Oct 3, 2003
Hey, so check this out...

My girlfriend asks me during sex the other night: Jesus, how big ARE YOU!?!?

And afterwards, I told her to guess.
Her: 10?
Me: Nope.
Her: 9?
Me: Nope.
Her: 8?
Me. Nope.
Her: NO?!?
Me: Nope.
Her: 5?
Me: Nope.
Her: How big are you?!?
Me: Just about 7", a little under.
Her: No way, you've got to be atleast 9! You measured?
Me: Yep. Measure again, you must've measured wrong, there's no way!

So she grasps my cock with her hands, and both hands fit on there, with the top sticking out. And she goes: I can fit TWO hands on here, there's no way!!

Me: your hands are probably 3" across, and that leaves just about 6.5-7".

Her: I don't believe you...

So yea, guys, don't worry, chicks have no idea about size. She's probably been with around 15 guys before me...
So if this is the case, and Im sure I know as well as you and every other guy here who has gotten REAL pussy...

Why are you all so obsessed with making your cocks bigger?

Im still waiting to see the legit measured 10x7 guys strolling around.
I'm fairly certain that for the vast (VAST!) majority of us Penis Enlargement has almost nothing to do with sex or sexuality and has much more to do with self confidence. I for one have low self esteem and knowing (In the future) that I have a cock that's got a good three inches on the average guy would be a huge boost.

As for the sexual aspect: In my (American) culture there's very much the idea that bigger is better, so at least psychologically it's a huge aphrodesiac to any sex.
I had a similar situation a few weeks ago.

I'am 8bpx6mid 6.5base and have always viewed my self as small even though they say the average is somewhere nearer 6x5,i know some of you would give me a hard time for thinking that but thats just the way i view myself and wish i could change it,probably watch to much �naked people movies�.
I've started dating a women(32) that i've known for a couple of years.Anyway we were getting down to business for the first time,i had her lying down on the edge of the bed while i was knelt down giving her a good pussy licking,i had a raging hard on by this time and when i stood up and dropped my jeans she shouted "JESUS CHRIST YOU KEPT THAT MONSTER WELL HIDDEN"!"I said its not that big",she said "NOT THAT BIG,TAKE IT FROM ME THAT'S A REEEALY BIG COCK"!Needless to say my head could hardly fit through the front door when i left,and i swear it hung better for abut 4 or 5 days.
Last week she phoned me when i'd just got out the shower,she asked me what i was doing?I said "just chilling out lying on my bed",she says "i bet or playing with that 12 inch cock of yours",i said "12 inch!i wish it was 12 inch"!she said "well if it's not 12 it's at least 11"!
Now this women is not the type to blow smoke up my arse(lie) and was very genuine with her comments.So it just goes to show how far out women can be with there guesses.
When everbody say average lenght is 5.75-6'' (especially surveys)are they talking bp or non bp bcuz that shit always confuse the shit out of me.
harmonic169 said:
I'm fairly certain that for the vast (VAST!) majority of us Penis Enlargement has almost nothing to do with sex or sexuality and has much more to do with self confidence. I for one have low self esteem and knowing (In the future) that I have a cock that's got a good three inches on the average guy would be a huge boost.

As for the sexual aspect: In my (American) culture there's very much the idea that bigger is better, so at least psychologically it's a huge aphrodesiac to any sex.

I'm significally shorter than all my male counterparts. (5'3'') Because of this I sometimes feel "inferior", and I hardly ever go out to clubs or anything. Getting a bigger dick will improve my self-confidence tenfold. I already see an improvement in that aspect of my life. I haven't made any significant gains yet, but, slowly, its starting to "hang" a little lower. I just want to have something that alot or most men don't have.
dee3186 said:
When everbody say average lenght is 5.75-6'' (especially surveys)are they talking bp or non bp bcuz that shit always confuse the shit out of me.
Bone pressed. Average is 5.8" BP length.
Average girth is 4.85" EG.

Im 10x7.5 :s ;) so im happy, aiming for 14x8
Just because she didn't know the exact size doesn't mean she has no "perception". She could have grabbed a ruler or something to measure it out, in a NON RUDE way but whatever, think what you want. Not all girls are like that. Sorry.
Yes Kittie most girls are like that. Just because maybe you arn't doesn't mean the vast majority have bad perception when it comes to penis size.
thefranchise said:
Yes Kittie most girls are like that. Just because maybe you arn't doesn't mean the vast majority have bad perception when it comes to penis size.

Yeah I noticed that a lot of girls are like that because they don't want to make the guy feel like he wants to shoot himself every time he pulls his dick out and says "does it look bigger? maybe?". I certainly don't because it fucking hurts (i like the pain, lol freak much haha) but anyways, I wouldn't say it cus for one, it's always in my face, it's always "tearin up my shit" and it's always being measured right in front of me.... so there's no way in hell I have a lack of judgement. I think a lot of girls guess because they're afraid to hurt the guy's feelings but that also goes different ways because they're not saying shit to the guy and that causes more trouble because they're not telling the truth in order for the guy to reach his goal and such. You can't just let a guy walk around wanting to fucking kill himself because you aren't telling him the truth about his size, so I can definitely see where the guy who made this thread is coming from as well. I get kinda pissed when I hear about girls, sorry if I came off as a bitch in my first post here.

and sorry if that all confused the hell out of you or didn't make sense, it sounded good when it came out as I typed it :cool:
KiTTie8695 said:
Just because she didn't know the exact size doesn't mean she has no "perception". She could have grabbed a ruler or something to measure it out, in a NON RUDE way but whatever, think what you want. Not all girls are like that. Sorry.
Kittie's right men and women always seem to be off on guessing penis size look at all these guess my size threads, but all the threads on when guys say women always guess they dick size wrong, are true.
So yea, guys, don't worry, chicks have no idea about size. She's probably been with around 15 guys before me...

She may be better at it than you think. We get used to our personal size because it's what we're used to, even doing Penis Enlargement because the gains day-to-day are kindof slow ... but to continue the surprising difference in volume ... 8 inches is like 2.4 times bigger than 6 inches. (Like two and a half dicks). A chick is going to notice that sort of thing.

Priapologist has the math on this stuff. I'd be cool to see a chart on it covering several points, maybe every half inch, between 5 and 11.

insearchof9inch said:
Sounds right to me. I convinced someone I was 8 inches a couple of months ago. I was just over 7.

Its safe to say b/c of guys like you girls aren't going to get any better at estimating. :s
Women know size from a totally different perspective than it feels inside their pussy. They dont measure...but they sure can feel - quite a few women, have including my current gf, have had cocks so huge they either hurt like hell or couldnt fit - and I am sure they've also had some large cocks that fit and felt - great.

So in spite of all the studies, my own personal experience in talking to women is that lots of guys are well above average, and at 7.5 x 5.5eg I am larger than average...but since lots of guys have bigger cocks than I - hence my desire to Penis Enlargement.
coolbreeze said:
Women know size from a totally different perspective than it feels inside their pussy. They dont measure...but they sure can feel - quite a few women, have including my current gf, have had cocks so huge they either hurt like hell or couldnt fit - and I am sure they've also had some large cocks that fit and felt - great.

So in spite of all the studies, my own personal experience in talking to women is that lots of guys are well above average, and at 7.5 x 5.5eg I am larger than average...but since lots of guys have bigger cocks than I - hence my desire to Penis Enlargement.
Is that 7.5 bp or nbp
actually I am (measured last night) 7.25 nbp (I already bottom out in alot of women so all I am after is more GIRTH!!)
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