
Sep 17, 2006
What are the flaws in splitting a routine (stretch in morning and jelq at night)?

I usually do it all at once but i see some benefits and flaws in splitting routines.
One of my theories is that if you split a routine, the gains are slower. Just like working out, you shouldn't have a 5 hour rest between workouts in the same day or gains will be slower. Actaully now that i think about it, i'm no trainer but this is what i believe. Can someone give me some pros to splitting?
I think it depends more on what type of jelqing you are doing. If you were aiming more for girth and not trying to also get stretching out of a jelq you could assume you're working two different areas when stretching in the AM and then jelqing in the PM.
MoreGains123;332066 said:
I think it depends more on what type of jelqing you are doing. If you were aiming more for girth and not trying to also get stretching out of a jelq you could assume you're working two different areas when stretching in the AM and then jelqing in the PM.

That's right. I think it is very smart to split the routine. Length and girth both require their own, unique mind state. For me, girth is much more sexual than length and since I feel more sexual in the evening, this is when I train girth. Training length for me requires a more systematic concentration which I am able to do in the morning.

I also feel that when I do the entire routine at once I tend to rush through, not allowing for the concentration I need to make gains.
i've been splitting my routine almost from the beginning of me doing pe and to me it's the only way to do it...after a really good stretching session when i've been pulling and tugging a good amount going right into a jelq session is almost dick does not want to get is fatigued from the stretching giving it a couple of hours before i start my girth allows it to recoup a bit..and you don't harm your length routine by doing girth hrs later..just my opinion.
i think i'm going to split phase 2. Stretch in the AM and jelq in the PM. This would mean waking up about an hour earlier each day! =/
I think there is also a fine line between an effective workout and overdoing it. Overdoing it can lead to a toughening response. Like the gym, don't over do it. Unlike the gym, it's easy to overdo it.
Don't mean to highjack your thread, but it's kinda on the same topic...

to DLD and other veterans:

Regarding ONLY length training, do you believe it makes a LOT of difference if you do all yor length sessions (say hanging) in one sitting (without long breaks in between) than if you were to do, say, an hour at 11am, another at 4 pm and another at, say, 7pm?

As pointed out, I look at it as kinda similar to working out, and in that case, it makes sense to do it all in one "sitting" rather than take long breaks. I feel more fatigue that way too, which would imply it's working better. But, i get so bored if i were to sit behind my computer or watch tv for 3-4 hours straight <:( So, i don't know.....
I think stretching tissue is better to do more often than all at once. I asked Bib about this and he agreed. Doing it all at once might also encourage a "fight" response (Not to say it doesn't work of course.). If I were to stretch my legs I'd prefer to stretch periodically throughout the day.
us_new_kids;332199 said:
Don't mean to highjack your thread, but it's kinda on the same topic...

to DLD and other veterans:

Regarding ONLY length training, do you believe it makes a LOT of difference if you do all yor length sessions (say hanging) in one sitting (without long breaks in between) than if you were to do, say, an hour at 11am, another at 4 pm and another at, say, 7pm?

I think doing it all at once is important. It takes some time, in a session, to break down the tissue and get to the point that you are really deforming the penis into permanent gains. Too short of session may not reach this level.

I do think it is wise to use an ads or something similar after training to help hold and cement your gains.
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