Genetically Altered Stem Cells Generate Engineered Cartilage


well known member
Nov 8, 2009
I am always looking for info regarding this topic since it will be the only way to successfully and radically achieve a difference in length for everybody across the board. Information is very hard to find since the net is controlled, censored by globalist marxist organizations like google. In our case, anything related to ligaments, tendons, connective tissue, cartilage, is useful.

Keep in mind, stem cell therapy will be USELESS for penis growth. Stem cell therapy WILL NOT make your dick grow. You can inject stem cells every day in your dick and it will not grow. Why? because growth is determine by DNA. The DNA sequence tells every single tissue and biochemical process what to do with what it has. The DNA is the assembly manual, and whatever you put in your body will follow the manual. THE ONLY successful way to achieve growth through this genetic path to will be by modifying the DNA sequence. Genetic engineering.

All the growth we obtain through exercise or chemicals is gene expression and plastic modification which the DNA sequence allows to within certain limits of course.

This article is about lab engineered cartilage from stem cells. Perhaps a Septum implant would be possible in the new future. True, invasive procedure, BUT if we can smoothly and completely seamless can cut the septum, insert lets say 3-4 inches in between of the same lab grown material and wait 6 months to a year to heal, I AM ALL IN. A well worth wait for complete new dick. By adding that length of the most difficult and stubborn tissue to stretch and expand, all the other tissues surrounding will adapt to the new length. The tunica, the CC's they will all grow. In the beginning there will be a severe loss of girth, but girth is easy to gain.

Genetically Altered Stem Cells Generate Engineered Cartilage

Duke University researchers say they have moved a step closer to being able to generate replacement cartilage where it’s needed in the body by combining a synthetic scaffolding material with gene delivery methods.

Initiating tissue repair with stem cells usually requires the use of large amounts of growth factors. Experience has demonstrated that this is expensive and can be challenging once the developing material is implanted within a body.
In a new study (“Scaffold-mediated lentiviral transduction for functional tissue engineering of cartilage”) in PNAS, the Duke team found a way around this limitation by genetically altering the stem cells to make the necessary growth factors all on their own.
They incorporated viruses used to deliver gene therapy to the stem cells into a synthetic material that serves as a template for tissue growth. The resulting material is like a computer; the scaffold provides the hardware and the virus provides the software that programs the stem cells to produce the desired tissue.
Farshid Guilak, Ph.D., director of orthopedic research at Duke University Medical Center, notes that one challenge he and all biomedical researchers face is getting stem cells to form cartilage within and around the scaffolding, especially after it is implanted into a living being. The traditional approach has been to introduce growth factor proteins, which signal the stem cells to differentiate into cartilage. Once the process is under way, the growing cartilage can be implanted where needed.
“But a major limitation in engineering tissue replacements has been the difficulty in delivering growth factors to the stem cells once they are implanted in the body,” explains Dr. Guilak, who is also a professor in Duke’s department of biomedical engineering. So they developed a new approach.
“The goal of this study was to generate a self-contained bioactive scaffold capable of mediating stem cell differentiation and formation of a cartilaginous extracellular matrix (ECM) using a lentivirus-based method,” write the investigators. “We first showed that poly-L-lysine could immobilize lentivirus to poly(ε-caprolactone) films and facilitate human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) transduction. We then demonstrated that scaffold-mediated gene delivery of transforming growth factor β3 (TGF-β3), using a 3D woven poly(ε-caprolactone) scaffold, induced robust cartilaginous ECM formation by hMSCs.”
While this study focuses on cartilage regeneration, the Duke researchers believe the technique could be applied to many kinds of tissues, especially orthopedic tissues such as tendons, ligaments, and bones. And because the platform comes ready to use with any stem cell, it presents an important step toward commercialization.
“One of the advantages of our method is getting rid of the growth factor delivery, which is expensive and unstable, and replacing it with scaffolding functionalized with the viral gene carrier,” points out Charles Gersbach, Ph.D., an assistant professor of biomedical engineering and an expert in gene therapy. “The virus-laden scaffolding could be mass-produced and just sitting in a clinic ready to go. We hope this gets us one step closer to a translatable product.”
I am very passionate about this topic, and also I try to make people understand what works and what not. As I mentioned before, stem cell therapy alone, application of growth factors alone, DO NOT WORK for our purpose. It will work for repair, healing, but NOT for a new growth.

However, what this article mention is interesting. Is stem cell therapy, BUT, with genetically modified cells. That means, each one of those cells have a modified manual inside that will instruct each one of them to build new tissue. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED. And that ia what I am fighting to achieve.
I am very passionate about this topic, and also I try to make people understand what works and what not. As I mentioned before, stem cell therapy alone, application of growth factors alone, DO NOT WORK for our purpose. It will work for repair, healing, but NOT for a new growth.

However, what this article mention is interesting. Is stem cell therapy, BUT, with genetically modified cells. That means, each one of those cells have a modified manual inside that will instruct each one of them to build new tissue. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED. And that ia what I am fighting to achieve.

you’re passionate about everything you do in life and I admire that in you. You have your desires and the ability to go live a life filled with passion and this is a great place to be. When I read your work I live vicariously through you. Keep up the good work my brother!

I thought you might find this interesting. Ben Greenfield stated he injected stem-cells (PHP) into his penis.

Thank you for sharing my friend. Indeed, very interesting for health and function, but all of that will not have a significant impact in size. It means stronger erections and healthier sex, but not unnatural growth. Remember, what we are all looking for here is UNNATURAL growth. I am talking about a radical difference of 3-4 inches that can work for everybody guaranteed across the board and that path is gene modification with stem cells.
Thank you for sharing my friend. Indeed, very interesting for health and function, but all of that will not have a significant impact in size. It means stronger erections and healthier sex, but not unnatural growth. Remember, what we are all looking for here is UNNATURAL growth. I am talking about a radical difference of 3-4 inches that can work for everybody guaranteed across the board and that path is gene modification with stem cells.

Sign me up! Where can I get this procedure done? I’d love to have this modification to grow my dick to 10 inches lol. I want the genetic stem cell engineering stuff in my body.
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Sign me up! Where can I get this procedure done? I’d love to have this modification to grow my dick to 10 inches LOL. I want the genetic stem cell engineering stuff in my body.

It doesnt exist. Or perhaps, on purpose it hasn't been made public. I am pretty sure at the level of secret government programs they have achieved all kind of genetic experiments on humans. I see very difficult a therapy like this to become easily public. Imagine suddenly ANYBODY. ANY guy with money and a micropenis being able to pay and grow a 12 inch dick. Prices wold go down and basically all men will carry giant phalluses. We would destroy all the pussy in the world.
It doesnt exist. Or perhaps, on purpose it hasn't been made public. I am pretty sure at the level of secret government programs they have achieved all kind of genetic experiments on humans. I see very difficult a therapy like this to become easily public. Imagine suddenly ANYBODY. ANY guy with money and a micropenis being able to pay and grow a 12 inch dick. Prices wold go down and basically all men will carry giant phalluses. We would destroy all the pussy in the world.

Until they make something public I will be done already with gaining length. I will do the SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger hanging with ultrasound device deep tunica heating so it should get me to 10 inches NPBEL in a couple of years. ?
Until they make something public I will be done already with gaining length. I will do the SiliStretcher hanging with ultrasound device deep tunica heating so it should get me to 10 inches NPBEL in a couple of years. ?

Are you already using UltraSound?
Are you already using UltraSound?

No I am still in my deconditioning break and saving up for the ultrasound device. I have to postpone it because I am in the middle of starting up 2 side businesses and I need my money there now. So I will begin my length routine somewhere around april.

I would have hung already if it wasn’t for these business start ups and other priorities in my life.
No I am still in my deconditioning break and saving up for the ultrasound device. I have to postpone it because I am in the middle of starting up 2 side businesses and I need my money there now. So I will begin my length routine somewhere around april.

I would have hung already if it wasn’t for these business start ups and other priorities in my life.

Im in a similar situation working my ass off towards my own business. Its not just money its a lot of planning, strategy, networking, etc...
Interested in the UltraSound. I know theres a group of people doing it, but I have not read yet a solid consistent proof of positive results that can really make a difference in which we can tell that the difference was definitely the US.

Although I am convinced with the gene modification route, I am still intrigued and interested in the US way. I have been wondering lately if we could use it in conjunction with chemicals that loosen the septum.
Are you already using UltraSound?
Until they make something public I will be done already with gaining length. I will do the SiliStretcher hanging with ultrasound device deep tunica heating so it should get me to 10 inches NPBEL in a couple of years. ?

Dude what are your gains so far...I remember you had a shit time dealing Whit your size, hope you got gains.. there are lots of devices you can use..
Mmm what about the procedure where the docs cut the ligs? I have watched a few clips where men got dick attached to their arms, looks like a procedure where the penis heals n grows how real is that ?maybe it was fx..
I personally do not agree and will never do an invasive procedure such as ligament cutting. As a matter of principle I do not agree with the Allopathic medicine approach, nor does it make sense to me unless is the last option/resort.
Yep unless it's the last option or resort...
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What's the cheapest Ultrasound dvice in the market China made included?

I am not sure....I haven't researched prices simply because I have been waiting for specific logged proof of results, first hand anecdotal experience. Once we know that US can be in some way successfully proven to provide length gains to everybody, then I will buy one for sure. Meanwhile is just theory and bro science.
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Been researching the same.
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