
Nov 17, 2011
Hello all. I'm wondering if anyone can help me or give me some advice on making better gains.
Started on the 12 the feb 2012.

initial stats:
bpfl:10 cm
bpfl stretch: 16 cm
bpel: 15 cm
eg: 11.5 cm

Used the SRT method for a month with just manual exercise.

After one month roughly
bpfl: 14 cm
bpfl stretch: 18.3 cm
bpel: 16.5 cm
eg: 12.7 cm

Used the next step in SRT but instead of doing six minute slow jelqs I did (2x one minute ssjelq and 4 minutes jelq), however due to exams i did this for two weeks and then had two weeks of no Penis Enlargement.

end of second month
bpfl: 15 cm
bpfl stretch: 20 cm
bpel: 17 cm
eg: 13.5 cm

Ive also just started using size genetic extender for 4-8 hours a day on high tension and in one and a half weeks got my bpel to 18.4 cm

goal 8x6 inch

Main problems I need help on:
- wrapping the penis before bed, i find i cant get to sleep with it wrapped and if i do i have to wake up to go to the toilet.
- Bathmate: can't pump anymore and i don't feel a strong pressure.
- Also should i be to pc muscle exercises and edging with my current routine?

Kind regards, YK
You should definitely be doing kegels.
You're making absurd gains so I wouldn't worry about getting them faster at this point, you've gotta be doing something right.
I'm not too knowledgeable about the Bathmate, but I would at least suggest you not use the ace wrap to stretch as far as you can. Stretch it out as far as it is comfortable if you are trying to sleep.
SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory is the Best Routine I have ever used! Really, I lost 85 pounds, secured the 11" mark and pushed my girth to the next level. I love when other guys see results with it, usually it takes a while for a routine to catch on. Congrats on the speed of gains.
For your Bathmate issue, make sure you lube it up really well. I prefer to suffocate the gator in vaseline--it's very thick and will create a tight seal and no air should leave it. Of course, after your session you would clean it very well.

And I find that pumping the Bathmate while you're standing also creates a stronger seal. I stand up and point it straight down while quickly pumping it. I find you can pump out more water, creating an even stronger seal.
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