
Jul 11, 2014
Heard it was all the rage within the �naked people movies� industry. Can't find the name of it anywhere. It's a just topical cream/gel that you apply for an easy to maintain erection. I know there is vitaros available in Europe but there's got to be an American version. Anyone know what it is and where to get it?
I think we call it kegels here in MOS... LMAO

I dont know why you want supplements for something you can cure without using them, but if you are looking for it so much I would suggest google-ing it :).
Never heard of one that actually worked. Where did you read it was all the rage?
It's not an erectile dysfunction issue per say. I'm a webcam model and it's way easier to get it up, down, up, down, up with a little help. Right now I've been happy with generic cialis but I'd love to find this cream. I'll be trying to find that article. Maybe I'm mistaken and the industry is just importing Vitaros from the UK ?
Ketosis. Eat an organic egg whenever you want an erection. The shit works. That diet sends your sex drive through the roof.
doublelongdaddy;593106 said:
Looks sketchy to me but I guess for $5 it is worth a try.

this looked sketchy at the time but look what became because of it!!! coincidentally that plane cost $5 to make lol

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i will guarantee eating and organic egg won't work for you anywhere close to the way a pharmaceutical drug or cream could to produce erections while performing. ketosis though if you did decide to learn the ton of information out there about so you could do it safely and feel good while doing could definitely benefit in all aspects of life. or you might hate it b/c not all ways of living or eating work for everyone.
youknowme123321;593154 said:
i will guarantee eating and organic egg won't work for you anywhere close to the way a pharmaceutical drug or cream could to produce erections while performing. ketosis though if you did decide to learn the ton of information out there about so you could do it safely and feel good while doing could definitely benefit in all aspects of life. or you might hate it b/c not all ways of living or eating work for everyone.

The magic only happens when you're in ketosis. Just like how Yohimbe really only works best when you're in keto.
Tahir Aqbar;593155 said:
The magic only happens when you're in ketosis. Just like how Yohimbe really only works best when you're in keto.

agreed. now you may have to sell ketosis meal plans. and ketosis blood monitors...big money to be made!! woop woop
Tahir Aqbar;593130 said:
Ketosis. Eat an organic egg whenever you want an erection. The shit works. That diet sends your sex drive through the roof.

Really? Ketosis does that??? What is your experience? :), sounds interesting.
Zambrodom3;593450 said:
Really? Ketosis does that??? What is your experience? :), sounds interesting.

It basically is a state where the body uses fat to produce energy rather than run on carbs like most people on earth do. it is a low carb diet that requires healthy fats in their place. Here are a couple simple and good articles. the first has a diet to follow. the 2nd is a bit more informational


youknowme123321;593462 said:
It basically is a state where the body uses fat to produce energy rather than run on carbs like most people on earth do. it is a low carb diet that requires healthy fats in their place. Here are a couple simple and good articles. the first has a diet to follow. the 2nd is a bit more informational



Wow, any diet that is based on fat is my kind of diet:)
As the OP, I'm royally decreeing that this thread can be about ketosis discussion as well as boner creams.

That said....once I gain some weight the wide and I were were looking at this diet:

sounds similar to ketosis (not that I know a helluva lot about either)
Jamrockin;593511 said:
As the OP, I'm royally decreeing that this thread can be about ketosis discussion as well as boner creams.

That said....once I gain some weight the wide and I were were looking at this diet:

sounds similar to ketosis (not that I know a helluva lot about either)

hahaha! well the ketosis talk is related to better erections.
Zambrodom3;593450 said:
Really? Ketosis does that??? What is your experience? :), sounds interesting.

Yep. It does. When you enter ketosis your body switches from utilizing the glucose hormone for energy and instead produces its own hormone called keytone. There are a lot of hormonal shifts that take place. Since your macros are 40% protein, 60% fat, you consume so much chloresteral and other hormone precursors that your test levels, adrenal levels, androgen levels (basically all the sex hormones rise). The downside is that your growth hormone levels can decrease (this may be the opposite at a certain age because ketosis has shown to reduce the aging process).

I use ketosis to maintain my carb sensitivity when I deload in my lifting routine. I also use it as a dietary "reset" if I have any digestive problems. Then I re-introduce carbs to eliminate which fuck my digestion and which enhance it. Because I've done this a few times I now have very constant stool.

I did ketosis a few times with my ex and every time we did it, both our sex drives increased, especially hers. It was basically the only time she had as powerful a sex drive as me and she was able to stay wet for a much longer time. And yes, every time I ate eggs, I got an erection very soon after I started digesting them.
Tahir Aqbar;593577 said:
Yep. It does. When you enter ketosis your body switches from utilizing the glucose hormone for energy and instead produces its own hormone called keytone. There are a lot of hormonal shifts that take place. Since your macros are 40% protein, 60% fat, you consume so much chloresteral and other hormone precursors that your test levels, adrenal levels, androgen levels (basically all the sex hormones rise). The downside is that your growth hormone levels can decrease (this may be the opposite at a certain age because ketosis has shown to reduce the aging process).

I use ketosis to maintain my carb sensitivity when I deload in my lifting routine. I also use it as a dietary "reset" if I have any digestive problems. Then I re-introduce carbs to eliminate which fuck my digestion and which enhance it. Because I've done this a few times I now have very constant stool.

I did ketosis a few times with my ex and every time we did it, both our sex drives increased, especially hers. It was basically the only time she had as powerful a sex drive as me and she was able to stay wet for a much longer time. And yes, every time I ate eggs, I got an erection very soon after I started digesting them.

That was an amazing post! Thank you for being so informative :)
Tahir Aqbar;593577 said:
Yep. It does. When you enter ketosis your body switches from utilizing the glucose hormone for energy and instead produces its own hormone called keytone. There are a lot of hormonal shifts that take place. Since your macros are 40% protein, 60% fat, you consume so much chloresteral and other hormone precursors that your test levels, adrenal levels, androgen levels (basically all the sex hormones rise). The downside is that your growth hormone levels can decrease (this may be the opposite at a certain age because ketosis has shown to reduce the aging process).

I use ketosis to maintain my carb sensitivity when I deload in my lifting routine. I also use it as a dietary "reset" if I have any digestive problems. Then I re-introduce carbs to eliminate which fuck my digestion and which enhance it. Because I've done this a few times I now have very constant stool.

I did ketosis a few times with my ex and every time we did it, both our sex drives increased, especially hers. It was basically the only time she had as powerful a sex drive as me and she was able to stay wet for a much longer time. And yes, every time I ate eggs, I got an erection very soon after I started digesting them.

so how long do you enter ketosis for? I've never heard or read of anyone ahving great results when completely elimination carbs like you said with the 40/60 split. Is it a correct guess that you are still getting in some carbs? you know veggies avocados? Just probably in the 50g to < 100g range? how many days will you do this before before you go over 100g or whatever you carb # is? how long would your ex do it for? I know women don't do as well for extended periods of time in ketosis.
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