First time on MOS, would appreciate some guidance.


Mar 25, 2021
Hi Everyone,

Hope you all are doing okay and getting by in these mad times!

First off, I think it's best to mention that this is the first time I've created a thread on any platform, I find it quite funny that my first would be on a size matters forum! (I guess it shows that I'm in real need of guidance)

So I have bought a SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender Ultimate product at the beginning of the year, I should also mention that I found this website a few days ago so well after my purchase. If I had known about the awesome community at MQS I may have considered other PE's. So I have a few questions and would really like the feedback

1st: What are everyone's views exclusively on Size Genetics? From my research, I thought they were pretty credible and gave good results to past users.
2nd: I'm having a big problem with my Size Genetics. If you're not aware here is the one I bought and everything that came with it!
So the problem is my penis...(not to anyone's surprise lol) I can't seem to use the device without putting myself/penis in a bit of a squeeze/pain to make it work and extend.
The product comes with a comfort strap and a silicone tube/strap. First off, I can not use the comfort strap as whenever I try to put it on and once my semi-boner has gone, my penis does not have enough girth to stay in place so it slips off.
This leaves me with no choice but to use the silicone tube. This tube is very uncomfortable. I have to have a semi to even put this device on and then have to move very quickly to tighten the tube as much as possible to the point it squeezes my bellend which then it partly stays in place for me to then begin turning the bars to stretch. It's a mission to get on and god help me if I need to take a whizz. That day would be a right off as I really can not be bothered to go through that process!

Honestly, it's put me off the whole idea so much, and I forked out over $400 and as much as they say they will give my money back, I doubt it but I haven't tried. I don't even want to give it back, the build quality is sold, I just want to use it with ease.

So I'm on here to see if anyone else has had the same problem and if they have found anything to help. I'm circumcised and I've tried many other things to keep my penis in place, like talcum powder, wrapping my penis in a cloth so it doesn't hurt when I have to strap it on. It's just drag each time, I'm very determined but I just don't think this is the way. After keeping my penis in this tight strapped device for a few hours, whenever I take it out it's not pretty due to the tight silicon strap haha..

Soo any advice, help, direction would be very helpful!

Thank you, Peace and Love!
Get your money back and get the StealthStretcher. This will give you the best of all worlds, traction, vacuum and ADS/ANS. It is half the price of the package you’re showing and it will get you so much more use and comfort. The biggest thing about the SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender is it’s extremely uncomfortable. But with the StealthStretcher we solve those issues so check it out.

If you are not able to do this let me know and I have other options for you that will help. But first check with them to see if there really going to give you your money back. Let me know what happens and I’ll take charge for you and make sure you get everything you need and save a ton of money.

Everyone who uses the SG hast to modify it in someway to make it usable. The attachment they offer or simply not comfortable which makes it very difficult to use. So you’re not alone in this issue. And it’s a very big reason we created the StealthStretcher.

As far as keeping your penis elongated I highly recommend picking up a sleeve from our store. The best leave available is the Duro Sleeve. This will accomplish all of your healing measures. This is also safe to wear to bed to get extra healing in.

Let me know what you think

Thanks for the quick and informative reply! I am going to look into getting a return asap, once I get a reply I will update to get the right product next!

Many thanks, will be in contact shortly!

Thanks for the quick and informative reply! I am going to look into getting a return asap, once I get a reply I will update to get the right product next!

Many thanks, will be in contact shortly!

I got your email and I gave you directions to get in touch with sales. I hope you got my email and I hope they take very good care of you
I had a SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender until an unfortunate accident lead to it being crushed. It worked fairly decently, but only after I got good at wrapping right under the glans to accommodate the uncomfortable strap. At the time I got it, the StealthStretcher wasnt yet a thing, or I would have gotten that (it's cheaper than I paid too). So, yeah, I hope you can return yours, the product worked for me, but it took a lot of preparation and still was never super comfortable. As soon as I secure a job I am going to get some MOS gear, StealthStretcher included, because I see DLD as a super responsive owner/mentor/guru and if I'm gonna buy dick gear I'd rather it come from someone who is willing to walk people through the use of it, good luck bro.
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I had a SizeGenetics until an unfortunate accident lead to it being crushed. It worked fairly decently, but only after I got good at wrapping right under the glans to accommodate the uncomfortable strap. At the time I got it, the StealthStretcher wasnt yet a thing, or I would have gotten that (it's cheaper than I paid too). So, yeah, I hope you can return yours, the product worked for me, but it took a lot of preparation and still was never super comfortable. As soon as I secure a job I am going to get some MOS gear, StealthStretcher included, because I see DLD as a super responsive owner/mentor/guru and if I'm gonna buy dick gear I'd rather it come from someone who is willing to walk people through the use of it, good luck bro.

Sounds like a good plan my brother. Whenever you’re ready for me to work with you we can work one on one and get this routine written. Just let me know.

As always, thanks for the continuous support. So after speaking to SG, the refund isn't going to happen until I clock more hours and show my progress. Something I am not giving up on and will demand that refund once I do a few more months.

Unfortunately, your email hasn't come through about how to contact the sales team. If you could send that again that would be great.
Or more importantly, you mentioned getting a dick sleeve, you have a wicked range of options, my question is

1. Considering everything I have mentioned for my penis to stay elongated and not to slip out, do you still recommend the Duros? This one to be exact >> DuroSleev SiliSleev - Durable Silicone Penis Sleeve ? I can see you've got anti-turtling and many more options. Please give me your best recommendation from your experience and I'll go with that!
2. Also I see they are in different sizes, any guides on how I should measure my penis for the best fit and best results!


As always, thanks for the continuous support. So after speaking to SG, the refund isn't going to happen until I clock more hours and show my progress. Something I am not giving up on and will demand that refund once I do a few more months.

Unfortunately, your email hasn't come through about how to contact the sales team. If you could send that again that would be great.
Or more importantly, you mentioned getting a dick sleeve, you have a wicked range of options, my question is

1. Considering everything I have mentioned for my penis to stay elongated and not to slip out, do you still recommend the Duros? This one to be exact >> DuroSleev SiliSleev - Durable Silicone Penis Sleeve ? I can see you've got anti-turtling and many more options. Please give me your best recommendation from your experience and I'll go with that!
2. Also I see they are in different sizes, any guides on how I should measure my penis for the best fit and best results!


i’ll see what I can do about getting more information from SG. But I’m very happy they’re gonna take it back and you’ll be able to get the StealthStretcher. This is a far better use of your money and gives me so many options for exercises for your routine.

you want to go with the anti-turtle sleeves. I will give you a link below. Go to the link and click on more information and it will give you instructions on sizing. If you need any other help just let me know.


Can you private message me I have a question if that's okay with you.


Can you private message me I have a question if that's okay with you.


I do not do private messages but you can send me an email to and I can help you from there
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