
Aug 24, 2013
hey guys. I'm curious what kind of girth gains are possible with the knowledge that has been learned here.what is the average girth gained? the moat anyone has got? I'm on a journey to go from 5"to 6" of girth, whether it takes 6 months or 2 years. I bought a Bathmate but I think its not functioning properly because it really only works once in a while. But when I do other stretches like ssj, ill see a 1/4" of temp gains, nothing permanent yet but I've only been at it a little while. I'm just curious what success stories are out there and how long it took to get there. Thanks!!!
Hello and welcome to Matters of Size and the Brotherhood! Gaining an inch of girth can be done inside 6 months but it will take some dedication and work. I suggest first that we get you into the Bathmate so it is working properly. For men you have issues with water pumping it usually fixed by trimming pubic hair to a 1/4" or less, using a little bit of vaseline around the pump gaiter and, the best fix, is adding in a pump sleeve. These 3 practices will fix all air issues with water pumps. Next I suggest you get yourself into the SRT Routine, this is by far the most powerful method of gaining both length and girth. Read through the entire thread, it is big, but it will flush you with a fresh education to the most effective methods of gaining and healing. Your 6 month goal will be a reality if you follow this advice.
Thanks Dld! I will look into getting that pump sleeve asap. I keep everything pretty trimmed up, and I have the Vaseline, so lets see if just that does anything. I have read into SRT pretty heavily and it is what I'm basing ky 1month trial routines on. I am looking for overall gains but definitely focusing on girth first, I feel after reading here for some time that length will be a little easier. I'm a little more wide than I am girthy. I am right over 1.75" wide and exactly 5" round. I would like to eventually be 2.25-2.5 wide and at 6" round, if more happens you won't hear me complain, but I would be happy with 6". I want to do the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3), but I'm waiting on my Bathmate to work 100%. so when I get started on that, is there another meathod of girth workout you would recommend?

jlarson6-8;567693 said:
Thanks Dld! I will look into getting that pump sleeve asap. I keep everything pretty trimmed up, and I have the Vaseline, so lets see if just that does anything. I have read into SRT pretty heavily and it is what I'm basing ky 1month trial routines on. I am looking for overall gains but definitely focusing on girth first, I feel after reading here for some time that length will be a little easier. I'm a little more wide than I am girthy. I am right over 1.75" wide and exactly 5" round. I would like to eventually be 2.25-2.5 wide and at 6" round, if more happens you won't hear me complain, but I would be happy with 6". I want to do the 5x5x3, but I'm waiting on my Bathmate to work 100%. so when I get started on that, is there another meathod of girth workout you would recommend?


Once the Bathmate is in hand, or you have gotten the pump sleeve, start on the 5x5x3 workout in the SRT Routine. This is a very easy and effective way to gain girth at the fastest rate. Pumping alone will bring gains but it will also be plagued with water retention and other skin issues consistent with pumping too much. Basically you will stay 5 minutes in the Bathmate, 5 minutes Slow Squash Jelqs, 5 minutes in the Bathmate, 5 minutes Slow Squash Jelqs, 5 minutes in the Bathmate, 5 minutes Slow Squash Jelqs, and then from here you can finish off with some width work. The best width exercise would be Isolated Compression Squeezes where the penis is flattened, while erect, against a solid, flat surface...I use my clean toilet seat and simply, using the heal of my palms, flatten the penis against the seat causing width expansion. I will spend maybe 5 minutes in this exercise. Depending on your sex life you can opt to ejaculate after the session, I like to get a good 10 minutes of edging in before I shoot off. Once you have released the environment for killer length work is available due to the refractory period. When the penis is fatigued, as it is after ejaculation, there is little holding you back from stretching the heck out of the penis. You can feel immediately that the state of flaccidness is super malleable, unlike other times.
Thanks again! I'm following SRT for sure, I've tried the 5x5x3 but it wasn't working 100% cause of the Bathmate. but I have a question about the ssjs, the videos Ive watched of yours, they don't quite explain how to deal with loss of erection while doing them. I can be at 100% eq, squeeze thebase and start to squash, but about 30 seconds in, I start to go flaccid. Is that ok? I've never been able to do it longer than a minute let alone 3 sets of 5 minutes. Also, I'm trying to slow down sex with out my girlfriend catching on to why. I can definitely tell she has been with bigger. so I'm trying to go about a week without sex at a time. that way there a slight differences. and eventually, hopefully there will be a big difference. But I just "fit" in her, I would like to fill her. so I'm trying to get the girth moving faster. thanks again!!
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