Jun 3, 2003
In the mid 1960's breast enlargement became a reality under the knife. A, relatively, simple procedure (and $5000) would give a woman breasts of any size she desired. There was no elusiveness or ambiguity, if a woman had a 32B cup size and wanted a 38DD she could have it. It was measurable, tangible, it was a reality. Pre-surgery she was one size post-surgery she was another. This revolutionized female sexuality forever. The cost more than justified the means. Yes, the breasts were not biological but they did give the visual impression that the woman desired.

Years later we saw the beginnings of surgical penis enlargement. This type of surgery was highly experimental and the results, when not tragically wrong, were elusive on every level. A man could not walk into a doctors office and say "I have a 4 inch penis and I want a 8 inch penis" this was just not possible. Even by the admission of the surgeons themselves, enlarging the penis, surgically, had less than desired results if any. Forty years later we still see the same ambiguity. In a recent article published by The American Academy of Phalloplasty Surgeons (AAPS), "Phalloplasty still being considered an 'experimental' technique by any surgeon." In addition the same society of surgeons state, " the downside of this procedure is that it can result in two surgical areas (the harvested site and surgical site, unless a foreign graft is used), and sometimes, when the grafts are foreign material (such as AlloDerm¨), there is a good chance of tissue rejectionÑin those rare instances this leaves the penis infected, and sometimes permanently deformed." Scary, huh? Well, I am not here to scare you nor is this article about the failure of surgical penis enlargement. It is only the facts that surround a growing trend in penis enlargement.

In some ways, the lack of surgical penis enlargement, is a blessing for the men who are unsatisfied with their size and find natural penis enlargement as an alternative method. I state this because most men who seek out a larger penis will never consider natural penis enlargement as an option. Leaving the one, sure method of enlargement, reserved for the few that find and believe in it's reality.

In a sense, the ignorance of the years pre-1960's and 70's left those, who wanted a larger penis, in a position to accept their size. In their mind, nothing could be done. Also, in those times there was no internet, no one "really" knew what average, large or small penis size was. There was much merit to the phrase 'ignorance is bliss.' The biggest penis men saw was that of John Holmes and Long John SIlver (who had a average size penis but wore a prosthesis on film). There was little knowledge of penis size and male sexuality was more based on personality, physical traits and the ability to attract a female. Size was never an issue.

As time progressed things started to change. There was a market open and surgeons with a keen business mind found this niche. Penis enlargement, surgically, could be done but the results were never stated in a definite manner. The side effects, by all reputable doctors, were horrific and the promised results were something like winning Megabucks. Male penis size had become big business with no definitive results. Those who are 30 and over may remember adds in the back of comic books that sold X-Ray Glasses...I wanted them so badly. They gave hope that seeing through clothing was "possible." What the fuck did that mean? Well, the word ambiguity never had so much precedence. Just as many boys had hope of seeing through female clothing, penis enlargement gave a hope of similar elusive results.

Strange, but today there is no more security in surgical penis enlargement as there was 30 years ago. Men pay $5000.00 plus and hope that the gamble of enlargement outweighs that of infection and possible total loss of function. So many things have changed over the past few decades. X-Ray glasses DO NOT WORK, penis pumps endorsed by John Holmes will not give you his penis, buying the Atlas muscle program will not give you his body. In the 2k world much has been proven not to work but somehow surgical penis enlargement falls short of these myth busting realities.

Having a massive penis is not as easy as giving a doctor money and waking up 3 hours later with a double digit dick...it probably never will in our lifetime. The only real way of making gains on the level men truly want is through manual penis enlargement. I understand, taking a pill, paying a surgeon or any other 'easy way out' sounds so attractive but in most cases in life, if it sounds to good to be true, it is.

I have been an advocate of natural penis enlargement for years. I have explored every possible avenue in male enhancement and I have only found one way to make my penis larger...natural penis enlargement. I could say "JOIN MY SITE", "GIVE ME YOUR MONEY AND YOU WILL HAVE WHAT I HAVE" but this is simply dishonest. Penis enlargement is hard. It requires a certain type of person with a work ethic worthy of the effort that proceeds the desire to make ones penis larger. There is no easy way to get a larger penis, if there were it would be as popular as breast enlargement and every man with a healthy checkbook would have a 12" penis but this is not the case.

I beg of you who are listening, research your options, read EVERYTHING available on the subject, weight your desire to work ethic, be open minded, damn I could go on forever but if you want a bigger penis go and get it. You have always been able to and it has never costed a dime. I gained more than 4" in natural penis enlargement and I am a lazy ass 40 year old...if I could do it, so can you. If you are rich, join my paysite, the $50 will go to very good use. If you can't afford this, come to my free forum and learn the methods for free. Information is available. The internet not only exposed men to the true penis size, it also gave directions to go beyond it.

thanks for the read DLD, real wisdom here folks, i sugest u read it all and 50$ isnt allot for all the brilliant info you get in return. one of the best choices i made in my life was joining the membersite.


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