
Aug 16, 2009
So I've finally decided to say fuck it and work through the fluid buildup which has plagued me and made me unwilling to continue PE for so long. I figure, as long as I keep doing it, the more likely I'll have less and less buildup over time, right?

Here we go for the first two weeks back in:

DLD Newbie routine, modified.

5 minute warmup in the shower

30x3 in every direction (up, down, behind cheeks, straight out, left right) in the Lengthmaster
200 slow wet jelqs, ball massage for 2 minutes after 100, 2 more minutes after the second hundred
Edge for 10 minutes

5 minute warmdown with a heating pad

2 hours in the VLC tugger secured below the knee.

Granted, I'm still getting fluid buildup after the jelqing, even with edging and some DLD blasters thrown in, but I'm trying to take it easy for the moment to get the tissues reacquainted with the process. Makes sense, right?

Anyway, I'd like to get back into this seriously again, and if I can stack an inch on in length by the end of 2015, I think I'll have accomplished something worthwhile. At least I'll have proven to myself that PE works for me.
interesting routine,yeah if you get serious about PE you can get an inch before the end of 2015,Try the SSJ they are amazing bro
Bluetard explain your problem, did you suffer from fluitbuildup 24/7 all the time no matter if you did PE or not ?
This looks like a great routine. If the culprit of your fluid retention is jelqing then I would not jelq. The SlowSquashJelq is far superior to the jelq. You will gain much more girth faster and you will avoid the fluid retention. The reason for this is the dual compression that the SSJ offers. The entire area between the hands will expand equally and no fluid will be able to become trapped. It is also a safer way to gain over many other methods of girth.
Tried the SSJ seriously for the first time on Friday, didnt get much time to get in another round this weekend because of work and girlfriend, but I'll get back on it once I get back from work today. I find it easier to go to the gym AFTER I do a PE session, somehow I feel way more awake and ready for it, rather than trying to do PE after the gym, where I just feel tired and unwilling.

Anyway, here goes. This thread might need to get moved, as I'm probably just going to start using this thread as my new (and final) log.

5 minutes warmup shower

the best fucking �naked people movies� I could find
15 minutes of intense fucking SSJs, because thats all I could handle
was running out the door at that point, so 10 minute warmdown and then loose fitting underwear.

HOOOOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK THAT BULGE AFTERWARDS WAS INTENSE. Also, I found that I still got some fluid buildup, but noticeably less so. The entire shaft felt worked, and was puffy to the touch from base to just under the head. Even the next morning after I had tried the dick out on the lady, it was hanging much thicker and longer, that temporary flaccid about as thick as my erect girth.

Long story short, SSJs are the shit, and I think jelqing is out the window mostly for me, unless I can find a way to kill the buildup that comes with it. Maybe more SSJs will help clear that up in the future.

Question: Since my end goal is length, would it be wise to do stretching after girth sessions? I feel as though, when the tunica is at its weakest, it would be best to pull it and stretch it (is that possible?) as much as I can while its in its most pliable state, especially after getting beat to fuck with those SSJs. Thoughts?
bluetard117;633147 said:
Tried the SSJ seriously for the first time on Friday, didnt get much time to get in another round this weekend because of work and girlfriend, but I'll get back on it once I get back from work today. I find it easier to go to the gym AFTER I do a PE session, somehow I feel way more awake and ready for it, rather than trying to do PE after the gym, where I just feel tired and unwilling.

Anyway, here goes. This thread might need to get moved, as I'm probably just going to start using this thread as my new (and final) log.

5 minutes warmup shower

the best fucking �naked people movies� I could find
15 minutes of intense fucking SSJs, because thats all I could handle
was running out the door at that point, so 10 minute warmdown and then loose fitting underwear.

HOOOOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK THAT BULGE AFTERWARDS WAS INTENSE. Also, I found that I still got some fluid buildup, but noticeably less so. The entire shaft felt worked, and was puffy to the touch from base to just under the head. Even the next morning after I had tried the dick out on the lady, it was hanging much thicker and longer, that temporary flaccid about as thick as my erect girth.

Long story short, SSJs are the shit, and I think jelqing is out the window mostly for me, unless I can find a way to kill the buildup that comes with it. Maybe more SSJs will help clear that up in the future.

Question: Since my end goal is length, would it be wise to do stretching after girth sessions? I feel as though, when the tunica is at its weakest, it would be best to pull it and stretch it (is that possible?) as much as I can while its in its most pliable state, especially after getting beat to fuck with those SSJs. Thoughts?

So glad you have taken my advice and gave the SlowSquashJelq a go. It has been a great substitute for jelqing for many years now. Many men who either found the jelq to weak or experienced odd skin and retention issues have found solace in the SSJ. Expansion is incredible and without the sliding hand, like the jelq there are no skin issues. I look forward to you future gains!
doublelongdaddy;633148 said:
So glad you have taken my advice and gave the SlowSquashJelq a go. It has been a great substitute for jelqing for many years now. Many men who either found the jelq to weak or experienced odd skin and retention issues have found solace in the SSJ. Expansion is incredible and without the sliding hand, like the jelq there are no skin issues. I look forward to you future gains!

Thanks DLD! I'm super excited, this is the first time in an age of PE that I havent been discouraged after a session because of a huge donut on my dick afterward! Gotta say, I'm really looking forward to this coming year, gainz to the max yo!

Do you think that stretching sessions after a good SSJ session would benefit me for length gains though?
yean once you have finished whit the SSj,you can start whit the stretching specially if you had a shoot:) because the penis gets more "malleable" and its easier to stretch..
shortdick;633199 said:
yean once you have finished whit the SSj,you can start whit the stretching specially if you had a shoot:) because the penis gets more "malleable" and its easier to stretch..

Look at you with the extra secret knowledge of the Brotherhood!:)
At �other PE site� they don't accept any kind of dld doctrine. I was debating them inner dick, ssj, and the mods tried to laugh my shit off. Then dickerswans began vouching for me sayin "just because you dont like the mug of the nigga sayin it dont mean it don't hold water." And they discuss PE shit more than anyone just not dld patent shit.
tkto;633325 said:
At �other PE site� they don't accept any kind of dld doctrine. I was debating them inner dick, ssj, and the mods tried to laugh my shit off. Then dickerswans began vouching for me sayin "just because you dont like the mug of the nigga sayin it dont mean it don't hold water." And they discuss PE shit more than anyone just not dld patent shit.

What do you mean actually? That they are PE ONLY forum? Because to be honest, what I LOVE about MOS is that I am having fun around! I see other members making funny jokes, having a good time, I see DLD posting some really funny s**t etc. This is why I LOVE this forum so much! :)
I think I hit the horse a little hard today.

10 minute warmup in the shower
25 minutes of SSJs
5 minutes of edging (I think clamped edging works better for less fluid buildup.)
5 minute warmdown

Going to put the VLC tugger on in a minute since I have class in 45 minutes and I need to get ready for that.
Right now I'm a bit purple and getting a little bit of shrinkage. Still a little fluidbuildup under the glans, but noticably less so than jelqing brought me. I hope with more time in on these, my body will get used to it and not give me and fluid buildup at all, with or without edging, because I honestly dont like blowing my load after I finish a session-pretty much pass the fuck out right after if I do.
I always thought turtleing after training was a negative response from the pipi. You propose that the turtle stage is a threshold you must break though to have gains in the long run. ie redzulu clamping 45 minutes straight.
tkto;633325 said:
At �other PE site� they don't accept any kind of dld doctrine. I was debating them inner dick, ssj, and the mods tried to laugh my shit off. Then dickerswans began vouching for me sayin "just because you dont like the mug of the nigga sayin it dont mean it don't hold water." And they discuss PE shit more than anyone just not dld patent shit.

react that way because you're extremely jealous that matters of size has become so big and their forums are dwindling away. They fake their stats on a daily basis. We get close to 200 posts a day and they get close to 20 post a day. almost every exercise on their forum is one of my exercises but they renamed to make it looks like it was their exercise. Their a small group of men to find joy in sitting around talking about me, quite pathetic but the way I see it I don't are what people say about me as long as you keep saying it. my threads are still the biggest threads on their forum.
Damn, these SSJ's are killer.

10 minutes in shower until I got really flexible
35 minutes worth of SSJ's, two 30 second sets, then alternate hands. Some rotary bends in SSJ-type format.
10 minute warmdown with a heating pad.

I havent gotten back into the length portion of my exercises as much yet, mainly because I want to focus on getting my expansion on girth, and then by loosening the tunica tissue, hopefully make more gains on length when I use the LM next, and while I use the VLC tugger in the meantime when I sleep. I havent found a way to keep the VLC tugger on all night without waking up in pain, but I can get 2 hours in reasonably without issue, so maybe it will be a daytime only thing, even though I'd prefer to use it at night. Also, these SSJs are making my flaccid size fucking huuuge. I love how flexible and soft my flaccid state is, and how often I'm getting crazy morning wood. Yesterdays session left me a bit sore internally, but in a good way, so I think I'll take it easy tonight and just do some ballooning or whatever and chill out.

Tomorrow is gonna be fun though. Gonna wreck that dick.
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