
Feb 5, 2017
Like everyone else who takes PE seriously I've always thought I was small. No one ever complained about my size, at least not to my face, and I've worked really hard to take the focus off my size and put it on my performance. If I can give you uncontrollable screaming multiple orgasms I must not be small, right?

In another effort to compensate for size I got my penis pierced over a decade ago. I have a Prince Albert piercing, the one that is in my urethra and comes out the pee hole in the end. I was pierced very deep down my shaft and I stretched it to 4ga. I have to wear rings with a 7/8" internal diameter to be comfortable. The jewelry is HUGE in my penis and it certainly takes focus off the size of my penis.

And I still felt small.

Because I was.


My whole adult life I was 5.5" BPEL. At my thinnest I got my fat pad down to 1/4" so I was 5.25" but that's hard to maintain. At my normal body weight I have 1/2" fat pad so I have a 5" EL. That's it, that's all I had was 5", no more no less. Sure it's on the low end of average but still average right? I always felt like it was just barely average at best but I've always just felt small. Sure when you watch �naked people movies� you see things different and a 6" penis looks bigger than it is but it's still a noticeable difference from a 5" penis. Watching �naked people movies� with guys that were 6.5" made me feel insignificant.

After reading things here and searching online I decided on Feb 7, 2017 that I was starting PE. If there was a chance I could grow even just a little it would make me feel better. I started the Newbie Routine and quickly moved up to 45 second stretches instead of 30s. I was also doing expressive stretching mixed in there to help.

On Feb 7 I measured

Base EG - 4 5/8"
Mid-shaft EG - 4 7/8"
BPEL - 5 1/2"
EL - 5"

In March Big Schwanz Acht donated his "poster of the month" prize and I received a Bathmate. I got it at the end of March and then in the beginning of April I won so I chose the LengthMaster which arrived at the end if the first week of April. I took measurements prior to adding the BM and LM to my routine.

March 27 (7 weeks of hands only PE)

BPFSL - 6 5/8" (first time measuring)
Base EG - 5 1/4" (expressive stretching caused this)
Mid-shaft EG - 4 7/8" (no change)
BPEL - 5 3/4" (OMG 1/4" growth! It's working!)
EL - 5 1/4" (OMG it's working!)

So now I've got the Bathmate and the LengthMaster showed up a week later. I'm getting very aggressive now because I've seen growth. I was getting a lot of internal penis coming out which is giving me length and base girth all at once which is awesome. My good workout days I'm really pulling and even on my "I'm in a rush" days I'm still getting enough in to hopefully just maintain. I end up missing 1, sometimes 2, stretching days a week and maybe 1 Bathmate session per week.

So after 6 weeks of Bathmate and LengthMaster I hit the 3 month mark since starting PE. I can see a scar from what used to be the base of my penis. When I'm erect it looks like I'm a little bigger but the ruler will tell. Well, here it is...

BPFSL - 7"
Base EG - 5 1/2" (started 4 5/8")
Mid-Shaft EG - 5 1/4" (started 4 7/8")
BPEL - 6 3/8" (UP FROM 5 1/2"!!!)
EG - 5 7/8" (UP FROM 5")



I had to measure 2 days in a row to be sure because the first day I just about had tears in my eyes and couldn't believe what I was seeing. To be 100% certain I hadn't done any stretching for 36 hours and no Bathmate for 48 hours when I confirmed those numbers.

Words do not describe how I feel. I'm a hair away from 6" EL, the upper end of average. It really is a big difference too. When I'm getting erect to get into the Bathmate I feel bigger and more confident. It feels so much better knowing that I'm bigger.

I didn't want to state my size here. I see a lot of guys saying they started with 6" or more EL and it has made me feel small. How do you say "I'm only 5" EL" around guys saying they started with 6" or more? It made me feel even smaller but also made me want to work even harder when I added 1/4" in 7 weeks. Because of all my work and taking advantage of all the info here I don't feel that way any longer. I know in a few weeks I should break 6" EL and I'll be closer to my final goal of 7.5" EL.

I know this post is super long but I had to get all that out. More than anything I hope someone else with 5" EL who feels small reads this and it pushes them to do PE and they get the gains they want.

I love you guys! Thanks for everything! Because of all of you I feel more like a man than I have in a long time.
That is a very inspiring beginning to your journey Cladre60, it sounds like you have already had some great results and i hope they continue! Goes to show anyone willing to put in the time and effort can do it.
Man, over the years, if I've learned one thing, it's that there's always a bigger and badder mother fucker out there! You can't let that bother you.......cause guess what......for somebody, you're that guy! There's also somebody out there that's smaller too!! Especially with the fact that you're gaining! There's many guys out there, that did start bigger, but either haven't gained much, or haven't gained at all!! Be proud man.....we're all here for the same reason!!!
God Bless You Brother! Awesome work and awesome returns! I am very proud of you!
Sinthious;730567 said:
That is a very inspiring beginning to your journey Cladre60, it sounds like you have already had some great results and i hope they continue! Goes to show anyone willing to put in the time and effort can do it.

Thank you. I didn't think I'd get this much this fast. I just hope there's someone out there starting off like me than can gain the confidence to start pulling and get the size they want. It's simply amazing that PE done right actually works! Still have a ways to go but this is an amazing start.

Adamtf1982;730568 said:
Man, over the years, if I've learned one thing, it's that there's always a bigger and badder mother fucker out there! You can't let that bother you.......cause guess what......for somebody, you're that guy! There's also somebody out there that's smaller too!! Especially with the fact that you're gaining! There's many guys out there, that did start bigger, but either haven't gained much, or haven't gained at all!! Be proud man.....we're all here for the same reason!!!

Oh yeah, I know there's bigger and smaller guys out there and always will be. As much as guys lie when discussing penis size I'd always quietly feel embarrassed inside even knowing while I was average was on the lowest end of it. If I gained weight and my fat pad grew just 1/4" I would've been below average and that scared the shit out of me. I would've officially been "small" and that's a real fear for any man to actually be small.

Other guys' size only matters to me because that's what has established what is small, average, and big. Believe me though I'm super happy and going for more. I want that quiet confidence of just knowing that I've got the size that I want.

megamike;730569 said:
dude thats super impressive! keep on gaining my brother

Thank you. So super happy. Walked around all day today with a smile and thinking about how much more I can gain.

doublelongdaddy;730571 said:
God Bless You Brother! Awesome work and awesome returns! I am very proud of you!

It's all thanks to you and others who cheer everyone on that's just starting and answer all our questions. I'm not counting on gaining another 7/8" in the next 3 months because I know it gets harder to gain as you get bigger and I don't want to be disappointed. The gains will all continue to come in time. I'm just so happy and proud to say I took a 5" penis and have almost brought it to 6". It's just.... awesome.

Much love to all you guys.
cladre60;730643 said:
TIt's all thanks to you and others who cheer everyone on that's just starting and answer all our questions. I'm not counting on gaining another 7/8" in the next 3 months because I know it gets harder to gain as you get bigger and I don't want to be disappointed. The gains will all continue to come in time. I'm just so happy and proud to say I took a 5" penis and have almost brought it to 6". It's just.... awesome.

Much love to all you guys.

Much love your way too! This family is all about helping each other, I have gotten so much from my fellow Brothers and I am happy you are getting so much from us too!
cladre60;730643 said:
I'd always quietly feel embarrassed inside

This was me from age 14-52, I'd avoid engaging in any conversation that had the remotest chance of brushing upon 'the size' topic...when 'Boogie Nights' came-out, I didn't turn on the television and excused myself to the bathroom when that arose...the report of John Holmes' death? Size jokes everywhere? The landmines permeate our culture/society, so I know exactly how you feel/felt.

Prepare yourself for the emotional and spiritual metamorphous that's occurring within you on a daily, no hourly, basis...explore what it feels like, embrace the magic you've created. This is truly a gift that will change your life! Much congrats and love to you, thank you for posting a clearly painful but exuberating 6 weeks :)
Adamtf1982;730568 said:
Man, over the years, if I've learned one thing, it's that there's always a bigger and badder mother fucker out there! You can't let that bother you.......cause guess what......for somebody, you're that guy! There's also somebody out there that's smaller too!! Especially with the fact that you're gaining! There's many guys out there, that did start bigger, but either haven't gained much, or haven't gained at all!! Be proud man.....we're all here for the same reason!!!

wise words and simple as
Big Schwanz Acht;730739 said:
This was me from age 14-52, I'd avoid engaging in any conversation that had the remotest chance of brushing upon 'the size' topic...when 'Boogie Nights' came-out, I didn't turn on the television and excused myself to the bathroom when that arose...the report of John Holmes' death? Size jokes everywhere? The landmines permeate our culture/society, so I know exactly how you feel/felt.

Prepare yourself for the emotional and spiritual metamorphous that's occurring within you on a daily, no hourly, basis...explore what it feels like, embrace the magic you've created. This is truly a gift that will change your life! Much congrats and love to you, thank you for posting a clearly painful but exuberating 6 weeks :)

i started to avoid that when i was a bit older i think..but yeah Once we started walking this path lots of things start to change...
LONGERDICK7+;730744 said:
wise words and simple as

It is the truth!

I try to see myself as the last of all men that way I always treat others better than me :)
doublelongdaddy;730800 said:
It is the truth!

I try to see myself as the last of all men that way I always treat others better than me :)

you have to love them, you follow Gods words and yeah theres a lot of sacrifice in christianity.
Big Schwanz Acht;730739 said:
This was me from age 14-52, I'd avoid engaging in any conversation that had the remotest chance of brushing upon 'the size' topic...when 'Boogie Nights' came-out, I didn't turn on the television and excused myself to the bathroom when that arose...the report of John Holmes' death? Size jokes everywhere? The landmines permeate our culture/society, so I know exactly how you feel/felt.

Prepare yourself for the emotional and spiritual metamorphous that's occurring within you on a daily, no hourly, basis...explore what it feels like, embrace the magic you've created. This is truly a gift that will change your life! Much congrats and love to you, thank you for posting a clearly painful but exuberating 6 weeks :)

My usual response is something along the lines of "I'm sized perfectly fine" and if they keep pushing I start asking if they're asking because they want to blow me or they want it in their ass and they're trying to figure out how much it's gonna hurt. It usully sways the conversation.

I've also called BS on so many guys who claim to be 8" and told them they weren't going to whip it out and get hard to prove it so they could lie all they wanted and if they DO whip it out and start trying to get hard for me I'm going to punch them in the dick. That seems to shut up the loudest liars and I've met quite a few. Always funny to turn the whole thing on them to deflect answering how "big" you are.

So anyway, I've been walking around for a few days with a smile and wondering how I'm going to work if I hit 7" cause I'm just going to want to play with it all day. Now I'm all screwed up cause my wife's work schedule just changed and I have no idea how I'm going to keep my stretching away from her. I'll figure something out cause I've got a ways to go.
cladre60;730824 said:
So anyway, I've been walking around for a few days with a smile and wondering how I'm going to work if I hit 7" cause I'm just going to want to play with it all day.QUOTE]

It's fantastic to feel that 'extra' swinging back and forth and it elicits a grin from me every time...and it only gets better and better and...
LONGERDICK7+;730818 said:
you have to love them, you follow Gods words and yeah theres a lot of sacrifice in christianity.

I ws praying a while back and I asked Jesus how I can humble myself so to loose my pride and egotistical ways. He simply responded, "If you make Me first and you last you will always be in a state of humility" it just made so much sense that I weaved it into my heart. I still struggle with humbleness, especially when unfairly treated, but I am getting better all the time. Being last is a good thing because the only place you can go is up.

It brings a verse the good St. Luke said "Then the host who invited both of you will come and tell you, ‘Give this man your seat.’ And in humiliation, you will have to take the last place. But when you are invited, go and sit in the last place, so that your host will come and tell you, ‘Friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in front of everyone at the table with you. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”
cladre60;730563 said:
Like everyone else who takes PE seriously I've always thought I was small. No one ever complained about my size, at least not to my face, and I've worked really hard to take the focus off my size and put it on my performance. If I can give you uncontrollable screaming multiple orgasms I must not be small, right?

In another effort to compensate for size I got my penis pierced over a decade ago. I have a Prince Albert piercing, the one that is in my urethra and comes out the pee hole in the end. I was pierced very deep down my shaft and I stretched it to 4ga. I have to wear rings with a 7/8" internal diameter to be comfortable. The jewelry is HUGE in my penis and it certainly takes focus off the size of my penis.

And I still felt small.

Because I was.


My whole adult life I was 5.5" BPEL. At my thinnest I got my fat pad down to 1/4" so I was 5.25" but that's hard to maintain. At my normal body weight I have 1/2" fat pad so I have a 5" EL. That's it, that's all I had was 5", no more no less. Sure it's on the low end of average but still average right? I always felt like it was just barely average at best but I've always just felt small. Sure when you watch �naked people movies� you see things different and a 6" penis looks bigger than it is but it's still a noticeable difference from a 5" penis. Watching �naked people movies� with guys that were 6.5" made me feel insignificant.

After reading things here and searching online I decided on Feb 7, 2017 that I was starting PE. If there was a chance I could grow even just a little it would make me feel better. I started the Newbie Routine and quickly moved up to 45 second stretches instead of 30s. I was also doing expressive stretching mixed in there to help.

On Feb 7 I measured

Base EG - 4 5/8"
Mid-shaft EG - 4 7/8"
BPEL - 5 1/2"
EL - 5"

In March Big Schwanz Acht donated his "poster of the month" prize and I received a Bathmate. I got it at the end of March and then in the beginning of April I won so I chose the LengthMaster which arrived at the end if the first week of April. I took measurements prior to adding the BM and LM to my routine.

March 27 (7 weeks of hands only PE)

BPFSL - 6 5/8" (first time measuring)
Base EG - 5 1/4" (expressive stretching caused this)
Mid-shaft EG - 4 7/8" (no change)
BPEL - 5 3/4" (OMG 1/4" growth! It's working!)
EL - 5 1/4" (OMG it's working!)

So now I've got the Bathmate and the LengthMaster showed up a week later. I'm getting very aggressive now because I've seen growth. I was getting a lot of internal penis coming out which is giving me length and base girth all at once which is awesome. My good workout days I'm really pulling and even on my "I'm in a rush" days I'm still getting enough in to hopefully just maintain. I end up missing 1, sometimes 2, stretching days a week and maybe 1 Bathmate session per week.

So after 6 weeks of Bathmate and LengthMaster I hit the 3 month mark since starting PE. I can see a scar from what used to be the base of my penis. When I'm erect it looks like I'm a little bigger but the ruler will tell. Well, here it is...

BPFSL - 7"
Base EG - 5 1/2" (started 4 5/8")
Mid-Shaft EG - 5 1/4" (started 4 7/8")
BPEL - 6 3/8" (UP FROM 5 1/2"!!!)
EG - 5 7/8" (UP FROM 5")



I had to measure 2 days in a row to be sure because the first day I just about had tears in my eyes and couldn't believe what I was seeing. To be 100% certain I hadn't done any stretching for 36 hours and no Bathmate for 48 hours when I confirmed those numbers.

Words do not describe how I feel. I'm a hair away from 6" EL, the upper end of average. It really is a big difference too. When I'm getting erect to get into the Bathmate I feel bigger and more confident. It feels so much better knowing that I'm bigger.

I didn't want to state my size here. I see a lot of guys saying they started with 6" or more EL and it has made me feel small. How do you say "I'm only 5" EL" around guys saying they started with 6" or more? It made me feel even smaller but also made me want to work even harder when I added 1/4" in 7 weeks. Because of all my work and taking advantage of all the info here I don't feel that way any longer. I know in a few weeks I should break 6" EL and I'll be closer to my final goal of 7.5" EL.

I know this post is super long but I had to get all that out. More than anything I hope someone else with 5" EL who feels small reads this and it pushes them to do PE and they get the gains they want.

I love you guys! Thanks for everything! Because of all of you I feel more like a man than I have in a long time.

Bring this aggressive nature back and make those gains you crave to have. I see you making big gains in the nearest future
huge-girth;760502 said:
Bring this aggressive nature back and make those gains you crave to have. I see you making big gains in the nearest future

I'm working at it. If it's something I want to do I tend to go all out. That can be a good or bad thing depending on what it is.
cladre60;760526 said:
I'm working at it. If it's something I want to do I tend to go all out. That can be a good or bad thing depending on what it is.

I believe you can do it.
huge-girth;760530 said:
I believe you can do it.

The motivation for making this thread was to encourage others to be honest. When I began lurking here it seemed like everyone claimed to be starting with a 6.5" or larger BPEL. I felt as I either was really smaller than average starting out (which I wasn't) or some people, not all, were inflating their numbers.

I own the fact that I started with a 5.5" BPEL and that after many months of no PE I'm still at 6.25". I'm very happy with that progress and getting closer to my 2 hands plus head goal size (about 7.5" EL).
cladre60;760606 said:
The motivation for making this thread was to encourage others to be honest. When I began lurking here it seemed like everyone claimed to be starting with a 6.5" or larger BPEL. I felt as I either was really smaller than average starting out (which I wasn't) or some people, not all, were inflating their numbers.

I own the fact that I started with a 5.5" BPEL and that after many months of no PE I'm still at 6.25". I'm very happy with that progress and getting closer to my 2 hands plus head goal size (about 7.5" EL).

I understand the fact that some people might inflate numbers when it comes to their size but that will only make them give up on PE entirely. I'm in a dark corner at the moment because I measured with the plastic ruler that came with the hydromax pump. I measured from the top with the ruler (flaccid measurement stretched out) and only saw 7 inches. I want to measure with a wooden ruler to know if there is a problem or not.

I was told my flaccid measurement is suppose to be longer than my erect measurement. To be honest with you, I feel discouraged and also confused because now I'm getting 3 twist/rotation when I do bundled stretches with the LengthMaster and I believe those who are able to do 3 twist/rotation with the LengthMaster should be around the 7.5 to 7.75 inches mark in length. And the last time I used the bathmate which was 2 months ago, I got to the 8.5 inches mark inside the hydromax X40. So right now I'm very confuse.

I was planning to stop length exercises by January 14th next year but now I think otherwise. I need to start using an extender in combination with the LengthMaster. I'm now looking for ways through which I can get an extender and I also want to use my penis for sex to know if I'm actually gaining or not because right now I'm confused.
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