Give Natural Penis Enlargement a Chance


Staff member
Jun 3, 2003
PE suffers a great deal due to the negative press it gets outside of the underground, natural PE circles (ie: MoS Forums, PE Forums, �other PE site�, etc.) Many men will never find this incredible blessing because of the dishonest pill, cream, patch and potion companies that pedal unattainable dreams and unfounded claims. I am in no way saying that these methods of Penis Enlargement do not work but I am saying that without natural exercise measurable gains will probably not happen. Due to the misrepresentation of these supplemental forms of PE many men quickly become discouraged and throw the baby out with the bath water. This has a detrimental, trickle down effect to the reputable forms of PE and much of the population see all forms of PE as a scam. This is a very real and very sad fact I struggle with everyday.

When this notion becomes part of the underground movement it becomes a serious problem to our efforts, collectively, to spreading the true awareness. If newbies come to these forums and see the general mood as being negative in belief they will forge ill, unfounded thoughts in their infancy and most likely give up before even starting. It is our responsibility, as a forum, to boast the real value of natural PE. That it does work, that we have made massive gains, that it is not a scam and that new men are making history each and everyday with the help of the veterans of this art.

When I see posts like the one below I angers me. Thundersplace has become such a negative influence on PE in their quest to debunk MoS and DLD that it is having a detrimental, trickle down effect to on the new minds of PE. I hope this thread makes it to the eyes of the new minds hoping to change their lives through penis enlargement. I have quoted a user's post from Thundersplace and since I can't answer it their I will reply to it here. This is the post:

Originally Posted at Thundersplace

1.DLD pic's are obviously fake...

My Reply:
This general consensus it largely created by a handful of bitter members from �other PE site�. This happened because of my choice to leave Thundersplace and start my own venture. Attacking my pictures, video, etc has become an easy target for Thundersplace as they can hide these threads deep in their private forums where they can share jealous lies among each other and deal with their jealousy through agenda specific threads, twisted and edited to fit their catalogue of attack.

I say, once again LOUD and CLEAR for all to hear, my pictures and video are very real. I do not fake pictures to make myself appear larger than I am. I did not start out with the size I have. I started with 6.5 inches in length and brought myself beyond 10" through hard work and dedication. I started with 4.75" of girth and I have brought myself beyond 6.5" through tenacious consistency to my life's passion, PE.

Originally Posted at Thundersplace
2.This is not scientific proven

My Reply:
Science is indeed available if this is what you seek. I recently posted this excerpt from the British Journal of Sexual Medicine

The most academic research of the effectiveness of jelqing was made in the late seventies by a Dr Brian Richards in the UK. The research was published by the British Journal of Sexual Medicine. 87 percent of the test group reflected size increases in their study. Dr Brian Richards' results showed an increase in penis length of up to 1.5 inches and an increase in penis girth of up to 1 inch.

Even though this work was scientifically published you can find thousands of personal accounts showing similar results on the web. The MOS Forums, PEforum, �other PE site� and other forums like these have 1000's of personal journals online outlining individual users programs showing their progress, pictures and stories of real Penis Enlargement success.

Originally Posted at Thundersplace
3.It can cause damage to people

My Reply:
So can electricity injure! Progress in any setting has always been punctuated with Risk and Reward. Taking precautions and following the advice of your experienced counterparts will help you steer clear of personal injury but one needs to realize that with any reward comes risk. If you are willing to take these risks you stand a good chance of reaping the incredible rewards PE has to offer.

Originally Posted at Thundersplace

4.It can cause you too need viagra.

My Reply:
In most cases VIAGRA is individually, elective, if fact, most men report harder erection than they ever had after starting PE. Another important fact about impotence is that it is largely psychological and true physical cases of impotence are extremely rare.

Originally Posted at Thundersplace


My Reply:
This statement is a testament to the way young minds have become infected by the negative influence of a few evil players. It is a localized infection that is spreading among the virgin minds that go to �other PE site� for help. False, negative, and dishonest group mentality is historically seen with many cult organization where the opinion of the leaders is accepted by the flock only to destroy any personal dreams they may have had. Individuality is as important to the group as the group in to the individual. Allowing free thought and expression of ideas is why MoS flourishes.

Please help by sharing awareness through words not tainted by envy but words etched in unselfish truth.
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