
Jun 12, 2004
hi guys this is first my post and I need to explain my situation and get some opinions from you guys, sorry it's kind of long but I want to give you the full background. Btw I joined Penis advantage and they won't help me worth a shit :( so I'm turning to you guys thanks in advance.

First off I'll tell detail my Penis Enlargement venture thus far. Around the new Year I began doing kegels. I believe I've always had somewhat of a strong pc muscle for my size since I use it a lot to pump up my erections. So I first began doing kegels, I did several hundred every other day or so and quickly worked up to 500-1000 fast kegels in a row. Soon after I began doing pc holds, I would do sets of 100 5 sec holds and end with holding as long as I could until my pc fluttered with fatigue. This gave me great results as far as erection strength and shooting my load.

I eventually worked up to a variety of pc holds and fast kegels doing around 2,000 or more a day when I worked out and would give several days rest. I never got sore doing any of this. Well one day I got pumped up and decided to really work my pc muscle, I estimate over the course of a day I did over 3,000 kegels, when I got home I did erect pc raises with a sock over my dick weighted with a small amount of change, nothing extreme. I did about 3 sets of 50 of those and called it a day. The next evening I tried to get an erection and could not, my penis seemed to feel fatigued so instead of worrying I went to bed. The next morning I was able to get a weak erection but not a full rock hard one, during that week my penis was very short and tight, it would not swing free at all I mean it just was mounted there like a little rod. Eventually this went back to normal and so did my erections, they returned back to full size and everything was cool. Even after that bout of pc overtraining I did not get any type of soreness. That was all I did as far as pe during that time.

Well when I was stressing out the first night I couldn't get hard that's when I joined Penis advantage, I e-mailed them about the situation and got an auto response, the reason I joined them is because I read on penis pride that they have excellent communication (bullshit) Anyways I read the entire site over twice, I decided that I overtrained my pc muscle and would wait it out and see what happens, everything went back to normal and all was good.

Several weeks later I did my first real pe workout. I warmed up, did a few light sets of kegels, stretched lightly working up to moderate strength stretches and began my first jelq routine. I used vaseline for lube and did a set of 50 jelqs with my right hand, then did twirls for circulation. Then I did 50 jelqs with my left hand and again twirls for circulation. Then I did 25 jelqs with my right and 25 jelqs with my left hand,some more twirls, cleaned up, gave it a hot wrap and was feeling good. I immediatly noticed my glans were bigger as well as my shaft, it was hanging real nice flaccid and I was really impressed. Being cautious not to overtrain myself again I told myself I would rest for a week, much less than the program said. Well this is where the curve part comes in, those of you still with me I applaud your patience and appreciate your input very greatly.

I'm 23 and started out with a 5.75 bpel and 4 inch girth, my penis has always pointed towards the left about 25 degrees or less when hard and also has a slight twist towards the left but no curve. When hard I could bend my penis towards the left much easier than the right, it's been that way since I can remember my first erections. Well 4 days after my first jelq routine I noticed a curve had developed in my penis towards the left, this is undesirable and has stressed me out since. A week later I decided to give jelqing another try, I did 80 jelqs total and the curve seemed worse. I have since quit jelqing and have tried to look for all the info I can.

My main worry is that during the intense overtraing of my pc that I actually created scar tissue on the left side and that during the process of jelqing my penis began to grow and that peyronies disease manifested itself. However I can feel no lump, no pain, no problem getting hard, and there is no sharp bend at any point in my penis is just curves to the left now. This curve is also somewhat visible while I'm flaccid. I workout and eat right already but I started supplementing vitamin E and massaging vitamin E directly on my penis 15 minutes a day.

Another theory of mine is that my left side of my penis has always been shorter but my penis never curved, it just pointed towards the left but that my right side of my penis responded much better to the jelqing and created the curve. This seems like it could be likely but I have seen many people report no gains from jelqing after several weeks and I seemed to respond very well after 1 session followed by an even less intense session a week later. It's been 2 weeks since I jelqed and I swear my flaccid girth as well as my erect girth are bigger.

I still have this curve and one night I tried stroking (not jelqing) while erect against the curve and some light erect bends and stretching while flaccid against the curve over my arm and it seemed to strengthen the curve. So at this point I wondering what to do and have given up all hopes of pe. Damn shame also because my goals were so modest, all I wanted was a half inch length and half inch girth in 3 months and nothing more :( any help would be greatly appreciated in which way I should take my pe, I have been lightly stretching and it does feel that my left side it tighter than my right, Any suggestions?
I just wanted to say thanks for all the help guys. I know that may sound sarcastic considering I haven't gotten a response from this thread but I do truly mean it. Through researching in this site and reading a lot of other posts that have info I have not seen elsewhere I have put my mind at ease and have realized a few things.

The first thing I realized is that I did not give myself peyronies from the amount of training I did and that my curve was probably already there to a degree but I really didn't notice it until I really began to analzye my dick. All this happened while my girlfriend was away for about 6 weeks and when she got back I was afraid she'd notice but she didn't say anything. We had a lot of sex in good light and she had it all up close by her face and I grinded my dick around in her and she didn't notice anything different so I believe I was over reacting and over analzying fine details which I have a tendency to do.

I've also realized that my goals are very much attainable and through all the problems I thought I had, that there are people who have much harder strife to deal with in life and that I should be more of a man and live my life to the fullest and count my blessings.

I feel bad that I joined Penis advantage first but it was because I didn't come across this site first and I was stressed out and looking for someone to talk to and the site promised they were really good with communication (bullshit lie) I sent them a well written question and they sent me an automatic response telling me to check the faq (which I already did of course) then if I really wanted a response to make it as brief as possible.

There's a lot of info on this site which can be overwelming so I'm definitly considering joining the paysite for a true and tested program to achieve my goals. One thing that is important to me is communication , DLD seems like a really cool guy and so do the rest of you. It's not like I'd have questions everyday or even every week just sometimes you want to hear someone's opinion on a matter and that's what I'm looking for since Penis advantage sucks if you ask me. Thanks
Hey Chris5454,

It's an impressive story, but as you mentioned yourself, quit long. But I dragged myself through it.
I'm sure a lot of MOS members are willing to help you.
If you are still suffering your curve I suggest you to do your jelq exercises in the opposite direction only. It will not be cured in 1 day, it will take some time.
BTW; post your questions a bit shorter, you'll get more replies.

Good Luck,
Thanks I figured that my post was longer than average but sometimes I just need to get out all the details and I sorted things out in my own mind, so all is good
Ives mentioned jelqing against the curve, you may also try a light hanging rountine.

Hanging staight down or between the cheeks would stress the ligs (and tunica somewhat) If one side of the penis is stronger (either ligs which is likely or tunica) the strong side will bear more of the weight and break down faster. Hanging also gives more consistent results IMHO.

With such a modest goal I would recommend following Ives advice of jeqling against the curve to correct the curvature. But that won't give you as much length as it will girth. But I'm also sure that you will find once you reach your goal you will want to set a new goal. :s

Personally, I have only been Penis Enlargementing for six or seven weeks and I have already gained a half inch although I'm pretty sure that's not typical. All those gains have come from hanging. I started out with two pounds hanging straight down. Three 15 minute sets, with 10-15 minutes rest in between. I worked my way up to 8 pounds and thats been working for me. I'm certainly not the most experienced but I'm sure every little bit helps.

BTW I am a member of the MOS site and it's well worth it. Although, if your going for only a half inch then whats the point....Anyhow, there are several phases of workouts and all include streaming videos so you get it right. I beleive there is also a routine describing how to correct a bend. For that matter, it might even be on the forum. I'd recommend doing a search of the forum, there is probably an older thread lying around here about it. The search page can be accessed from the toolbar at the top of the page.

Well Chris5454, I seem to have the same problem as you. I write novels :s
Yeah, the forum search is definitely the way to go. I just typed in "curve" to see what I'd come up with and found the thread in about 15 seconds...
The PC exercises have nothing to do with the curve. If there is no scar tissue then all the normal curve straightening stuff is the best bet. I don't know personally, but they say you can feel the scar tissue if you have it. Do flaccid stretches to the right also to even out the ligs. Thats probably where the problem started.
raffiki said:
The PC exercises have nothing to do with the curve. If there is no scar tissue then all the normal curve straightening stuff is the best bet. I don't know personally, but they say you can feel the scar tissue if you have it. Do flaccid stretches to the right also to even out the ligs. Thats probably where the problem started.
O the over training we do as newbes :O Try both jelqing to the right and strecthing to right as well doing both should help, but it may take some months to cure as curves take awhile to change.
As for your kegles slow down to 3 sec reps and only do 300 to 500 a day the holds are great but don't do so many. :)
Jelq to the right more. Bends are caused by a buildup of calcium on one side or other of your dick. You have to stretch this and ultimately break up the calcium deposit, which is harder than it sounds, but you can correct this...just stretch and jelq to the rgiht until you are confident in your erection angle/bend.

Thank you very much guys, sorry I haven't posted earlier. I have been browsing this forum before work but I spend so much time reading the interesting posts that I don't have time to post myself.

I'm gonna start the newbie routine and I found out some good news, I have been doing some streches and light jelqs and I think between measuring wrong and making some small gains I am bigger than I thought!

I measured my girth mid shaft and it was 4.5 instead of 4 as I previsouly thought, yeah!

I found out I was measuring my bpel from my fat pad and my nbpel I measured about a 1/4 inch from my fat pad thinking that was what could get inside a girl.

So I got rock hard and pressed the tape measure all the way into my bone and it measured almost 6.5! So to be conservative my bpel is 6.3, yes! My nbpel is 5.75 which is motivating me to get back into lifting and nutrition which I kind of gave up on when I was so stressed about my curve. Man I really overreacted!

From looking at pictures and �naked people movies� I realize my curve is nothing and my girl never noticed. Thank you guys so much, this site is fuckin awesome and after a couple monthes I'll be joining the pay site to help support, I look forward to posting some gains in the next month or so, thanks so much again!!
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