5-7 though, but that is a guess. You also need to ask if these people are using bone press or not. Another thing to take into consideration is that the people that post the most on Penis Enlargement forums are gonna be people that have been around a while and have gained. If you want to say that the average BP is .5 in longer than NBP and an average long term gain of 1 in then you could say that those people that are 8 started at 6.5 which would be in my average range. Just things to take into consideration.
I would love someone to go find me twenty eight inch penis's out of all the cock in �naked people movies� ....I guaranty you can't....this is how rare 8" is
go to the picture sections and look for the thread about how girls measure ;)
Seriously, this comes up all the time that there are so many guys out there with 8"...Find 20 in all of �naked people movies�....I doubt you can find 10. It is easy to say that so many are this size but I find it hard to find too many at all and that is in �naked people movies� where big dick rules.
With Penis Enlargement becoming so much more available then it was 7 years ago all im saying is expect the average size to increase I personally just dnt think 8 inches is THAT rare anymore
Well it IS rare mate and just because natural Penis Enlargement has risen over the past 10 years doesn't mean it will even touch the average penis size for the worlds males, because it wont! do you know how many people live on earth? only a drop of piss in the ocean reflects natural Penis Enlargement in this world. �naked people movies� also uses flattering angles, wide angle lenses, small women, photo shopped pictures and guys that are good sizes in the average to big range, like 7 inches or so but rarely do I see guys with 8 inches plus and the ones we do see are the SAME ONES over and over, often we see them as dark skinned haha thus creating the black man myth again.

My cock is 8 inches length and girls look at it in disbelief, which tells me its RARE.
The thing is that many guys are lying to themselves while meassuring.

Btw Redzulu, I think it's ur massive girth that is shocking the ladies.
REDZULU2003;367772 said:
Well it IS rare mate and just because natural Penis Enlargement has risen over the past 10 years doesn't mean it will even touch the average penis size for the worlds males, because it wont! do you know how many people live on earth? only a drop of piss in the ocean reflects natural Penis Enlargement in this world. �naked people movies� also uses flattering angles, wide angle lenses, small women, photo shopped pictures and guys that are good sizes in the average to big range, like 7 inches or so but rarely do I see guys with 8 inches plus and the ones we do see are the SAME ONES over and over, often we see them as dark skinned haha thus creating the black man myth again.

My cock is 8 inches length and girls look at it in disbelief, which tells me its RARE.

what does the black man myth have to do with anything with this convo....racist

Anyway the girls could be looking in disbelief because of your incredible girth...IMO girth is what really gives a penis that HUGE/MONSTER look.

We'll just have to agree to disagree I'm utterly conviced myself 8 inches is fairly common
You can be convinced that the earth is flat, but that doesn't make it true. Now, if you actually saw and measured these penises then maybe you would have some room to talk, but seeing that it is just people online talking I would take it with a grain of salt. Also, if you are going to go by Penis Enlargement forums then why not listen to someone like DLD who runs his own site and forum? He has been around a long time and part of other forums before he had his own. I think he knows what he is talking about.
ive had girls who craved for 6-7 because they always had to do with less. so where is the point. girls lie a lot to seem more experienced.
8" COCK ?!?
Dude, I'm not hacking off six inches for anybody, horny chick or not.


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The reality of the situation is even though Penis Enlargement is becoming more popular if I had a dime for all the guys who start and then quit in discouragement I'd be a very rich man!

Gains come only with hard work, dedication and determination. It takes a certain type of person to stick with it when nothing seems to be happening; a type A personality.

I supposed if I measured underneath my unit from my ball sack I'd be 8 to 9.
you have a good point demyx, now just think if the average penis size is a lie? i mean maybe the average penis is like ...dunno 7 inches but the statestics lies so the 30% that has small cocks feels good about them self :)
i saw for 1 week a ago on bbc a tv show, where a guys visits a brothel and he askes the ladies there what size they had to deal with everyday. they said that most guys were between 13 to 15 cm and sometimes they meet a rare 8 inch.
You may think 8 inches is common because you have been around this forum and around �naked people movies� for a while. This changes your perception on size. When you take out a ruler and truly see what 8 inches really looks like, (there's alot of people who claim 8 or 9, keep in mind they might be flattering themselves as this is very human in nature), you will realize that thats a lot of dick right there. I do not believe that most guys that you see in �naked people movies� are 8 inches like most people think. Because 100 guys on this site might have a 8 inch penis; well, think about how big this country is, then how big this website is (like 300k, Im not sure by now), and out of those thousand only a 100-300 or whatever the exact number might be 8 inches. THat to me is NOT common at all. Out of so many millions how many people actually have this size?? Not many. MOst people have invested a lot in acquiring this type of size. It takes time, dedication, and the right mind set to do it. To make my point, find yourself a random woman, whip out 8 inches in front of her face and you judge yourself by her reaction. Her expression will most likely tell you she has not seen a lot, if any, of these in her days.
Come on 8" believers...give me twenty-8 inchers and I will give you a free membership to MOS.
doublelongdaddy;367941 said:
Come on 8" believers...give me twenty-8 inchers and I will give you a free membership to MOS.

8'' and more by BPenis EnlargementL

ramon (�naked people movies�), julian (�naked people movies�), lex steele (�naked people movies�), __________ (�naked people movies�), __________ (DLD's fave, just kidding)

bingobongo (penisdicke), zwanzig+(angry)pgainer), ungeduld (penisdicke), Egghed, Xmetal (mos)

omar (�naked people movies�), the german actor with the EQ issues (�naked people movies�), the guy from here (�naked people movies�), crazyed27 (mos), ZackD89 (mos),

mr18 (�naked people movies�), Monstercock (mos), king nake(mos), 8ig (mos), DLD

premium membership for free, please

edit: john holms (�naked people movies�), __________ parker (maybe, �naked people movies�), the hoemgrown guy who is doing POVs (sometimesin the movie section, �naked people movies�), the worlds biggest cock thread (videos, 2 links)

pic 20 out of them :)
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doublelongdaddy;367941 said:
Come on 8" believers...give me twenty-8 inchers and I will give you a free membership to MOS.

seriously? i can find that many on this forum alone lol
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