Jun 3, 2003
I have read a ton of studies on Priapism (prolonged erections) I started to think about self imposed erections for a long amount of time. Perhaps taking viagra and keeping stimulation going for a few hours. Maybe even a clamp to hold the erection longer would be in order. There just seems to be a massive correlation between Priapism and penis size, particularly in Black males who have this problem due to sickle cell disease.

Priapism Background
Priapism is a potentially serious problem for young men with sickle cell disease. The condition is believed to result from impaired blood egress from the corpus spongiosum of the penis, leading to prolonged erections (Fowler Jr et al., 1991). The affliction often occurs in association with spontaneous nocturnal erections. Episodes of priapism can last from several hours to several days. One group of investigators reported a ninety percent actuarial probability of at least one episode of priapism by age twenty-one years (Mantadakis, et al., 1999).
Stuttering priapism is common. Here, the (typically) young man develops erections lasting one to two hours, initially, that resolve spontaneously. The condition then progresses to a point where the erections are quite prolonged and painful. Priapism lasting more than three or four hours is a medical emergency since it can produce impotence (Mykulak and Glassberg, 1990) (Emond et al., 1980).

I am not saying go out and get a disease or even be obsessive in your pursuit to mimic this disorder. I do think there is a lot of potential here for exploration. I would like to try this for 3 hours a day, every day for a set amount of time. I will also include exercise while in this state. I realize it will take a lot of mental concentration and maybe even a boost of medicine but the implications could be huge.

I will try to put together a routine and game plan on seeing if this is a fruitful form of pe. According to many of the studies on Priapism the main side effect, other than serious medical complications when this state of Priapism is too long (more than 4 hours) is a enlarged phallus. With exercise included and if I am able to stay erect for a long period we may see some breakthroughs in size, perhaps very quick ones.

With anything there needs to be a testing period and see if this is even possible. It would be a serious mental game but it may be worth it.

Just some thoughts, I usually post these on the BLOG but I wanted to get some feedback from the forum.
what is an enlarged phallus that results?

and i had an erection last almost 2 hours last night when i was laying in bed, like an hour after masterbation. I couldn't sleep cause i had takin some aspirin and the caffiene in it kept me up and maybe did something with the erection cause my tolerance to caffiene is low. it just wouldn't go away so i beat off again of course and it still wouldn't go away, it did start to hurt, it was odd. I started to use a piece of ice for 10 min to get it down. But when it did go away my flacid was huge and still was today. Weird.

I think it's very possible that enlargement can happen through frequent erections. IMO, it really depends on how conditioned the penis is. A lightly conditioned penis would obtain a lot more exercise through lots of erections, while a highly condition penis (such as yours), probably wouldn't get a lot of exercise out of 100 erections a day!

I look at it like this:
A 3 mile run for me or you might be killer exercise, but it's kiddy stuff for the boys of Kenya.

With that said, I believe anything that exercises the smooth muscle in the penis is exercise, and erections are the most elementary ways to do this. This is how I think ballooning works.
doublelongdaddy said:
WOW, that was a read, excellent stuff, thanks sikdogg! We need to keep this alive and see what we can find.
I actually have just about everything i need to start my chemical Penis Enlargement routine... it's amazing how an erection lasting several hours even without any manual pe exercizes makes your dick feel like it just went thru a super intense girth workout. It even feel sore after...
remek said:

I think it's very possible that enlargement can happen through frequent erections. IMO, it really depends on how conditioned the penis is. A lightly conditioned penis would obtain a lot more exercise through lots of erections, while a highly condition penis (such as yours), probably wouldn't get a lot of exercise out of 100 erections a day!

I look at it like this:
A 3 mile run for me or you might be killer exercise, but it's kiddy stuff for the boys of Kenya.

With that said, I believe anything that exercises the smooth muscle in the penis is exercise, and erections are the most elementary ways to do this. This is how I think ballooning works.
Enlargement occurring from frequent erections is due to the cumalative time the penis was erect and not from the number of times it was erect. Regardless of how conditioned one's penis is... a 3-4 hour erection will thoroughly work and exhaust/fatigue the tunica causing expansion. This is how magalophallus occurs from priapism. What's interesting about this is that the tunica is actually expanded in all direction so not only does the penis get thicker, but it gets longer as well...
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sikdogg said:
Enlargement occurring from frequent erections is due to the cumalative time the penis was erect and not from the number of times it was erect. Regardless of how conditioned one's penis is... a 3-4 hour erection will thoroughly work and exhaust and fatigue the tunica causing expansion. This is how magalophallus occurs from priapism. What's interesting about this is that the tunica is actually expanded in all direction so not only does the penis get thicker, but it gets longer as well...

Just blew tonights chance:s Damn BangBros!
sikdogg said:
Enlargement occurring from frequent erections is due to the cumalative time the penis was erect and not from the number of times it was erect. Regardless of how conditioned one's penis is... a 3-4 hour erection will thoroughly work and exhaust/fatigue the tunica causing expansion.

I'm sorrry for the confusion. I didn't mean to mark a difference between number of erections and total erection time. Either way, both can surely bring about a type of exercise.

But to say that a conditioned penis (such as DLD's or Bib's) will experience the same workout as a non conditioned penis (such as a newbies) through prolonged erections doesn't hold any logic. I'm thinking about this on the tissue level. Penis enlargement, IMO, is a variable process that takes into account many factors (such as enlarging the smooth muscle within the CC's, and then the tunica).

The penis undergoes exercise during erection. This exercise is similar to pumping iron. What I'm trying to say is that a man that works out all the time (i.e. Ronny Coleman) will have a hell of a hard time getting the same "work out" that I do from using a lot less weight. Why? His muscles are conditioned over years of vigerous exercising, while mine aren't. He is a body builder; I'm not. Accordingly, the tissues in our penises are probably much more conditioned than a newbies.

skidogg said:
This is how magalophallus occurs from priapism. What's interesting about this is that the tunica is actually expanded in all direction so not only does the penis get thicker, but it gets longer as well...

Very true :) The penis does expand in all directions. As DLD notes on his main page: This expansion happens everytime we get an erection.

From what I read, they really don't know how a megalophallus occurs, they have theories, but these guesses are no better than mine, or yours.
Bro if you've ever experienced what a 4-hour erection feels like then you would know what i'm talking about... I've been into Penis Enlargement for years now and the feling i got after a 4-hour erection is on par with the most intense workout i've ever had. If you've ever read some of my past threads on my routines, they aren't newbie workouts. I speak from experience...

Fact is that the tissues in the CC are very expandable and are capable of expanding way beyond what you normally see, it is the tunica that contains and limits the CC's ability to expand. Our Penis Enlargement routines force the tunica to expand beyond what it is normally capable of... that is how we experience 99% of our girth gains. This is true regardless of how conditioned one's penis is...

We may not know the exact mechanisms of how megalophallus occurs, but we can see what actions cause it and can even reproduce it. In fact, we as a community prove it everyday by making gains in girth by forcing our penis' to expand beyond what it once did. Priapism just takes what we do to an extreme. That is more than just theory... and to be honest, the exact mechanism is irrevelent as long as we can reproduce it.
Prolonged engorgement can result in cell death. I wouldn't recommend it :|
I think this is the way to go!I already do something of sorts, but on a low scale!I tend to do my major stretching/girth work before bed, then I pop a couple natural herbal aphrodisiacs before sleep.I have very intense erections throughout the night now!A few times they were a little painful!I have already experienced some gains from them(roughly 1/2 of an inch in length).As for my Penis Enlargement exercises, they have been scaled down some what, so I can truthfully say that the gains most likely came from more frequent erections during sleep.Also I stayed away from herbs that cause insomnia(yohimbe,ginkgo etc.,)
skirmish said:
Prolonged engorgement can result in cell death. I wouldn't recommend it :|

Tissue death, according to the studies I have read, starts to set in at around 8 hours. With 3-4 hour cycles, if you really want to spend that much time, would not be dangerous as long as you gave yourself a break between sets.
So basically getting an erection, clamping it and maintaining it for a minimum period of 4 hours is the main point of view of priaprism ?? ?:(

Sounds pretty kewl, yet very very hardcore. hopefully give it a try after 4 years in the P.E business LMAO
Sikdogg when do you plan on starting a routine?

Are you going to use anything else besides trimix and potaba?
kolimuddin said:
So basically getting an erection, clamping it and maintaining it for a minimum period of 4 hours is the main point of view of priaprism ?? ?:(
It's not that easy... there are two types of priapism, ischemic and non-ischemic. Ischemic priapism is the more common form and can/will cause tissue death (ischemia) amoung other things due to lack of blood flow. Non-ischemic is the type that Sickle-cell Anemia produces. Because there is constant bloodflow to the penile tissue, so there is no tissue death. The Penis Enlargement Patent document advocates extended erections lasting up to 4 hours but to be safe, they suggest that you keep erection levels below 90% to ensure sufficient blood flow.

Clamping for extened periods of time can be very dangerous because you are cutting off all blood flow. You are in effect creating an ischemic priapism. That is not what you want. To Red's credit, clamping exposed us to extended erections which creates the environment for making great gains. It just has to be tempered to minimize ischemia.
dogsdoodahs said:
Sikdogg when do you plan on starting a routine?

Are you going to use anything else besides trimix and potaba?
I had alot of trouble getting DHT gel so i just bought some DHT powder and will make my own transdermal. I planned on starting this week but i'm on-call at work so it will have to wait 'til next week.
Trimix is a mixture of two vasodilators and a prostaglandin. I can tell you, increasing arachidonic acid consumption (egg yolk and red meat, especially) will dramatically boost natural levels of prostaglandin E-1. Since eating a dozen eggs and a pound of steak daily, I get erections randomly, frequently, harder, and they get to 100% much faster than normal. This might be an option you'd want to consider over a penis injection of trimix. If a dozen eggs and a pound of steak don't sound appealing to you, maybe just pop a V? I'm not saying trimix is a bad idea, just offering a less invasive option for you, but if you are willing to be a guinea pig, then that's awesome, let us know how it turns out.

Potaba is just a potassium salt of para-aminobenzoic acid...yep, simple PABA that many multi-vitamins and all B-Complex tablets contain. Drug companies make salts out of natural compounds so that they can patent them, even if they offer no different effects...just FYI. Not only that, but unless you have peyronies or are very concerned about developing scar tissues, why would you add this to your chemical repertoire? PABA is inti-inflammatory, which will counter a good amount of the prostaglandin E-1's effects. If you want to add Potaba to your regimine, may I suggest Bi-mix instead of trimi(angry)same as tri-mix without the PG E-1)? The PG E-1 and the Potaba have conflicting actions...

I have heard stories of men gaining from DHT cream without even doing penis exercises, and I have also heard stories that some men gained nothing off of DHT cream, even with exercises. Most articles about DHT claim that it is the androgen responsible for penis growth, however more recent findings show that it is testosterone that is responsible for penis growth, and DHT is only responsible for penis growth in the fetus.

Personally, I think it's all wrong, and from what I've read and put together, IGF-1 is the major penis growth hormone. The reason high testosterone or DHT levels can trigger penis growth is because testosterone and/or DHT are needed to synthesize IGF-1 in the liver, along with growth hormone, insulin, thyroxine, small amounts of estrogen, and other growth factors.

One thing that IS certain though, is that DHT cream WILL worsen an existing prostate enlargement, and can potentially cause problems even if you are 100% fine before use. This warning isn't one of those ass-covering warning thrown in by drug companies, it is a VERY common occurance that prostate enlargement and cancer are caused by high levels of DHT. I'm not discouraging you throwning DHT in the mix, but I am just saying I wouldn't be the guinea pig unless it promised big gains.
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