
Jul 9, 2013
Hello guys, great place for information exchange here.

I'd like to introduce myself, I'm not obsessed with length, I'm satisfied with my slightly higher than "average" length, but in my personal view girth is the big impression, so I'd like to do exercises focused only on girth.

I tried searching but didn't find anything conclusive.

What would be exercises that focus on girth? Specially that a newbie could do? I'd focus only on girth when doing Penis Enlargement.

Thanks a lot!
Hey brother! I am very happy to see that more people continue to jump through the barrier of the taboo Penis Enlargement is nowadays! Welcome to the brother get all the support you need for not only Penis Enlargement, but life and hard times as well.

Now, on topic- the best girth advice I can give you is a 3 letter one. It's called SRT. This is a thread made by DLD and it is the ultimate way to gain fast. What you should get is the principle and what the theory actually is- not the workouts (which are amazing!!!). Once you understand that you will be able to make your own routines. What I would advise you to do is start off slowly and steadily and move on to more intense routines and exercises.

Devices and stuff you need to buy recommended from me are- A Bathmate (or a Penomet), a cock ring, a clamp and some bandages. Basically what you want to do is keep your cock in expanded state for as long as you want. You get the workout to make the expansion and then later on strap the ring to keep it for as long as possible. Here are some exercises you can try.

Jelq- The mother of all jelqs (the original). This is a good exercise and will give you some noticeable length gains as well. Start off with that one. SSJ- The Slow Squash Jelqs- the best girth exercise according to the big daddy of this brotherhood. DLD has seen more than 0,5 expansion from this exercise only.
Clamping and all similar- Very dangerous. Go slowly and steadily and make sure to include this once you have the confidence of a well conditioned Penis Enlargementer. These are clamping, 2 clamp clamping, Redz Frendos (insane!!!), clamp edging and stuff...

There are literally a lot of exercises and I cannot list them all, just start surfing around the forum and you'll get what you need. Once you have the knowledge on how it all works and read from other brother's experience you will learn and know. Spend at least 1 hour a day here and you'll get what you need mate, believe me! :)

If I wasn't that sleepy- I could have given you a better structured post, but I have to go now- I have been traveling today and stuff. Tomorrow on a clear head if I think of something that is worth knowing I will let you know. I wish you good luck and have fun here. Penis Enlargement is not a chore- it is a path to a better future, which you should walk with smile on your face. All the best, Zam :)
I'll echo what Zambro said about the Bathmate and Penomet, however if they're out of your budget, you can still get great gains with manual stretches!

A lot of people, especially the newer guys, seem to skip some golden exercises that were really big a few years ago. I personally swear by Horse440's and ULI squeezes, supplemented with my Bathmate.

Here's a link to the Horse 440's

Here's a good description of how to do a ULI (second post down by Big Al)

Take into account all the exercises Zambrodo and I have listed and see how you get on, if you feel some work better for you than others, then stick with them. Just find which works for you.
The big hitters, jelqs, SSJs, ballooning & edging to stay expanded inflated for hours if possible.
SRT is the premier routine, tho you'd be fine to start with "Dlds first routine" as a newbie.

Any cheap cockring I'd start your girth routine in it and leave on after for hours of healing expanded.
Penomet Extra or Premium is my recommendation when youre able to make a tool buy and get serious. Start into it in cockring, excite and kegel to 110% erection, kegel hard into it upon entry. Do Dlds Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) routine. Then continue ballooning , edging, SSJs...

When advanced in your learning and experience, add something exotic like, ulis, horse 440s, Isos, clamping... eventually Redz Frendos if you still have a ways to go after a year of growth, say.

Look long term.

Awelcome to the brotherhood of Mos. Take anything from above is start jelqs today and learn and add as you go.

Keep it up.
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Click the link in my signature SRT and you will find the premier Girth Workout!
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