The colonel

Feb 21, 2012
Its been a while in the making but I seem to have made some small break through . Started taking pe seriously earlier this year when work was quiet and had a good daily routine going . Unfortunately I got a horrible case of jock that took about 6 weeks to clear up ! Major fucking set back! By the time I got it cleared up my worked had really picked up again and made getting back to a routine very tricky . Over the last 3 or 4 weeks though I've been getting 2-3 hours in andro 4 days a week and manual stretches most days and last 2 weeks been starting to jelq again which I seem to have a lot more sorted than previously . Been really feeling like my cock has had a work out after sessions and I have been really pushing myself with manual stretches and andro . Finally getting stretched past my erect length which I guess isn't a gain per say but it has given me a big boost that gains are coming . My girth on the other hand is now up to 15 cm which is a 1 cm gain . Not huge but it has proved to me that this is real and I have so much more motivation to push on ! Hoping to get Bathmate in the next month to add to my routine . Unfortunately my time is limited and can only get average of two hours in per day ( I wish I had 10 ) . Some days if I have now work I can get 4 - 6 hours in andro which is great . Can't wait to see some real length gains and more girth !!!!!!
Sometimes we only need small gains to give us the confidence to make bigger ones. Congratulations on your gains, please use these gains to further fuel your journey. I wish you the best!
Thanx dxx and dld . Forgot to mention doing kegals too and eq has been crazy . Its making me feel like I'm 20 again ! I hadn't measured since like feb / march cos I figured I wasn't gaining with my hit and miss routine but over the last couple of week it just felt different . Glad I measured . All I can think about when I'm driving home now is getting to work on growing . Can't wait till I make gains that my wife notices . She found my andro a while ago and freaked out . I'm glad she likes my dick how it is but I can't wait till she starts seeing it grow then she might be a bit more supportive of it . Hoping to reach 17 cm bpel and 16/17 mseg by Xmas .
Oh and dld what do you think would be the best use of two hours pe per day ? Some days I have more time but generally that an average . I have my hands and andro at the moment but want to add Bathmate soon . I think I have very stubborn ligs so Im not sure if it's better to concentrate more on andro or more manual to get them stretching ? You words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated .
The colonel;492061 said:
Oh and dld what do you think would be the best use of two hours pe per day ? Some days I have more time but generally that an average . I have my hands and andro at the moment but want to add Bathmate soon . I think I have very stubborn ligs so Im not sure if it's better to concentrate more on andro or more manual to get them stretching ? You words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated .

Would this two hours be in addition to the time spent in your extender?
Including andro . But I have started manual stretch in shower so thats not included now . This will probly become Bathmate time when i grt one . Just wondering about dividing time
Between andro and jelq now . I love the stretch of the andro but I'm not sure if jel would be better with less time per day ?Oh and I tried the under rotarys last night and It felt fucking awsome !!!!! If that doesn't stretch ligs nothing will . I'm through being scared . I think my junk is getting conditioned to being pulled stretched and yanked. Nothing ventured and all that !!!!!
A split routine is fine, I like doing length during the day and girth at night. Doing girth before extending sometimes makes it tough to get a proper stretch.
Cheers . That's kinda what I've been doing now . Get home do manual stretch in shower then andro for two hours and jelq to finish . Been getting really good jelqs now and added horse last night too . Felt like I was holding someone else's dick after ! That shit is crazy good !
The colonel;492828 said:
Felt like I was holding someone else's dick after ! That shit is crazy good !

I love that part of it best of all!
Yep it felt good . Kinda freaked me out a bit at first I'd never felt or seen that much expansion before . Was a bit of a shock . Can't wait to have bucks for Bathmate .
Will try the uncle jim wrap someday
I have an extraordinary motivation at the moment.....
3days off not happy . Only got in some manual stretching . Do you think it will matter loosing weekends ? I just never seem to have a chance .
The colonel;493592 said:
3days off not happy . Only got in some manual stretching . Do you think it will matter loosing weekends ? I just never seem to have a chance .

Give yourself weekends off if there is not enough time. Penis Enlargement should never be a pain in the ass, it should be fun and motivated. I would rather you put in a five day week of good workouts than try to fit Penis Enlargement in rushed. 2 days off will be good for you, just make sure to get back at it on Monday!
doublelongdaddy;493764 said:
Give yourself weekends off if there is not enough time. Penis Enlargement should never be a pain in the ass, it should be fun and motivated. I would rather you put in a five day week of good workouts than try to fit Penis Enlargement in rushed. 2 days off will be good for you, just make sure to get back at it on Monday!

Roger that dld . I'll still always get manual stretches in whenever I can . Always do some when I go for a piss now it's becoming second nature . I really need to push for length I'm struggling to add the next bar to andro . I can stretch just over 16 cm but if I put the next small piece in the noise just slips off . For the past couple of weeks to get to the 16 mark I've been starting with two less small bars ( the 0.5 cm ones ) so 1cm less and stretch for half an hour to an hour then add them back and it seems to be easier to get max stretch without noose coming off . Got in Monday straight away at full stretch without a problem so I guess that's a good sign . After an hour I added another small bar and it made the stretch much tighter and stayed on for a few minutes before slipping off . Got a day at home alone today so will try get at least 6 hours in andro and will try get that extra bar inn after an hour or so and see if I can make it stay on . I even dreamed last night that after a good all day pe session that my cock had and extra couple of inches flaccid hang and huge girth swell ! My thoughts are 100% on pe being real now so it's gotta work ! Mind over matter right . Thanks for you time dld I appreatiate immensely . It's making a huge difference to my motivation and commitment this time round and I won't give up . This little bastard giggle stick is gonna grow if it likes it or not !!!!!!!! Sorry for the giant post just very exited after my dream . Thanks again man you're a legend .
Been too busy to get much pe in for last week . Just manual stretches and a couple of jelq sessions . I wish the andro was easier to wear It just takes so much time . It's to hard to do anything but sit around with it on . Is the sg easier to wear ? As in can you actually get up and walk around with it on ?.
The colonel;495014 said:
Been too busy to get much pe in for last week . Just manual stretches and a couple of jelq sessions . I wish the andro was easier to wear It just takes so much time . It's to hard to do anything but sit around with it on . Is the sg easier to wear ? As in can you actually get up and walk around with it on ?.

Most SizeGenetics users wear the device while walking around. I have never used the Andro so I can't comment on the comparison.
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