
May 11, 2008
No clamping,no Pumping just Penis Enlargementing.How to get One Inch girth.I am streching like a mad,But i don't now hot to put girth in my penis.Ok.Manuel jelging.But how much time.And how,slow,fast,hard,light?If you have onother exercise tell me how to do.Because i will go to phase 2 in december.thanks
Look up O-Bends, Sadsak Slinkys, some Uli's. Im not sure if those are the names you guys go by here, those were what they called it when I was on �other PE site� Place. (another Penis Enlargement forum)

O bends is pretty much manual clamping your base (ok grip) then grabbing your penis and bending it in different directions as to put pressure on one side of the penis, thus expanding tissues on that side. IT IS IMPORTANT YOU DO THIS EXCERCISE AT VERY LOW ERECTION LEVEL. i cannot stress that enough.

Sadsak Slinky...almost same as O bends....except you kind of do a slinky motion so that the pressure spot rolls along your penis giving equal pressure throughout the side of the shaft you are...slinkying? again, low erection level is key to prevent injury.

Ulis...just squeeze hard and move from base to glans slowly, correct me if Im wrong.

Those are some excercies I've heard are good for girth, without having to clamp or pump. Try it out, or wait for more experienced vets to get on and tell you more.
Hi_I_AM_neW19;317256 said:
how much time

1" in girth could take you upwards of a year. There have been some guys who have gained relatively quick (3-4 months) but generally girth is stubborn and requires frequent attention. Moreover, an inch of girth is a bigger thing than most guys would think. Increasing your girth by 1/2 will blow most men away. It is a huge gain. An inch is crazy big, especially you starting with 6" of girth.

Your best bet is to train daily and with intention and belief. It is fine to recognize your final goal but do not look at it too much. What is important is the small gains that get you there. Setting smaller, more realistic goals will keep you motivated to get to the next level towards your final goal. Shoot for 1/4 inch in x amount of weeks/months. This will be easier to get to and will inspire you to get that next 1/4".

Other exercises for girth are throughout the forum in text format while most of them are on video on the Members Site. A couple of my picks are Slow Squash Jelqs and the Girth Buster routine. I am not sure if the later is on the forum but it is on video.

Good Luck
true^^^^^^^^^^1 inch gain in girth is far more apparent then 1 inch gain in length the difference between 5" EG and 6" EG is amazin....and 7.......i dnt even wanna go there....lol
true^^^^^^^^^^1 inch gain in girth is far more apparent then 1 inch gain in length the difference between 5" EG and 6" EG is amazin....and 7+.......i dnt even wanna go there....lol
thats so true when i gained 0.25" in a month just from jelqing i was like WWWWWOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW. ive looked into pumping and i know you said you didnt want to pump but its something to definately look into in my opinion.
You really can feel that extra girth in your hand while you hold your dick, I mean big time. I gained 1inch in girth but it took me 3 years to cement my results.

Pumping helps a lot but without any other type of girth workout your gains will be temp gains and not real. Start off dry jelqing to work on girth then advance to other exercises. You gotta experiment with different styles of girth workout to see what works for you. Me?? I started off jelqing and then went to clamping, and added in pumping to my routine.

I also feel that one day on and one day off is the best way for me to gain girth, you gotta let that dick heal and rebuild in order for it to grow. JMO.
crazyed27;317888 said:
You really can feel that extra girth in your hand while you hold your dick, I mean big time. I gained 1inch in girth but it took me 3 years to cement my results.

Pumping helps a lot but without any other type of girth workout your gains will be temp gains and not real. Start off dry jelqing to work on girth then advance to other exercises. You gotta experiment with different styles of girth workout to see what works for you. Me?? I started off jelqing and then went to clamping, and added in pumping to my routine.

I also feel that one day on and one day off is the best way for me to gain girth, you gotta let that dick heal and rebuild in order for it to grow. JMO.

how do you cement girth gains exactly?
Xeyanex;317889 said:
how do you cement girth gains exactly?

Basically I would keep doing the routine and then take a week off to see where I stood. I would bust ass for 4 months then take a week off. After several times of doing this my girth would shrink. But each time, maybe every other time my shrinkage would be less and less. Seeing that my dick not worked out for a while would be slightly bigger each time, moving further away from my starting size.

My post workout pump was getting bigger end bigger, and after my break my real erection was slowly getting larger. See what I'm saying?
Dry jelqing? Please do tell more. I was under the impression one should use some kind of lube.

I have been jelqing on and off for a few months now. I can't really claim to have gained a lot, but like was said before "you do notice the difference". I can tell holding it that it just weighs more now and is plumper. I've probably only gained 1/8 to 1/4 inch on girth. It feels heavier now even just standing there and letting it swing.

If I could recall my college algebra I might have to calculate the area difference between 5.5 and 5.75" circle.

One thing DLD talks about a lot is positive imaging. Or more precisely, no fail thought process. Reminds me a bit of Robert Schieningers(sp?) writings.

I have to say a lot of what caused me to change my attitude about what could be and what couldn't be was realizing I had complete control over my world. I just decided it was time to have a bigger cock and I did it. Maybe you need to just decide in your own head instead of asking us about it. Let us know how it goes. I'm sure the gains will come.
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everyone should just clamp. and also try double clamping. one clamp on base, one below glans
AdmiralLongDong;317911 said:
Robert Schieningers

I searched with no results on his name. Any links, you sparked my interest.
bigtyivier;318373 said:
everyone should just clamp. and also try double clamping. one clamp on base, one below glans

does that really make a difference as supposed to the tradional way of clamping?
Xeyanex;318496 said:
does that really make a difference as supposed to the tradional way of clamping?

I was curious too.

AdmiralLongDong;317911 said:
Robert Schieningers

I searched with no results on his name. Any links, you sparked my interest.
AdmiralLongDong;318798 said:
oops had the name wrong:


I worked one a documentary he was in. Kind of interesting stuff. i'm fairly critical yet open to other ways of thinking about things.

I think you'll find it to be a good read.

I will have to get a copy of this book and read more. They never give enough background information to really understand what you are buying but from a couple of the pages it looks interesting.
He basically proposes that reality is just an illusion we buy into. Once you know it is an illusion you can do anything you want, so long as you really want it.

I think some of this new age-ish thinking is good stuff and some is trash. It's worth considering though. A closed mind never grows.

If I hadn't believed in myself I would never have made my gains. I overcame doubt. I'm at a smilar juncture now. I need to beleive I can get bigger. Make sense?
AdmiralLongDong;318899 said:
He basically proposes that reality is just an illusion we buy into. Once you know it is an illusion you can do anything you want, so long as you really want it.

I think some of this new age-ish thinking is good stuff and some is trash. It's worth considering though. A closed mind never grows.

If I hadn't believed in myself I would never have made my gains. I overcame doubt. I'm at a smilar juncture now. I need to beleive I can get bigger. Make sense?

New age thinking is a lost art, it is a lost way of navigating this fucked up life we live. Even though now in my life things seem so mundane and without magic I know the happiness will come again. When I am in a good place and things are popping off for me my friends tell me that I find too much relevance in the simplicities of day to day life but I beg to differ. Even if life is what the fundamentalist say it is I will never subscribe to it...if life is the way they say it is I don't want it.
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