
Mar 23, 2012
Hi Guys,

Seems I'm not having luck with my penis stretcher.

In my first post (which kept me in the dark as no one posted), I ripped the skin behind my glans. Eventually I found out it was because of gauze that stuck to my skin, and when I removed it, it would rip the skin off. The fact that the skin on my glans was peeling, well I am still baffled about that.

With my penis stretcher, I got a roll of cohesive gauze with my penis stretcher, so I decided to give it a try, using on of the wraps that was posted here on matters of size. I also use 5% Emla cream (a sedative cream) just to take away any comfort of the noose setting into its final position.

So one night I apply the cream and wrap it up, and put the stretcher on, only on about 900g tension. I go to sleep and the next morning I wake up, taking off my penis stretcher, and all is fine. And following my routine, I go to have my morning leak, and that's when ALL HELL breaks loose. I get this burning itching pain my penis, that has me on my knees clenching my teeth, turning purple in my face. I dunked my penis in a bowl of ice water, in a bowl of warm water, nothing helps. Eventually I take two S4 pain killers and call in late to work, and I go back to bed sweating and shivering from pain.

Two hours later, the pain had subsided, but there was still a burning in my penis, with occasional sharp stabbing pains.

So I gave the penis stretcher a two week break, and tried morning, same thing happened, just not as bad. Because of the lesser extent of pain, I could feel that the pain was originating from my urinal tract. I initially thought that I was folding my glans, and it caused it to itch, like your hips itch when you wear a belt too tightly, and because its my penis, the itch turns into a burn. But now I can say for sure that it originates internally.

I have eliminated it being the Emla cream as I just used it without the Penis Stretcher, and it felt fine.

Can anyone please tell me what I might be doing wrong? Please guys, I beg you for any input.

Also living In South Africa, we dont have such a wide variety of bandages. I have at my disposal wide weave cotton gauze, cohesive gauze, micro-pore tape, M3 transparent tape, silk tape (very sticky), and nickel-chloride tape (like paper), and elastic adhesive bandage ( sticks like toffee in a mutton cloth)

Thanks to anyone who can help.
I also experience the pain in the urethra I would say... It feels like a sharp aching throughout the entire length of the penis??? I have just become so accustom to it that it doesnt bother me anymore!!! Im also wondering since your using a noose strapping in mechanism and wearing it while you sleep if your not closing off the urinary tract for too long of a time frame and when you pee all the urine cant completely escape causing a urinary tract infection!!! I think you should look at my thread "exiled's ultimate proof if you had doubts" and consider the head attachment I have for my extender , it may be to your advantage to purchase one!!!! Also everytime you uinate make sure to I guess id say milk all the urine out of the tip possible if it feels like there is any left inside...
Start with low amounts of grams, 300-600 for short amounts of time( 30 minutes to 1 hour), over a couple of months. You need to "build" up before going with brute force.
No longer than 1 or 2 hours per session.
Forget the overnight sessions.
hepcat;481763 said:
Everyone keeps talking about how many grams of traction they use. My SG doesn't have any numbers to list how many grams are being exerted. The dvd that came with it didn't say anything about grams. If anyone wishes to enlighten me I'd be much obliged.

Dependent on the penis stretcher that you have, it either has little lines, or grooves, or dots that indicate on which tension you are. I have the JES extender (The only one available in South Africa), and as i turn the thumb screws, the lines on the spring intention disappear, that the grams you are on. First line = 900 grams, 2nd = 1200 grams, 3rd = 1800 grams. Well at least that's how it works on the JES extender.

Look, I have worn my Extender for a night with no problems, using gauze, but like I explained, that cost me some skin. Me being a smoker, its almost like when you put a smoke in your mouth, and it sticks to your lip, and when you remove it, it rips the skin off your lip.

The pain was unbearable using the cohesive gauze, however, the cohesive gauze is the only thing that helps with the PS not slipping off. I got my PS with the 'comfort strap' and the foam tube. Now firstly, I have what I guess they call a grower. My penis is small when flaccid, but grows when erect. So when I used the comfort strap and the foam tube, the tube would cause the strap to roll off. And the comfort strap on its own, at its tightest it still too loose. So I tried the noose, but with no avail. I tried getting a head swell, but because the point is not to cut off the circulation, the head swell lasts about 30 seconds, and I slip out. I make a super thick foam ring, that works with the comfort strap if I don't move around, but I can wear it for a max of 1 hour, then it starts hurting from the pressure on my glans.

Can someone please explain to me the proper way of using an extender, and the per-preparations to wearing the extender?
I used an X4Labs extender for about 3 years. I bought a bag of infants cotton socks, and cut off a sock above the heel, used the elastic woven cotton tube around my shaft, just behind the corona. Then jelqued for a head swell, and then tightened down the comfort strap. Some days it helped to use my pump to get big enough to get fastened in.
In year 3, I was ending up with more breaks in the skin where I was fastening. I could not run with the grams I wanted to for the length of time I wanted to do, and kept having to stop & let the skin heal.
Then I heard about the Penimaster Pro.

I decided to change to it, to alleviated the fastening problems. After a short training period, I could not be happier. They use a Chamber in combination with latex parts, and a small vacuum, to hold the Glans. Gram marked tension lines.
You may or may not be wanting to change the method of fastening, but I can identify what you are struggling with, and wanted to share.
Wrapping would be the first thing to experiment with, it could be that simple. There are also modified ways of wearing the extender that may make it much more comfortable. Check out some of the stickies in the SizeGenetics Forum.
I'm going to try and fabricate a vacuum head replacement unit. Luckily we aren't completely stone age here in South Africa, so we have 3d printers. My idea is to 3D model an idea, have it 3D print it, make a mold of the printing, and using products from Smooth-On (thank God we have that), I'm going to give it my best shot. If i have success, I will post pictures, and even ship a few along to anyone willing to try it. But for now i will have a makeshift plan, until I am finished studying for my mid-year honors exam, and then I'll start drawing up plans.
DelNaga;481953 said:
I'm going to try and fabricate a vacuum head replacement unit. Luckily we aren't completely stone age here in South Africa, so we have 3d printers. My idea is to 3D model an idea, have it 3D print it, make a mold of the printing, and using products from Smooth-On (thank God we have that), I'm going to give it my best shot. If i have success, I will post pictures, and even ship a few along to anyone willing to try it. But for now i will have a makeshift plan, until I am finished studying for my mid-year honors exam, and then I'll start drawing up plans.

This sounds very cool! Be sure to photograph it as you do it, a lot of men would be very interested in this.
Has anyone every worked with CAD programs? I have tried using 3D max since my last post, but damn its not as easy as it looks? Does anyone know of a simple 3D CAD program I can use?
DelNaga;482421 said:
Has anyone every worked with CAD programs? I have tried using 3D max since my last post, but damn its not as easy as it looks? Does anyone know of a simple 3D CAD program I can use?

A long time ago when the computer was too slow to render the work. I would love to try it again.
which extender are you using? I've owned 3... and the 2 (inexpensive) ones always pinched me (so I sent them back)
it was impossible to wear for >20minutes...
name of the game is comfort!
Johnny Cage;483114 said:
which extender are you using? I've owned 3... and the 2 (inexpensive) ones always pinched me (so I sent them back)
it was impossible to wear for >20minutes...
name of the game is comfort!

I am using a JES extender. It's the only one locally available in South Africa. If I had to order one I would pay 4x the price.

Update on the fabrication of the Penis Extender Head:
I have taught myself how to use 3d max, and with some trial and error I have a design that is accurate up to .001 mm. I found a place today that sells the non-return quick release shut off valves that they use on penis pumps, so I will be investing in some of those to create the needed vacuum. Then All I have to do is finish off my design, make sure everything is in order, and have it 3D printed.

From thereon I will make a mold of it and cast one in Acetyl resin (I believe thats what they make the penis extenders from), and attach the vacuum valve to it, and 'voila'.
Dear all brothers please help me if any one use Penis Extender.

I have used Penis extender for 15 days only daily for 02 or 03 hours, after using this device i have pain and little burning on all penis and i am feeling Urinary flow issue, again and again i feel like i have to urinate often, but not much urine comes out when i do.

From Last 04 days days i am not using penis extender device and i am facing this issue, today i went hospital for check-up , urologist doctor checked up my penis he said it look OK and my urine test and kidny also ok he said this time it look ok, Doctor gave me pain killer medicines for pain. But from last four nights i can not sleep properly due to little bit burning and urine flow again and again.

Actually in all penis extender websites, they don't mention its harmful results. But i have bad experience and i will never ever try penis enlargement again.

I think penis extender damage my Urine trace and it is not visible trace , i am very upset regarding this issue from last 04 days. my life has distrusted by using this device still i am not married. Is this serious injury of Penis or common problem after using this device.

Any one who have already used and feel above problems please share with me what will happen next with me. My problem will be ok or not Please tell me. I will accept answer because you helped me in my worries and gave me much needed advice.

Please help me.
Regards and Thanks
Fellas... you should use a penis health creme while using one of these devices. A good creme will contain Vitamin E and shea butter, which will moisturize and protect the skin. It will keep the skin from getting bruised and allow it to bend but not break. Cracked skin is not something any guys wants.
komoki;580391 said:
Dear all brothers please help me if any one use Penis Extender.

I have used Penis extender for 15 days only daily for 02 or 03 hours, after using this device i have pain and little burning on all penis and i am feeling Urinary flow issue, again and again i feel like i have to urinate often, but not much urine comes out when i do.

From Last 04 days days i am not using penis extender device and i am facing this issue, today i went hospital for check-up , urologist doctor checked up my penis he said it look OK and my urine test and kidny also ok he said this time it look ok, Doctor gave me pain killer medicines for pain. But from last four nights i can not sleep properly due to little bit burning and urine flow again and again.

Actually in all penis extender websites, they don't mention its harmful results. But i have bad experience and i will never ever try penis enlargement again.

I think penis extender damage my Urine trace and it is not visible trace , i am very upset regarding this issue from last 04 days. my life has distrusted by using this device still i am not married. Is this serious injury of Penis or common problem after using this device.

Any one who have already used and feel above problems please share with me what will happen next with me. My problem will be ok or not Please tell me. I will accept answer because you helped me in my worries and gave me much needed advice.

Please help me.
Regards and Thanks

Soreness is a normal part of extending. You will feel it at the base of the penis at the ligaments (soreness) and through the shaft as skin stretches (burning). This is only in the first month or so that you will feel this, after some time the penis will become used to it as your penis gets longer. I have never heard of anyone having issues with frequent urination and little urine being produced. This is usually indicative of a Prostate issue, but since the doctor cleared you of any injuries then this must be a psychological issue, maybe because of worry. You have nothing to worry about, this all sounds normal (aside from urine issues). Did the doctor check your prostate?
AnthonyE;662717 said:
Fellas... you should use a penis health creme while using one of these devices. A good creme will contain Vitamin E and shea butter, which will moisturize and protect the skin. It will keep the skin from getting bruised and allow it to bend but not break. Cracked skin is not something any guys wants.

Does hydrocortisone count because that's what I use.
templnite;662848 said:
Does hydrocortisone count because that's what I use.

That is the best cream you can use to date, imo, it has always cleared up any skin issues I may have.
Yes its quite nice. Leaves your skin like a baby overnight!
templnite;663031 said:
Yes its quite nice. Leaves your skin like a baby overnight!

Also use it on your face after you shave, you will never get wrinkles. I am almost 50 and I have no wrinkles. Most people think I am in my 30's.
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