Erection length vs Stretched flaccid length

Weird that ain’t it? I’ve noticed the same thing to be honest mate and I guess it’s down to fatigue or something but honestly I’m not too sure. Would be interested to know.
This is the result of the different tissues targeted. By hanging you are only stretching and fatiguing ligaments and septum. Not the Corpus spongiosium or any of the erectile tissues. Therefore an erection after hanging will be of perfect quality, perhaps better due to the extra expansion allowed by stretched ligaments and septum.

on the other hand, depending on the type of LM stretches you are compromising erectile tissue in the exercise. When they get fatigued, of course the erection quality will be less while flaccid length will be benefited.

Both are good and have a place in a routine depending on your level of progress. In my case for example after so many years of PE, my Septum is my limit and is not enlarging anymore. If I do exercises that stimulate growth of erectile tissue, I will only be adding more girth and pronunciation the curve, because the septum remains the same length so the tissue has only one way to go. Either grow sideways in girth and/or bend with a curve.
If I hang weights I get better erection quality and an it of a longer erection. But when I do LM stretches I have less erection quality, I don’t feel as big, but my stretched flaccid length is longer. Which one is better? I’m confused...

One is called fatigue and the other is called good EQ. We become fatigued when we train too hard, so using your LM and stretching while fatigued will bring you a much greater temporary measurement in length as the Pelvic floor muscles are too weak to hold back the stretch. Take a day off and your EQ will return.
This is the result of the different tissues targeted. By hanging you are only stretching and fatiguing ligaments and septum. Not the Corpus spongiosium or any of the erectile tissues. Therefore an erection after hanging will be of perfect quality, perhaps better due to the extra expansion allowed by stretched ligaments and septum.

on the other hand, depending on the type of LM stretches you are compromising erectile tissue in the exercise. When they get fatigued, of course the erection quality will be less while flaccid length will be benefited.

Both are good and have a place in a routine depending on your level of progress. In my case for example after so many years of PE, my Septum is my limit and is not enlarging anymore. If I do exercises that stimulate growth of erectile tissue, I will only be adding more girth and pronunciation the curve, because the septum remains the same length so the tissue has only one way to go. Either grow sideways in girth and/or bend with a curve.
So which ones better for me? Lol
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So which ones better for me? Lol

Both of course. Its just like bodybuilding. You dont do 20 sets of the same exercise for one muscle. Instead, you do 5 different exercises 4 sets each for the same muscle to target it from multiple angles.

This phenomenon by the way was known back in the day as the TGC theory. Im not sure if thats still alive though.
how come when i hang my flaccid hang is much better and fuller, and when I use LM stretches, Im not hanging flaccid?
how come when i hang my flaccid hang is much better and fuller, and when I use LM stretches, Im not hanging flaccid?

LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging Stretching causes much more fatigue than hanging so you will turtle after the LM more than after hanging. But in both situations healing techniques should be implemented. An ADS using moderate to light setting for as many hours possible is the best healing possible. From there you have different options from the VLC to a simple sleeve.
One is called fatigue and the other is called good EQ. We become fatigued when we train too hard, so using your LM and stretching while fatigued will bring you a much greater temporary measurement in length as the Pelvic floor muscles are too weak to hold back the stretch. Take a day off and your EQ will return.

I have experienced this weak erection issue when I resumed training. Four 20mins set is too much. Three 20mins set is the highest amount of time that one should use the LengthMaster to do bundled stretches. As I'm resuming now, I will go back to how I was doing it before in 2020 by doing three 20mins set only.

I also noticed that, 40mins of expressive stretching is over kill so now, I will do the expressive stretching for only 20mins.
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I have experienced this weak erection issue when I resumed training. Four 20mins set is too much. Three 20mins set is the highest amount of time that one should use the LengthMaster to do bundled stretches. As I'm resuming now, I will go back to how I was doing it before in 2020 by doing three 20mins set only.

I also noticed that, 40mins of expressive stretching is over kill so now, I will do the expressive stretching for only 20mins.
Always got to fine tune
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